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                 </svg>Figure 13. The prediction of the growth of bacteria</div>
                 </svg>Figure 13. The prediction of the growth of bacteria</div>
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                    <h class="number">+<span class="animateNum" data-animatetarget="88">0</span>%</h>
                                 <p>DenTeeth can kill up to 88% of the pathogenic bacteria in dogs' oral cavities.</p>   
                                 <p>DenTeeth can kill up to 88% of the pathogenic bacteria in dogs' oral cavities.</p>   

Revision as of 23:00, 21 October 2021


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  • Introduction
  • Bacteria Growth Simulation with DenTeeth
  • LL-37 tetR mRFP and BMP2 STATH GFP Production Simulation
  • Model Validation
  • Protein Functional Test
  • Efficiency Optimization Model
  • DenTeeth-bone



  DenTeeth can produce antimicrobial peptides, LL-37 when the concentration of bacteria in the mouth is higher. After the growth of bacteria is inhibited, STATH and BMP2 will express, maintaining a high calcium level in saliva, and repairing soft tissues in the oral cavity. Therefore, oral problems, especially periodontal disease can be successfully prevented.

How do we prove it?

  We proved our concept with a meticulous process which can be roughly divided into three parts: Model, Lab Work, and Device design. Combining modeling results and predictions with our lab work, we enable to make DenTeeth work as we imagined. We could further prove that DenTeeth can be implemented in the real world for daily usages.

Bacteria Growth Simulation with DenTeeth

  Considered the previous growth model plus the killing formula of LL37. We constructed model to simulate the growth curve of E. coli and P.gingivalis with DenTeeth.  growth curve of E. coli and P.gingivalis

Figure 2. The growth curve of E. coli and P. gingivalis with DenTeeth

  As we can see above, the concentration of P. gingivalis and E. coli are reduced. And finally they will achieve dynamic balance.

LL-37 tetR mRFP and BMP2 STATH GFP Production Simulation

  Because E. coli itself would also be affected by LL37, in order to test whether this will further affect the concentration of the target product, we then used the analysis above to predict the concentration of these products over time.
  The total amount of AHL was composed of the initial AHL from the quorum sensing model. The AHL-LuxR complex would activate the Plux promoter , which could lead to the production of LL37, tetR and mRFP.
 growth curve of E. coli and P.gingivalis

Figure 4. The simulation of LL37 and tetR

  When the concentration of bacteria was low, DenTeeth would start to produce BMP2, STATH and GFP. Thus, we wanted to predict the production of these proteins. Considering the Quorum Sensing Model, we constructed the simulation of BMP2 and STATH.
 Concentration simulation of BSG

Figure 5. The simulation of BMP2 and STATH

  In order to observe the switching between sterilization and restoration of DenTeeth, we added RFP after the sterilization sequence and GFP after the restoration sequence. Next, we simulated the relative fluorescence intensity of RFP and GFP to know the actual operation of DenTeeth. The result is shown in the figure below. :

 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 6. The relative intensity of GFP and RFP

  These models calculate and simulate the experiment result.

Model Validation

  In order to ensure that our model’s predictions match the real situation, we used experimental data to fitting the model. After the experiment, we found that it was necessary to consider the dead E.coli because it influenced the O.D. value. The following picture(Fig.7) is the adjusted growth curve of E. coli.

 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 7. The fitting result of the growth of E. coli

  As you can see, the red line is the prediction growth curve of dead E. coli [deadE. coli(prediction)]. The blue line is the E. coli which is still alive [liveE. coli(prediction)]. And the black line is all the E. coli include living and dead, which is the prediction O.D. value [totalE. coli(predict)].

  Next, we considered the expression of RFP and fit the model with experimental data as before. We found that the environment of the Erlenmeyer flask was different from the paper. The degradation of RFP was lower than expected. Thus, we lowered the degradation rate and verified it with the experimental results again. The following picture(Fig.8) is the result.

 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 8. The fitting result of the intensity of RFP

  Then, we fit the data of GFP. We found that the expression of GFP exceeded expectations. So, we raised the translation rate of GFP and lowered the degradation rate. Although we did the same experiment for 24 hours, since the GFP expression had exceeded the detection range of the machine, the measured values were maintained at the maximum. Therefore, we only took the first 10 hours for validation. The result is shown below. (Fig.9)

 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 9. The fitting result of the intensity of GFP

  After the validation, we compared the expression of GFP and RFP. As you can see in the picture (Fig.10), because E. coli concentration was low at the beginning of the experiment, DenTeeth expressed GFP first. As E. coli continued to grow over time, it started to sterilize and the RFP was expressed. Then, the concentration of E. coli decreased due to the sterilization. DenTeeth turned to express GFP and started the restoration function. According to this experiment, we confirmed that the Quorum Sensing System of DenTeeth worked successfully.

 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 10. The fitting result of the intensity of GFP and RFP

  After finishing the whole validation, we predicted the LL37, BMP2, and STATH expression again (Fig.11~Fig.12).  Concentration simulation of BSG

Figure 11. The prediction of LL37
 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 12. The prediction of BMP2 and STATH

  And we also predicted the new growth curve of E. coli and P.gingivalis with DenTeeth. As you can see in the picture (Fig.13), compared to the growth of P.gingivalis without DenTeeth (Fig.1), the final O.D. value of P.gingivalis decreased from 0.7 to 0.08, which showed that our DenTeeth could effectively kill 88% of the pathogenic bacteria in dogs' oral cavities.  Concentration simulation of BSG

Figure 13. The prediction of the growth of bacteria

DenTeeth can kill up to 88% of the pathogenic bacteria in dogs' oral cavities.

Protein Functional Test

  Because E. coli itself would also be affected by LL-37, in order to test whether this will further affect the concentration of the target product, we then used the analysis above to predict the concentration of these products over time.
  The total amount of AHL was composed of the initial AHL from the quorum sensing model. The AHL-LuxR complex would activate the Plux promoter , which could lead to the production of LL-37, tetR and mRFP.
  The prediction formula of LL-37 tetR RFP are shown below(Eq.4) [6]:

$$\frac{d[mLL-37]}{dt}= K_{mLuxI}·β·[(A-R)_{2}]-deg_{mLL-37}[mLL-37]$$

$$\frac{d[mtetR]}{dt}= K_{mLuxI}·β·[(A-R)_{2}]-deg_{mtetR}[mtetR]$$

$$\frac{d[mRFP]}{dt}= K_{mLuxI}·β·[(A-R)_{2}]-deg_{mRFP}[mRFP]$$

$$\frac{d[LL-37]}{dt}= k_{LL-37}·[mLL-37]-deg_{LL-37}[LL-37]$$

$$\frac{d[tetR]}{dt}= k_{tetR}·[tetR]-deg_{tetR}[tetR]$$

$$\frac{d[RFP]}{dt}= k_{RFP}·[RFP]-deg_{RFP}[RFP]$$


Equation 4. LL-37, tetR and mRFP production simulation formula

And the parameters (Tab.5) can be seen below [6]:

Parameters Description Values Units
KmLuxI Plasmid copy number times LuxI transcription rate 23.3230 nM*min-1
ka Dissociation rate of LuxR-AHLin2 200 nM
α Basal expression of LuxI 0.01 -
kLL-37 translation rate of mLL-37 6.52 min-1
ktetR translation rate of mtetR 0.14 min-1
kRFP translation rate of mRFP 0.54 min-1
dmLL-37 degradation rate of mLL-37 0.24 min-1
dmtetR degradation rate of mtetR 0.35 min-1
dmRFP degradation rate of mRFP 0.258 min-1
dLL-37 degradation rate of LL-37 0.011 min-1
dtetR degradation rate of tetR 0.1386 min-1
dRFP degradation rate of RFP 0.498 min-1
Table 5. Parameters of LL-37 tetR RFP production simulation
 growth curve of E. coli and P.gingivalis
Figure 4. The simulation of LL-37 and tetR

Efficiency Optimization Model

  When the concentration of bacteria was low, DenTeeth would start to produce BMP2, STATH and GFP. Thus, we wanted to predict the production of these proteins. Considering the Quorum Sensing Model, we could write down the formula(Eq.5) [7]:

$$\frac{d[BMP2]}{dt}= C_{ptet} ·({l_{ptet}+\frac{1-l_{ptet}}{1+(\frac{[tet]}{k_{tet}})^{n_{tet}} } })-(d_{BMP2} ·[BMP2])$$

$$\frac{d[STATH]}{dt}= C_{ptet} ·({l_{ptet}+\frac{1-l_{ptet}}{1+(\frac{[tet]}{k_{tet}})^{n_{tet}} } })-(d_{STATH} ·[STATH])$$

$$\frac{d[GFP]}{dt}= C_{ptet} ·({l_{ptet}+\frac{1-l_{ptet}}{1+(\frac{[tet]}{k_{tet}})^{n_{tet}} } })-(d_{GFP} ·[GFP])$$

Equation 5. BMP2, STATH and GFP production simulation formula

And the parameters (Tab.5) can be seen below [7]:

Parameters Description Values Units
Ctet maximum transcription rate of ptet 2.79 min-1
Iptet leakage factor of ptet 0.002 -
ktet dissociation constant of ptet 6 -
ntet hills coefficient 3 -
dBMP2 degradation rate of BMP2 0.05 min-1
dSTATH degradation rate of STATH 0.0000248 min-1
dGFP degradation rate of GFP 0.347 min-1
Table 6. Parameters of BMP2, STATH and GFP production simulation
 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 5. The simulation of BMP2 and STATH

  In order to observe the switching between inhibition and restoration of DenTeeth, we added RFP after the inhibition sequence and GFP after the restoration sequence. Next, we simulated the relative fluorescence intensity of RFP and GFP to know the actual operation of DenTeeth. The result is shown in the figure below. (Fig.6):

 Concentration simulation of BSG
Figure 6. The relative intensity of GFP and RFP



  DenTeeth can produce antimicrobial peptides, LL-37 when the concentration of bacteria in the mouth is higher. After the growth of bacteria is inhibited, STATH and BMP2 will express, maintaining a high calcium level in saliva, and repairing soft tissues in the oral cavity. Therefore, oral problems, especially periodontal disease can be successfully prevented.

How do we prove it?

  We proved our concept with a meticulous process which can be roughly divided into three parts: Model, Lab Work, and Device design. Combining modeling results and predictions with our lab work, we enable to make DenTeeth work as we imagined. We could further prove that DenTeeth can be implemented in the real world for daily usages.


  1. Schink, S. J., et al. (2019). "Death rate of E. coli during starvation is set by maintenance cost and biomass recycling." 9(1): 64-73. e63.
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