


New Parts

This year, we submitted 3 new parts for the silver medal. You can click on the part number to see the details.

BBa_K3838111 J-SHSP Composite A stress protein, also known as a heat shock protein,
gives bacteria resistance to high temperatures and low pH
BBa_K3838222 J-BSH Composite Hydrolysis binding bile salts to produce free bile
hydrochloric acid and amino acids
BBa_K3838789 J-FabV Composite By expressing FabV gene, we gave triclosan resistance
to engineered bacteria and achieved non-antibiotic screening effect
Basic Parts

SZU-China iGEM 2021 team utilizes 5 kinds of new basic parts. Here is their individual function:
1. BBa_K3838666 and BBa_K3838233 can encode the protein of BSH and SOD,which are two of our target therapeutic products.
2. BBa_K3838613 can encode the tes4 protein that can promotes the release of butyric acid from the fatty acid synthase complex.
3. BBa_K3838777 encodes a protein called heat shock protein,which can Improve stress resistance of bacteria under extreme growing conditions.
4. BBa_K3838567 is a short amino acid peptide consisting of six histidine can be used as a label for affinity chromatography for protein purification.

Part Number   Name     Type   Part Description
BBa_K3838666 BSH Basic Hydrolysis binding bile salts to produce
free bile hydrochloric acid and amino acids
BBa_K3838777 SHSP Basic A stress protein, also known as a heat shock
protein, gives bacteria resistance to high
temperatures and low pH
BBa_K3838233 SOD Basic Catalytic disproportionation of superoxide anion
to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide,which plays
an important role in the balance of oxidation
and antioxidation in the human body
BBa_K3838613 TES4 Basic Thioesterase that promotes the release of butyric
acid from the fatty acid synthase complex
Thioesterase that promotes the release of
butyric acid from the fatty acid synthase complex
BBa_K3838567 6xHis Tag Basic A short amino acid peptide consisting of six
histidine can be used as a label for affinity
chromatography for protein purification.
Composite Parts

This year,we built 11 composite parts for our project.
BBa_K3838111,BBa_K3838222,BBa_K3838555,BBa_K3838888,BBa_K3838999,BBa_K3838789 are composites part that based on the promoter J23100,which can ensure stable and reliable protein expression and can meet long-term and reasonable drug administration needs.

At the same time,we built BBa_K3838123,BBa_K3838234,BBa_K3838345 to Verify the acid response mechanism we designed.

For safety reasons, we also constructed two sets of suicide mechanisms BBa_K3838321,BBa_K3838654 to prevent engineered bacteria from escaping into human blood and the environment.

You can click on the part number to see the details.

Part Number   Name     Type   Part Description
BBa_K3838111 J-SHSP Composite A stress protein, also known as a heat shock
protein, gives bacteria resistance
to high temperatures and low pH
BBa_K3838222 J-BSH Composite Hydrolysis binding bile salts to produce
free bile hydrochloric acid and amino acids
BBa_K3838555 J-LL37 Composite LL-37 is an antibacterial peptide secreted
by human immune cells, which has an
inhibitory effect on harmful bacteria
BBa_K3838888 J-SOD Composite Catalytic disproportionation of superoxide
anion radicals to oxygen and hydrogen
peroxide,which plays an important role
in the balance of oxidation and antioxidation
in the human body
BBa_K3838999 J-TES4 Composite Thioesterase that promotes the release of
butyric acid from the fatty acid synthase
complexThioesterase that promotes the release
of butyric acid from the fatty acid synthase complex
BBa_K3838789 J-FabV Composite By expressing FabV gene, we gave triclosan resistance
to engineered bacteria and achieved non-antibiotic
screening effect.
BBa_K3838345 YH-SOD Composite Catalytic disproportionation of superoxide anion
radicals to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide,which
plays an important role in the balance of oxidation
and antioxidation in the human body
BBa_K3838321 phoKiller Composite Allowing bacteria to sense phosphate concentrations
in the environment to act on the kill switch mechanism
BBa_K3838654 GluKiller Composite Allowing bacteria to sense glucose levels in the environment
to act on the kill switch mechanism
Characterization of Existing Parts

SZU-China team has added quantitative experimental characterization data to an existing Part from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts and documented the experimental characterization on the Part's Main Page on the Registry.

This year,We identified a glucose-sensitive promoter pt-αcrp(BBa_K3142012) that can express subsequent genes at low glucose levels to prevent bacteria from escaping to the outside environment. We added the mazF gene, which encodes an endoribonuclease that will be expressed to suicidal effect when glucose levels are low. We verified our system by inducing expression with different glucose concentrations and observing the survival rate of engineered bacteria and supplemented experimental data for the promoter.

According to the literature survey, we believe that antibacterial peptide LL37 can resist the invasion of endotoxin to a certain extent. We found Part BBa_K875009 expressing the antibacterial peptide,and used this Part to express LL37 in the engineering bacteria. We carried out different levels of verification. At the same time, in order to verify whether it can effectively relieve inflammatory symptoms, we used THP-1 cell lines with and without LPS to interact with engineering bacteria, and detected the content of interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 in cells, to test whether it has the effect of slow release of inflammatory factors. The results of cell experiment can be used as the data supplement of this part.

You can click on the part number to see the details.

Part Number   Name     Type   Part Description
BBa_K3142012 PT-αcrp Basic Glucose starvation promoter, in response to glucose starvation
BBa_K875009 LL37 Basic Human antimicrobial peptides which has a broad spectrum of
inhibitory effects on bacteria and can bind to LPS
Improved Part

This year, our team has improved the existing part by adding the signal peptide. The improved part (J-SOD) and the original existing part (SOD) are presented below. You can click on the part number to see the details.

Part Number   Name     Type   Part Description
BBa_K3838888 J-SOD Composite Catalytic disproportionation of superoxide anion radicals to oxygen and
hydrogen peroxide,which plays an important role in the balance of
oxidation and antioxidation in the human body
BBa_M36071 SOD Basic encodes the SOD protein