
Dynamic mathematical model of Sweet Guard

Construction of ODEs Model to Characterize Gene Circuit

To quantitatively analyze the workflow of Sweet Guard, ensure the consistency of the step design, verify the experimental data, predict the product operation and make further improvement of the product, we developed a dynamic mathematical model. This model is mainly constructed by ODE, which is based on the existing data. It simulates the gene circuit of engineered cells that sense blood glucose and blue light, followed by insulin secretion and the main physiological processes associated with it.

We have improved the existing model to make it suitable for our Sweet Guard design. The ODEs model is mainly composed of three modules:

  1. Engineering cells. This module mainly includes the process that glucose enters the engineering cells to change the metabolic state of the cells, which leads to a series of responses and initiates the expression and secretion of insulin after blue light irradiation, and the process of negative feedback inhibition of their insulin expression after the engineering cells sense extracellular insulin.
  2. Capsule. The sodium alginate matrix where the engineering cells are located. This module includes the process of proliferation of engineered cells and the diffusion of substances such as glucose and insulin.
  3. Blood and tissue. It refers to the environment of blood and tissue metabolism throughout the body. This module simulates the dynamic changes of blood glucose in the body and the body's response to insulin.

Figure1. Structure of the mathematical model.

Detailed description

Due to space limitations, the detailed description of the model will be briefly introduced in the selection of modules, instead of explaining every equation. The specific parameters can be downloaded in pdf to view. For detailed information, please refer to the references of our model.

The equations used in ODEs mainly include the chemical master equation, the Hill equation, and the Michaelis equation. The chemical master equation mainly characterizes the mutual transformation between various molecules; the Hill equation is used to characterize the degree of activation of a substance that is concentration-dependent on another substance; the Michaelis equation mainly simulates the instantaneous rate of a certain process with the maximum rate under specific conditions.

Figure2. Engineered cell gene expression process

Cell module

We assume that when glucose enters the engineering cell, the entire circuit starts. The glucose concentration in the capsule is , and it enters the cell at a rate of , where is the total number of engineered cells, and is the rate of glucose uptake by a single cell. The concentration of glucose in a single cell is Gin, and it is metabolically consumed at the rate of to generate intermediate products and (to simplify the equation, we "black-box" the complex sugar metabolism process into two steps: intermediate product generation and generation), depends on and intracellular glucose levels.

Number of cells
Intracellular glucose concentration
Glucose concentration in capsule matrix
Maximum rate of extracellular glucose entry into the cell
Maximum rate of intracellular glucose consumption
Maximum rate of intermediate product consumption
Michaelis-Menten constant of extracellular glucose entry reaction
The Hill Constant of ATP Allosteric Regulation of Glucose Metabolism
Michaelis constant of intracellular glucose metabolism
The Hill coefficient for allosteric regulation of glucose metabolism by ATP
ATP allosterically regulates the ATP consumed by glucose metabolism
Volume of individual engineered cells
Intracellular ATP concentration
Concentration of Glucose Metabolite Intermediate
Rate equation for ATP generation by consuming XG
Hill constant for allosteric regulation of intermediate metabolism by ATP
Hill coefficients for allosteric regulation of intermediate metabolism by ATP
Maximum ATP concentration
Stoichiometric number
Maximum rate of ATP metabolic consumption
Michaelis Constant of the Reaction Process of Depleting ATP
Activated Gal4 Promoter Transcription Factor Concentration
Unactivated Gal4 Promoter Transcription Factor Concentrations
Hill coefficient for activating the Gal4 promoter transcription factor response
Hill constant for activating the Gal4 promoter transcription factor response
Concentration of intracellular VP16 mRNA
Basal transcription rate of VP16 mRNA
The number of VP16 plasmids transferred by each engineered cell
Number of VP16 genes on each VP16 plasmid
Degradation rate of VP16 mRNA


The glucose metabolism intermediate product is the signal to activate the subsequent process, that is, the activation degree of the transcription activator of the Gal4 gene depends on the concentration of the intermediate product . The activated transcription activator transcribes the gene to generate , which is translated into . Engineering cells produce constitutively, and their mRNA and protein concentrations are set to and , respectively. itself is unactivated, and the radiation of blue light can quickly transform it into of another configuration before it can reversibly bind with to become the transcription factor of the insulin gene. The of active configuration will be converted to the original inactive configuration by hydrolysis. transcribes .

Intracellular VP16 Concentration
Translation rate of VP16 mRNA
VP16 Degradation Rate
Rate of spontaneous conversion of VP16 to the active form in the absence of blue light irradiation
Rate of hydrolysis of the active form of VP16 back to the inactive form
Concentration of intracellular active VP16
The rate at which VP16 changes to the active form upon blue light irradiation, taken as 0 when not irradiated
Rate of spontaneous conversion of VP16 to the active form in the absence of blue light irradiation
Degradation rate of active VP16
Rate of transcription factor hydrolysis back to Gal4 with active VP16
Intracellular transcription factor concentration
Concentration of intracellular Gal4 mRNA
Basal transcription rate of Gal4 mRNA
Number of transferred Gal4 plasmids per engineered cell
Number of Gal4 genes on each Gal4 plasmid
Gal4 promoter basal expression fold
Hill coefficient of product regulated promoter
Hill Reaction Constants of Product Regulated Promoters
Degradation rate of Gal4 mRNA
Concentration of intracellular miRs
Primary binding constant of miRNA to Gal4 mRNA
Concentration of Gal4 mRNA bound once to miRNA
Hydrolysis constant of primary bound mRNA
Intracellular Gal4 Concentration
Translation rate of Gal4 mRNA
Gal4 degradation rate
Rate of Gal4 binding to active VP16
Concentration of intracellular insulin mRNA
Basal transcription rate of insulin mRNA
Number of transferred insulin plasmids per engineered cell
Number of genes on each insulin gene plasmid
Basal expression fold of insulin promoter
Insulin transcription factor concentration
Hill coefficient of insulin transcription factor regulated promoter
Hill Reaction Constants of Promoters Regulated by Insulin Transcription Factors
Degradation rate of insulin mRNA
The concentration of insulin in the engineered cell fraction
Translation rate of insulin mRNA
Insulin degradation rate


There are insulin receptors on the surface of engineering cells, the concentration of which is set to , the insulin in the matrix (see Capsule module for details) can activate the receptors, and the receptor-ligand complex will also be hydrolyzed into individual receptors and ligands. For the sake of simplicity, here we also "black-box" the signal transduction process of the insulin receptor. After the insulin receptor-ligand complex is internalized, it acts as a signal molecule to catalyze the activation of the constitutively expressed transcription factor.

Intracellular insulin receptor concentration
Basal expression rate of insulin receptor
Number of insulin receptor plasmids transferred by each engineered cell
Number of genes on each insulin receptor gene plasmid
Degradation rate of insulin receptor
Degradation rate of activated insulin receptor
Rate of hydrolysis of activated insulin receptor back to ligand and receptor


The activated transcribes . can reversibly bind to Gal4 mRNA, and because the latter has four miR-Targets, one can bind up to 4 . The bound with is easily degraded, and the rate of this reaction increases with the number of rising.

Figure3. Schematic representation of binding of Gal4 mRNA and miRNA

Insulin receptor concentration internalized by engineered cells
Rate of insulin receptor internalization
Rate of degradation of internalized insulin receptor
Concentration of miR promoter transcription factors in engineered cells
Basal expression rate of miR promoter transcription factors
Number of miR promoter transcription factor plasmids transferred per engineered cell
Number of genes on each miR promoter transcription factor plasmid
Degradation rate of miR promoter transcription factors
Basal enzymatic reaction rate at which miR promoter transcription factors are catalytically activated
Michaelis constant for the catalytic activation of miR promoter transcription factors
Degradation rate of activated miR promoter transcription factors
MiR basal transcription rate
Number of miR plasmids transferred per engineered cell
Number of miR genes on each miR plasmid
Basal transcriptional activity of the miR promoter
Hill coefficients for activation of miR promoters by transcription factors downstream of IR
Hill constant for activation of the miR promoter by transcription factors downstream of IR
Degradation rate of miRs
Secondary binding constant of miRNA to Gal4 mRNA
Concentration of Gal4 mRNA secondarily bound to miRNA
Hydrolysis constant of secondary bound mRNA
Tertiary binding constant of miRNA to Gal4 mRNA
Hydrolysis constant of triply bound mRNA
Quaternary binding constant of miRNA to Gal4 mRNA
Concentration of Gal4 mRNA bound to miRNA quartiles
Hydrolysis constant of quarternary bound mRNA
Quaternary binding constant of miRNA to Gal4 mRNA
Degradation constant of primary bound mRNA
Degradation constant of secondary bound mRNA
Degradation constant of triply bound mRNA
Degradation constant of quarternary bound mRNA


Capsule Module

After transcribes insulin , the latter is translated into insulin and secreted into the sodium alginate capsule matrix. The concentration of insulin in sodium alginate is set as , and it diffuses between the substrate and the blood driven by the concentration gradient.

In addition, glucose also needs to diffuse into the matrix before entering the engineering cells.

Concentration of insulin in the action compartment
Concentration of insulin in the virtual compartment
Blood insulin concentration
Insulin clearance from action compartment
Insulin clearance from virtual compartment
Blood glucose concentration
Glucose concentration in capsule matrix
Virtual compartment glucose concentration
unit conversion constant
Blood basal insulin production rate
Basal insulin production rate dependent on virtual compartment
Rate constant of insulin production dependent on glucose excursion
Diffusion Constants of Insulin in Blood and Matrix
Diffusion Constants for Glucose in Blood and Matrix
Blood Volume
Buffered Tissue Volume
Matrix Volume


Blood and tissue module

This part of the model simulates the changes in blood glucose and insulin levels in the body under physiological and pathological conditions. When combined with the above two modules, the kinetic process of systemic blood glucose and insulin can be analyzed when Sweet Guard is running. Based on the analysis of existing data and our subsequent improvements, some notations in this module are as followed:

blood glucose concentration
concentration of insulin in an action compartment to capture delayed insulin action
insulin concentration in a virtual compartment to enable integral control action in the insulin system
blood glucose concentration

At the same time, we included an additional (virtual) intermediary compartment for glucose to allow for the adequate representation of dynamics in high intake of glucose in a short time, with a corresponding glucose concentration.

The core idea of this part is to use a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to characterize the role of insulin (see references for details), and obtain equations about three insulin components:

Here, the parameters and respectively represent the clearance constants of insulin in each component. The three terms in (32) represent insulin production proportional to the currentglucose concentration,proportional to the integral of previous deviations from the glucoseset-point, and proportional to the rate of change of the glucose concentration, respectively. For patients with type I diabetes, . The auxiliary function (33) can optimize (32), which can prevent the insulin level from becoming negative. Finally, the glucose concentration in blood sugar and additional components are as follows:

Glucose production rate
Glucose basal consumption rate
Insulin-regulated glucose consumption rate
Diffusion constant of glucose in blood and virtual compartment