Acknowledgment Overview:
We would like to thank all our advisors and instructors who have assisted us throughout the project, and without whom the project would not have been possible. We would like to thank all our collaborators who spark inspirations with us. Thanks to all the team members devoted themselves and helped us! This is a list of people, who helped us along the development of our project, according to the spheres of their expertise:
Who are we?
The Think_Edu_China iGEM 2021 team consists of a group of passionate high school students from Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Bejiing, Nanjing, Shanghai, and abroad. Our team spirit revolves around solidarity and friendship. Moreover, by having exuberant enthusiasm in the field of biology and strong determination in solving world issues, we sparked a series of innovative inspirations throughout the course of the project.
Member Attribution
Team Leader:
Suyi (Amy) Liu
Lab Experiment Leader:
Ruochen (Jack) Liao
Human Practice Leader:
Zihan (Andrew) Zhang, Jinghao (King)Guo
Model Design:
Zhaoyang (Eric)Che
Zihan(Andrew) Zhang
Education & Public Engagement:
Suyi (Amy) Liu,
Junhe (Daphne) Yang,
Kaiting (Kitty) Jiang,
Zhuohua (Angelina) Li
Ruochen (Jack) Liao, Shibo (Andrew) Huang,
Tong (Teresa) Ye (Guangzhou)
Video Production:
Zihan (Andrew) Zhang,
Zhaoyang (Eric) Che,
Wangyu (Norton) Su
Poster Design:
Suyi (Amy) Liu, Zihan (Andrew) Zhang
Questionnaire & Survey:
Yulin (Charlie) Chen
Advisors & Instructors:
Lanzhou University: Jinrong Liu, Yang Lin, Yanlin Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Xianqi Yin,Zhihong Xiao, Hongzhe Zhang
Cooperative and Supportive Organizations:
GEC Academy
Fudan University CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer Community)
Lanzhou University School of Life Science
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Life Science ShanghaiTech
University School of Life Science