Team:GDSYZX/Human Practices


Human Practice reveals the connection between our project and real-life society. It is, however vague to say this, to articulate, our human practice is mainly about:

1. How our project benefit the human society as a positive feedback

2. How we develop our link with our project and society

3. How can we do better

How we benefit the world

What our project aim on is, in macro aspects, protect the environment by decreasing incineration or landfill of million tons of feather wastes while in micro aspects, we aim to help every chicken manufacturing company in society to reuse the amino resource from feathers, to produce chicken feeds from the once-considered waste feathers, and to avoid burning and dumping of feathers.

To move closer to the grand goal of ameliorate the environment condition of our mother Earth, our conjoint homeland, we yearn to fulfill every small milestone such as helping one company to process feather waste, instead of incinerating or burying them in soil, with our project’s result (microbial degradation) and reuse the rich amino acid in the feather to produce chicken feed, protecting environment and decrease excessive purchase of other feed, a double advantage.

How we link our project to society

Firstly, concerning to suss out the real-world attitude towards our project and idea, we designed questionaire and conducted several public survey to get a first glance at the society’s attitude and realization of our project and the transgenic biology technology within. We gaze into the attitude of society from the responses and observe their realization and understanding of relevant present feather processing means, and other important aspect that gives us a comprehensive knowledge of social norm and common understanding of feather processing condition.

Secondly, we interviewed a technical adviser of a Chinese chicken manufacturing company (Jiangsu Huashi Agricultural Group Co., Ltd.) in order to know about the feather processing condition in China. This is the step we observe what is happening in the real life and improve our project closer to the need of society, considering the present condition and seeking improvement to redress their deficiency.

Thirdly, we realized the obligation to bring our project closer to the public through the result of public survey. To make this come true, we managed to hold two lectures to the public, introducing our project’s topic and sharing knowledge of transgenic biology technology. It is instrumental to promulgate the knowledge of transgenic technology, what is beneficial about it and what is detrimental, and eradicate people’s misunderstanding about it in order to help the public accept the application of some overall beneficial transgenic product.

Moreover, we also produced three videos to introduce our project and knowledge of synthetic biology and to spreading innovation of our project to the world, which giving ideas to other iGEMers and ones who are interested or eager to make some positive change to the world with synthetic biology. We started this journey of producing three videos aiming to contribute our power and do whatever we can to help hushing improvement of human technology of biology related fields (including synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and molecular biology).

Last but not the least, we also seized the chance of cooperation with the iGEM team of South China Agriculture University. We interacted with them by discussing the features and ideas of both of the two teams’ project; they also kindly offered us a great opportunity to visit their lab and introduce us to their precise laboratory apparatus and their unique process. Such interaction demonstrated other team’s help to our team and the passing, the inheritance of knowledge in the field of biology, and it is also a sign of the generous sharing of knowledge among iGEMers.