Team:NCKU Tainan/Education


Since our target this year is mild stress-induced depression, we want to deliver our idea amidst this pandemic outbreak to the world. We believe communication should be two-ways, hence we do not only deliver, but also listen to feedback from the public. Engaging with diverse groups helps us mature our project and understand exactly where the current issues lie. In return, we provide educational content to the public ranging from synthetic biology to mental health issues. Synthetic biology itself is still a controversial topic among society, unfortunately. Our team is currently working on a challenging topic that revolves around heavy stigmas with a controversial method which makes it so much difficult to gain support from the public. Thus, our main objective is to eradicate the misconceptions surfacing in the community.

We have come up with various ways to achieve our objective. For better efficacy, we divided some of the educational contents based on the level of understanding, from elementary level to university level. But most of them should still be understood by the public. Due to the pandemic, most of our content was delivered through online platforms. We also organized a special event along with a long-term online exhibition in Gather Town. Scroll down to find out more about what we have done so far!



2020 NCKU iGEM Special Project

bike festival

NCKU Bike Festival

Open house event of National Cheng Kung University to increase exposure of iGEM and also synthetic biology.

club festival

Club Festival

Promoted iGEM NCKU to college students and explained why we are using synthetic biology to solve problems and our vision for our projects.

topic presentation

iGEM Topic Presentation

Presented our 3 potential research topics to gain feedbacks and advices from professors and other students.

NCKU president

President Meetup

Met up with the President of NCKU to talk about our experiences and shared why we wanted to join iGEM in the first place.

nanke school


Podcast to stimulate the sense of hearing.

indonisia high


Helped students to realize the potential for future biological and engineering development.

Promoted our project through newspapers to allow more people to understand the importance of our project.

Met up with College X to facilitate future cooperation and talk about how we are able to promote interdisciplinary research.

Invited to a radio interview to talk about our project and promote the issue of chronic kidney disease.


Taiwan Conference

Participated in the Taiwan conference and exchange ideas with other iGEMers who gave our team different feedbacks and guidance.

escape room

Gather Town

Held an Escape Room that mirrors our project where players of all ages and backgrounds are able to learn through an interactive and hands-on experience.


As for the engagement part, it is regarded as an important bridge for us to connect the science technology and the world. Not only did we target a delivery of the values of synthetic biology to the society in this part, we also attempted to explore a more profound impacts and practical application of our lab research. So far, we had developed strong and successive connections of different universities, and what’s more, we attempted to build a close contact with the local synthetic biology enterprise. During the pandemic, we adapted ourselves to utilize different methods to complete our project. Through various platforms of online meeting, we effectively promoted our project to the public and sought for a higher reach of public concerns with the depression issues and the synthetic biology application in the society.


From our previous engagements, we began to realize that society, especially the older generations, tend to think twice when it comes to synthetic biology and gene editing. The many misconceptions and myths surrounding science is proof that not a lot of people understand it. And with lack of knowledge, fear and rejection also come along. In an effort to prevent this negative cycle from repeating, we decided to start from the beginning - by educating the new generation. We hoped by challenging their thoughts and encouraging them to begin thinking outside the box, they are able to break away from this negative cycle and drive a positive change in the future. To quote Oprah Winfrey, “Education is the way to move mountains, to build bridges, to change the world.”


At first, we were thinking about how to promote our content to the public in this pandemic. Then, we came up with the idea to own a podcast channel called Tea Time (聊鬱) where we talk about various subjects but still within synthetic biology and mental health issue. We have also invited the 2019 iGEM NCKU_Tainan leader, Sabrina Yeoh, as our first episode’s guest speaker sharing her experiences in iGEM. Other than that, we wanted to raise mental awareness and provided some content talking about mild depression. The language switched between English and Chinese. Try listening to our podcast by clicking the link below!



The number of people moving to Taiwan is increasing over the years. One of the common groups is probably international students. Being far away from somewhere familiar must be hard for most of them. Not to mention the cultural difference and language barrier often cause difficulties making it harder to adapt. Under this kind of situation, their mental health tends to be more vulnerable. But it might be hard for them to gain mental resources because, honestly, Taiwan doesn't offer many mental resources. Thus, we created this booklet for foreign nationals in Taiwan. The content is about how they can seek mental help in Taiwan, we also included resources that provide English service. Furthermore, it is available in three languages: English, Chinese, and Indonesian. We have distributed the booklet in the dormitory, international student office, and overseas Chinese student office.


In a heavily tech-focused world, it is an undeniable fact that the internet plays an important role in people’s lives and that most people cannot resist a good online game. With this in mind, we designed a simple snake game, a classic game that appeals to all kinds of players. Not only will the game provide entertainment but also education - edutainment if you will. By combining education with entertainment, we are able to make learning more fun for everyone.

Developed by our dry team, OMG Snake Game is inspired by our project. Just like CreSolve is targeted at p-Cresol, so does the snake. The snake represents Cresolve, and can only eat blocks of p-Cresol. Through this simple logic, we are able to help people of all backgrounds understand the main idea of our project.


2021 NCKU iGEM Special Project