Team:NCKU Tainan/Inclusivity


Since our target this year is mild stress-induced depression, we want to deliver our idea amidst this pandemic outbreak to the world. We believe communication should be two-ways, hence we do not only deliver, but also listen to feedback from the public. Engaging with diverse groups helps us mature our project and understand exactly where the current issues lie. In return, we provide educational content to the public ranging from synthetic biology to mental health issues. Synthetic biology itself is still a controversial topic among society, unfortunately. Our team is currently working on a challenging topic that revolves around heavy stigmas with a controversial method which makes it so much difficult to gain support from the public. Thus, our main objective is to eradicate the misconceptions surfacing in the community.

We have come up with various ways to achieve our objective. For better efficacy, we divided some of the educational contents based on the level of understanding, from elementary level to university level. But most of them should still be understood by the public. Due to the pandemic, most of our content was delivered through online platforms. We also organized a special event along with a long-term online exhibition in Gather Town. Scroll down to find out more about what we have done so far!