Guan Zhichen
Favorite saying : Our thought make what we are
Wang Huiting
Favorite saying ; Whatever is worth dong is worth doing well
Li Haohua
Favorite saying : Learn and live
Jiang Huaijin
Favorite saying : Do not go gentle into that good night
Huang Xunfeng
Favorite saying : Enthusiastic still, keep forging ahead.
Zhang Yilin
Luo Ziyang
Favorite saying : Self-discipline makes me stronger
Li Jingpei
Favorite saying : The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.
Zhou Jiayi
Aim for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars.
Feng Xinyang
Favorite saying :Every day is a second chance.
Yang Yang
Favorite saying :Calming, thinking, then doing
Ren Tingxuan
My name is Ren Tingxuan, and my English name is Rina. Today, I am a sophomore in senior high school. I like baking and cooking in my spare time. I love the diversity of life