Human Practices Committee
On this page you will find information on: contacting the committee, the committee, and the committee alumni.
The Human Practices Committee is now recruiting new members for 2021!
As part of the Human Practices Committee, you can help craft the tools and conversation surrounding ethical research and engineering in synbio! If you have questions, please email us at humanpractices AT igem DOT org or check out our Recruitment page. Please forward this form to anyone you think should apply!
Please apply by February 10.
Contact the Committee
We know it’s not always easy to navigate the human practices issues that emerge as you’re working on your iGEM project. The Human Practices Committee is here to help!
Contact the committee via email at: humanpractices [AT] igem [DOT] org
You can ask us questions like:
- Does a particular aspect of my team’s project count more as public engagement or as integrated human practices?
- Can you recommend any points of contact to ask about synthetic biology policy in my country?
- What is the iGEM protocol around conducting interviews with stakeholders?
We’re happy to clarify medal criteria, help you to plan engagement with people outside of your team, and otherwise assist with your human practices work. You might also want to read through the FAQ on the What Is Human Practices? Page.
Human Practices Committee
The HP committee members are volunteer advisors and contributors to iGEM’s evolving efforts to ensure synthetic biology advances in ways that are responsible and good for the world. The policies and decisions of iGEM relating to Human Practices do not necessarily reflect the opinions of individual committee members.
Megan Palmer
Director of Human Practices
Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University ⇗
Todd Kuiken
Senior Research Scholar ⇗, Genetic Engineering & Society Center, North Carolina State University ⇗
Sam Weiss Evans
Lecturer, John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University ⇗
Joy Zhang
Associate Professor in Sociology, SSPSSR, University of Kent ⇗
Matthew Sample
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal ⇗
Tessa Alexanian
Automation Engineer, Zymergen ⇗
Marguerite Benony
Ph.D Student in Design and Anthropology, Université Paris-Diderot, Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire, Paris ⇗
Hassnain Qasim Bokhari
Coordinator After iGEM, co-Editor-in-Chief iGEM Digest ⇗
Swati Carr
Digital Education Analyst, Extension Engine; PhD in synbio ⇗
Kevin Chen
CEO, Hyasynth Bio; Director, Bricobio & Helios Makerspace ⇗
JC Gray
Cofounder, Diatech Diabetic Technologies ⇗
Rahmat A. Kemal
Lecturer, Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau ⇗
Pim Klassen
Assistant professor Science and Technology in Society, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ⇗
Zoë Robaey
Assistant Professor in Ethics of Technology; Philosophy Chairgroup, Wageningen University ⇗
Janet Standeven
Teacher, Lambert High School; Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology, Bhamla Lab ⇗
Dorothy Zhang
After iGEM Coordinator, iGEM Foundation/University of Edinburgh ⇗
Contact us via email at humanpractices [AT] igem [DOT] org for more information!
Traci Haddock-Angelli
Director of the Competition, iGEM Headquarters
Peter Carr
Director of Judging and Responsible Conduct Committee Chair
Piers Millet
Vice President of Safety and Security, iGEM Headquarters
Committee Alumni
- Jane Calvert, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh ⇗
- Genya Dana, Head of Precision Medicine, World Economic Forum ⇗
- Emma Frow, Assistant Professor, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona State University ⇗
- Luz Alba Gallo Herrán, Service and Experience Desginer, Ministry of ICT and Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá-Colombia
- Terry Johnson, Associate Teaching Professor in Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley ⇗
- Ellen Dias Jorgensen, Cofounder & Chief Science Officer, Aanika Biosciences; Founder & Board Member, Biotech without Borders ⇗
- Linda Kahl, Senior Counsel and Director of Ownership, Sharing and Innovation, The BioBricks Foundation ⇗
- David Lloyd, CEO, FREDsense Technologies ⇗
- Kenneth Oye, Professor of Political Science and Data Systems and Society and Director of the Program on Emerging Technologies (PoET), MIT ⇗
- Larisa Rudenko, Reasearch Affiliate, Program on Emerging Technologies (PoET), MIT ⇗
- Tim Trevan, Co-Founder, Chrome Biorisk Management Consulting ⇗
- Pieter van Boheemen, Researcher, Rathenau Instituut ⇗
- Amy Weissenbach, Masters Student, History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine, University of Cambridge ⇗