Sponsors/Template Page

Partner Sponsor Template Page

Introductory blurb about company, partnership/relationship with iGEM, and available offers.

As a Partner Sponsor you get a webpage within the 2021 Competition Website to share details about your company/organization, the offers that you have for teams, and any resources that you wish to share with teams throughout the iGEM 2021 season. iGEM emails and social media will always direct to this Partner Sponsor Page, so you should make all details of your offers and resources available on the page. You are of course welcome to use links to external pages to direct teams to more details on your website.

Partner special offers or grant opportunities

Provide details here about your partner offer/s.

Dates and deadlines should be advertised clearly on your Sponsor Page. Since our community is international, we request that you set a specific closing time for dates and deadlines. As a guide, iGEM Competition deadlines are typically at 23:59PM EDT, at the end of the stipulated day.

Call to Action

Provide relevant details about applications or ordering, and deadlines


You can add your resources or examples of past success for teams here. For example:


Here is a guide for editing your page using HTML. This guide is under active development throughout the year.

You can also send your content and proposed layout directly to us, and we can update your Partner Sponsor page for you.


If you would like access to edit your sponsor page directly, please do the following:

  1. Create a user account on igem.org - https://igem.org/Account_Apply
  2. Log in to the 2021 webspace: https://2021.igem.org/Main_Page
  3. Email your username to sponsor [AT] igem [DOT] org to request access

If you already have an iGEM username, please start at Step 2 – you still need to log into 2021 before we can grant you access, even if you have edited iGEM pages before.


If you have questions about your sponsor page, you can email sponsor [AT] igem [DOT] org.

SPONSOR is a Partner Sponsor of the 2021 iGEM Competition

As a non-profit organization, we count on the support of our partners and sponsors to help us continue to provide this unique and valuable experience to students worldwide. Learn more about Sponsorship at iGEM.