
RUM-UPRM Wiki Source Code



We started working in our designated laboratory during early Spring 2021. Our advisors and PI's were in charge of leading several training workshops to familiarize us with basic laboratory techniques such as safety precautions, culture media preparation, DNA extraction, and gel electrophoresis. Our training lasted around six weeks. Once finished, we began working in the laboratory while simultaneously polishing our cloning plans so that we would have a concrete workflow to follow during summer. During June and July we held several bacterial transformation protocols, and during August 2021 we finally could start following our 3A Cloning workflows. Unfortunately, came across unexpected results and were forced to change our plans, which led us to prepare one final and improved cloning plan using pUC19 as our plasmid. Below you can find all three cloning plans used during this iGEM 2021 cycle.

Cloning Plans

Laboratory Notebook

We used Benchling to maintain our digital laboratory notebook, which enabled us to keep all of our results and materials organized in the same place. As we worked in the laboratory, we divided our laboratory notebook by weeks (seven day periods, from Sunday to Saturday), but for the purpose of further organizing our work we separated them by month. We kept this format until we started working individually on each device using 3A Cloning. We divided our Biology Team members into two different groups so that we could work on both devices at the same time. Their respective laboratory notebooks are classified as 3A Device 1 and 3A Device 2. We kept this workflow from late August 2021 to the first week of October 2021. Afterwards, we switched over to the pUC19 workflow, and merged both groups. The final laboratory notebook is classified as pUC19 and was worked on during October 2021.