Team:Greece United/Education


Once our team was formed with members from diverse scientific fields, we faced a real (and surprising) problem: to establish a common understanding of synthetic biology amongst all team members. Some long discussions later, we ended up with a short and funny video on the definition of Synthetic Biology.

This initial educational video was indeed our team’s very first tangible outcome!

Via the process of creating this first educational item and the final item itself, we managed to explain synthetic biology to our friends and family and secure their support to embark into the iGEM endeavor. We also used it to explain the field of our efforts to initial sponsors and supporters.

The fulfilment of achieving so much with such a simple educational item was disproportionally huge!!! And this was a unanimous silent decision amongst all team members to embark into the educational experience and make it a vital part of our project to design and deliver interactive and participatory educational tools on synthetic biology and activities to diverse audiences.

The following paragraphs present a synopsis of the various educational tools and activities we designed and delivered, loosely using Bloom’s taxonomy* to describe each contribution, for example to identify the level of learning (levels include: knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis) and formulate learning outcomes (levels include: recall, examine, apply, analyze, evaluate, create).

Our contribution is along three pillars

 a)  novel educational material and tools

 b)  education and communication activities for the general public and special societal groups

 c)  structured educational events for high school students

In total, our contribution to education covers novel material and events designed for and delivered for audiences in all levels of education, spanning from kindergarten to higher and lifelong continuing education.

Note that since the distinction between education and communication is not always easy, some of the activities and material may be included in both wiki pages.

* Bloom, B. S.; Engelhart, M. D.; Furst, E. J.; Hill, W. H.; Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York: David McKay Company

Educational Tools & Materials

Where it all began! Synthetic biology in 3:50 minutes

Objective To explain the concept of synthetic biology
Type Video, with graphics, voice and subtitles to allow inclusivity
Language English
Level of learning Comprehension
Level of audience All ages, preferably high school and older audiences
Prerequisites Basic biology terminology
Learning outcomes Upon completion, the person will be able to:
  - explain what is synthetic biology and what it is not
  - identify the relationship of synthetic biology to other fields of science
  - list the main objectives of synthetic biology
  - name some example outcomes of synthetic biology
Two-way dialogue The video was developed via interactions within our multidisciplinary team. Hence, it has been used as a teaser to spark discussions with sponsors, and other audiences.
Impact Total of 347 views on YouTube and a lot more during communication and education sessions held by our team

“The Adventures of Little Aaron” A biology comic book

Objective To introduce to basic human body systems and its basic building blocks
Type Comic book, digital and printed
Language English
Level of learning Knowledge and comprehension
Level of audience Kindergarten and primary schools, but all audiences are welcome
Prerequisites None
Learning outcomes Upon completion, the person will be able to
  - ­ name major body systems and organs
  - ­ identify cells as the body building blocks at a microscopic level
  - ­ discuss the role of DNA in biodiversity
Two-way dialogue This comic book is intended to be used by an educator or parent/guardian for interactive sessions with kids in order to spark discussions on the function of the human body, its cells as building blocks and the role of DNA in biodiversity.
Impact The book is available online for free download. It can also be printed. We have used it in several communication activities for fun. Most importantly, the book was the backbone of our educational activity for 23 unaccompanied refugee kids in the ages 7-10 hosted in the Alexandroupoli shelter. We devised this fun 10-page book to smoothly approach the sensitive audience of unaccompanied refugee children. Apart from introducing to basic biology, we used the adventures of little Aaron to show that it is possible to make your dreams come true and open a dialogue on dreaming big and trying hard.

Synthetic biology online educational games

Objective To build up knowledge on basic biology and synthetic biology concepts via simple educational games
Type A website with a toolbox of three different online educational games
Language English
Level of learning Knowledge
Level of audience Highschool and older
Prerequisites Some familiarization with basic biology concepts
Learning outcomes Upon completion, the person will be able to
  - define basic biology concepts
  - spell out basic biology terminology
Two-way dialogue The interactive word games implemented in this toolbox can be part of collaborative learning activities, thus promoting discussions on biology. In some occasions, we asked adult participants in our communication activities (e.g. HELEXPO and ECECSON exhibitions) to test play with the tool and act as our beta testers. This responsible role was a good excuse for a number of otherwise seemingly busy professionals to engage with a basic biology educational game, have fun and eventually delve into specialized and even philosophical discussions on synthetic biology with our team members. The public and us alike had the chance to participate in exciting debates instigated by a simple ‘hangman’ word game.
Impact The online tool was used in all communication activities, and for fun sessions within our team.

Educational slideshows

Objective To explain introductory concepts in biology, cell biology, genetics, synthetic biology, biological model building, and bioethics
Type Slideshows
Language English
Level of learning Knowledge and comprehension
Level of audience Highschool and undergraduate
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of biology
Learning outcomes Upon completion, the person will be able to
  - ­discuss on basic concepts of biology, cell biology, genetics, synthetic biology, biological model building, and bioethics
  - ­identify basic terminology in the above fields
Two-way dialogue The slideshows are integrated together with the educational games in the Teams Educational Toolkit {link to wiki page} to provide a holistic experience combining passive self-learning and experiential learning. The slideshows were used in several educational events to form a basis for an open dialogue with the audience.
Impact Have been used as instructional material in education and communication activities of the team and also are available for self-learning along with the educational word games.

Educational portal

Objective To provide a holistic educational experience for collaborative learning and teaching in heterogeneous learner groups
Type Integrated web platform that meshes educational tools described above, namely the comic book, digital word games, and instructional slideshows
Language English
Level of learning Knowledge and comprehension
Level of audience Heterogeneous groups including learners from different levels, spanning from kindergarten to highschool and higher education
Prerequisites None
Learning outcomes Upon completion, the person will be able to
  -­­ name major body systems and organs
  - ­­identify cells as the body building blocks at a microscopic level
  - ­discuss the role of DNA in biodiversity
  - ­discuss on basic concepts of biology, cell biology, genetics, synthetic biology, biological model building, and bioethics
  - ­identify and spell basic terminology in the above fields
Two-way dialogue The platform is designed to provide an integrated approach to an introduction to biology concepts. The combination of different educational activities and instructional models creates the perfect environment for parents or educators to learn together with their children while engaging in fun activities. We have used the portal in many of our education and communication activities to spark discussions with the audience and engage them in entertaining educational sessions.
Impact Have been used as instructional material in education and communication activities of the team and also are available for self-learning along with the educational word games.

Osteoarthritis Risk Calculator

Objective Το increase health literacy, boost awareness on health risk factors and support collaborative decision making in health
Type Online osteoarthritis health risk calculator tool
Language English
Level of learning Application and Analysis
Level of audience University, continuing education
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of everyday statistics terminology
Learning outcomes Upon completion, the person will be able to
  -­ will be able to identify major risk factors for osteoarthritis (as dictated by current medical evidence)
  -­ understand personal odds for developing osteoarthritis
  -­ prioritize behavioural and other personal choices to reduce osteoarthritis risk
Two-way dialogue The tool is designed to be used by citizens and also in doctor-patient consultation sessions, in order to initiate discussions on osteoarthritis risk awareness and prevention.
Impact The online OA calculator was released days before the wiki freeze. Impact will be accessed via structured evaluation based on volunteers, using standard instruments on health literacy and patient empowerment assessment, after Ethics Committee approval of the respective research protocol.

Educational Activities

Using the educational materials and tools described above we have designed and implemented education and science communication activities for the general public and for special community groups (see more on communication in the Education and Communication page).

Educational events for general public and special groups

Title Lab On the Street
Date 9 Oct 2021
Audience General Public
Activity Interactive presentations, live discussions, educational games & experiments
Learn more ­ Read more about the event
Title BioGirls
Date 25,26 Sep & 3,4 Oct 2021
Audience Girls ages 10-15
Activity Interactive presentations, live discussions, educational games & experiments
Learn more ­ Read more about the event
Title Fun with Biology
Date 14 Oct 2021
Audience Unacompanied refugee kids 7-10
Activity Online educational experience, exploting the comic book to open discussion on basic biology facts.
Learn more ­ Read more about the event

Also we designed and delivered several structured educational activities for high school students, listed below.

Educational events for high school students

School Hungarian iGEM high school team SZTA_RMG_Szeged
Date 12 October 2021
Audience iGEM high school team
Activity Tutorial on MATLAB and Cell Designer
School Korean iGEM high school team KOREA_HS
Date 4 October 2021
Audience iGEM high school team
Activity Tutorial on MATLAB
School Summer School of the Center for Talented Youth (CTY), Anatolia College, Thessaloniki, Greece, in collaboration with John Hopkins University, USA
Date 13 July 2021
Audience Talented high school students from all over Greece in 4 different CTY classes. Over 50 students aged 12 - 16 years old.
Activity Inspirational presentation of the iGEM competition and discussion on careers in science. Basics of synthetic biology.
School Pierce High School, Athens, Greece
Date 3 June 2021
Audience 2 class units, 15-17 years old
Activity Tutorial on “Viruses and their Impact in Contemporary Biology”. Discussed virus biology and how we can use viruses and bacteria in synthetic biology. In addition, we introduced possible applications in medicine, therapeutics, agriculture and other fields
School National High School Student Conference “Magic of Physics”
Date 29 May 2021
Audience More than 20 high school students
Activity Basics of synthetic biology and a tutorial on iGEM competition
School Scouts group in Alexandroupoli, Greece
Date 10 April 2021
Audience 8 boys and girls, ages 11-14 years old
Activity Basics of synthetic biology including interesting applications. Engagement with the educational games developed by the team.