Team:CCA San Diego/Inclusivity

At CCA iGEM, we value inclusion of all groups and minorities, especially in STEM fields. Our SciComm and Human Practices departments wrote a literature review about STEM minorities and how to combat prejudice in these fields, and we took measures to make our content and education accessible to as many people as possible.

Literature Review

We wrote a 24 page research paper titled, "Systematized Literature Review and Meta-analysis for the identification of factors that hinder the success and participation of various minority groups in STEM-related fields and programs." This paper is currently sent for publication and we hope that this would allow people to narrow in on certain factors that restrict the success and involvement of minorities in STEM and apply this to their own life. We did so, as our scicomm material incorporated our findings of our research paper as to cater best towards all sorts of people.


In addition, our work with translating our book into Farsi, Spanish, Telugu, Korean, Chinese and an audio recording is to make more people involved on a global scale. Also, all of the content we made is free and open access for all as money should not come in the way of education. We offered financial aid to our fundraising summer camp to make it more accessible to underprivileged communities. For all of our global surveys, we had an even split of male and female participants, and people with a diverse age and educational background. All in all, our work is a product of diverse and unique opinions of all sorts of people.