Bronze criteria
Competition deliverables
On our attributions page, we indicated how we organized ourselves during the project, what work our team members did and what other people did for our project.
Project Description
We introduced and described our project. The reason for working with minicells and indigo were explained and our project goal defined. We stated how our project is a useful application of synthetic biology.
We made what we believe are useful contributions for iGEM:
a 3D printed plate adaptor for PCR-Echo
a bot to upload images on the wiki
Silver criteria
Engineering Success
We demonstated engineering success in various parts of the project. From minicell production with different constructs, to minicell separation with phages, to the expression of the enzyme TMM in minicells.
We collaborated in different ways:
we hosted a virtual French meetup
we did science communication for children with activities and talks at Cité des Sciences
we participated in several surveys from the iGEM teams
we created a survey on DNA assembly techniques (linked to our partnership)
we worked with IGEM Brawijaya to present our project and exchange ideas, tips, constructs...
Human practices
We have reflected on environmental, social and safety aspects of our project. Those reflections were the the driving force for project selection and development.
Proposed implementation
We showed how we would implement our project in the real world by writing a story how the future could look like and by creating some visual simulations of our hardware machine.
Gold criteria
Integrated Human Practices
The exchange with multiple experts was shaping our project and moving it into different directions. Their advices and feedbacks were very valuable for our project.
Project Modeling
We made a model to simulate the production of minicells.
Proof of concept
We have shown that minicells can produce the enzyme TMM. To expand this further, we also tested the production of Taq polymerase. Additionally, we tested the functionality of our hardware.
We worked with iGEM Marburg to implement a process for remote Golden Gate assembly between teams using a Beckman Coulter Echo machine. To facilitate this process, we worked on creating a new Type IIS assembly kit for the new iGEM distribution kit. We used this opportunity to characterize the RBSs from the Community Collection.
Excellence in another area
To overcome some hurdles of working with minicells, we also worked on improving the lifespan and ATP content of minicells. This is optimizing minicells for enzyme production.