Title and Abstract
Your Title and Abstract are the first items your judges will see when they begin the judging process in October. As a result, these items should be accurate and honestly represent the work your team completed by October 9, 2021.
The title and abstract will also be included in the Jamboree program booklet, which will be published online and handed out at the Giant Jamboree. The program will include all team projects and abstracts and will be a way to communicate what each team's project is about.
Title and Abstract Freeze
Deadline: October 9 at 11:59PM EDT
Each team is expected to submit a title and abstract for their project. The title and abstract should accurately reflect the work you completed in your team project and the abstract should provide a brief summary of your project.
Project titles and abstracts must be submitted by the freeze date to ensure they appear in the program booklet! No extensions will be provided as this is a Freeze Date. Please plan accordingly.
Each team should provide ONE project title of up to 15 words and ONE project abstract of up to 150 words. These should accurately reflect the team project and should summarize the work done in a clear, concise paragraph.
How to submit your project abstract and title
- Log in to iGEM.org
- Select your team from the Team List
- Under the "Title and Abstract" section, click on "Edit" above the gray box
- Enter your project title and abstract
- Please avoid using html tags ( <i> or <b> ) and any special characters
Questions can be emailed to hq AT igem DOT org.
iGEM Foundation
The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of synthetic biology, education and competition, and the development of an open community and collaboration. Visit us at igem.org
hq AT igem DOT org
45 Prospect Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Due to COVID-19, iGEM staff are working remotely and cannot receive phone calls.
Please contact us by email.