Team:Shanghai HS United/Entrepreneurship

Business Canvas Model

Business Plan


FlavoneLabRouse noticed that a type of very common compound in foods, flavones, which is crucial to human health, is unknown to the general public. Flavones help prevents chronic diseases, cancer, oxidation, inflammation, and tumors. To make Flavone known and widely appreciated, FLR is the first company that plans to develop probiotics that increase the absorption of flavones and incorporate it into yogurts. We evaluated the possible advantages and limitations of our product. In addition, we developed a detailed business plan that records the steps we will take to release the product.

Company introduction

Chronic diseases, cancer, oxidation, inflammation, and tumors have always been issues for humanity. They sometimes appear to be inevitable, and it is difficult for people to prevent them specifically. The only way to avoid these harms from coming seems to be keeping a good lifestyle simply. But we never know if that is enough. After conducting some research, the group found out that flavonoids can help prevent chronic diseases, cancer, oxidation, inflammation, and tumors. Flavonoids are commonly found in vegetables and fruits. In addition, they are antibacterial, capable of curing cancer and tumor as well as reducing cardiovascular incidence. However, it is relatively complex for humans to absorb it sufficiently. Our goal, then, is to increase the absorption rate of flavonoids. The team's method combines enzymes that help digest flavonoids with Escherichia coli to increase the absorption rate of flavonoids in the human intestine. We then decided that our product would be powder with synthetic Escherichia coli that is edible for humans. This powder would then be added to yogurt, our final product that we will push out to the public.

Research Method

1. Questionnaire

At the beginning of our research, we designed distinguished questions to learn about the general public understanding of flavonoids, daily nutritional consideration, and their stance toward our possible product. In addition, the questionnaire includes an inquiry on age cohorts, which helps us focus on flavonoid intake and attitude toward related health products among various ages, offering us an opportunity to figure out a relationship between age and their situation and opinion.

2. Street interview

Apart from a written questionnaire format, we also designed several brief questions, asking random strangers for answers to test social acceptance of the health product that helps facilitate flavonoid degrading and absorption. Instead of a strict form of question and answer, the interviewees are guided to express their concerns or expectations. Based on their inquiry of health product supervision, efficacy, and approval, we are also capable of understanding public usage of drugs and health care products and their interest in our research.

3. Physical Supermarket survey

Following the street interview, we conducted a field survey to see the market situation of health care products, fruit drinks, vegetable drinks that contain flavonoid, and food arrangement that reflects nutritional influence. In addition, we conducted a field survey of the Freshippo X membership center. Visiting the health product counter and vegetable sale area informed us that people pay little attention to the flavonoid. Health products that contain flavonoids receive no popularity. Despite this disappointing fact, we were completely aware of the importance of advertisement and incredible potential in this market.

Market Analysis

SWOT analysis

Competitor analysis

Some big brand companies that sell yogurt have an oligopoly of the market, like bright dairy Dairy Co., Ltd, Yili, and Weiquan. Their yogurt products are popular and have affordable prices for the public, which are highly competitive. These competitors have a relatively strong consumer loyalty, and the selling quantity is excellent as well. Our yogurt product may have higher prices than these competitors due to the additional probiotics. However, the probiotics which help absorb flavone better can be our unique selling point and make us a strong competitor in the market.

Execution(4p analysis)

Product: Our company is committed to using engineered intestinal probiotics to improve the absorption of flavonoid compounds homologous to food and medicine. And this probiotic we're going to add to the yogurt. Therefore, this product can play the original role of yogurt and achieve better absorption of flavonoids. The yogurt itself has some probiotics to help digestion. After adding the results of our experiment, it can also enhance the absorption of flavonoids to achieve anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects. And in our interview, most people said that if our experiment is successful and put into use safely, they are willing to buy such products. And now people love yogurt is relatively high, so our products have a perfect prospect.

Packaging: The packaging we chose is Tetra Crown packaging. In this type of packaging, the body of the paper can be printed photos as bright, vivid patterns to enhance the appearance of the product appeal. A paper bottle can also realize recycling, keep up with the current environmental trends. Tetra crown of different besides paper bottle. It also USES the patent technology, to the world's fastest injection molding process will print the bottle and plastic bottleneck one-time realize perfect combination. Tetra cardboard sleeve with a variety of width and height of the crown, and equipped with all kinds of plastic openings, can repeatedly open and close, easy to dump, easy to use. The cap we chose is Eifel O38, it is a One-step screw cap, which means that it could be a Repeatable opening and sealing, and the advantage for this is Quick opening, easy to reclaims, and Suitable for consumption in transit. In addition, the capacity that we want to make is 250ml.

Promotion: Through new media network publicity, establish a good image of the company among target consumer groups, guide investors to have a deeper understanding of our yogurt through interaction, and finally reach the intention of cooperation. And our choice of new media has the following: 1. Similar to The Little Red Book and INSTAGRAM, we seek high-profile and influential bloggers to promote our products so that the public can know about our products through their articles or shares to buy or invest. 2. Through short video platforms like Tiktok, we can push our product advertisements to our target groups, or let video producers with many fans integrate our products into the videos, so that the public can better accept and be interested in our products.

Price: This product will be in the form of yogurt for the public, but as we have described before, it has more effects and greater benefits for the body. Therefore, its price will be above the normal yogurt. A normal yogurt bottle will cost around 5-12 RMB, while our yogurt will be priced between 8-12. This is because we invest in research and development of beneficial substances and because we spend a lot of time and effort on the packaging to make it special and beautiful.

Place/Distribution: To cater to different customer groups, we will launch this yogurt drink in online and offline brick-and-mortar stores. Different purchasing methods can make each user's different lifestyle habits more convenient for more people. For example, most of today's young people have the habit of shopping online, and the number of online users of household goods and snacks has been increasing in recent years. The online purchase channel allows them to buy enough yogurts for a week without leaving home. On the other hand, offline brick-and-mortar stores (including supermarkets, convenience stores, etc.) may be more suitable for office workers (who need to buy breakfast in small stores as they work every day) and the elderly.


Due to several limitations of our product, there must be measures taken to prevent the incident from happening. First of all, in our product, we must ensure that the chemicals are not added excessively. Since we did not test for the consequences of overconsuming, it is unsafe to use a large amount. Due to the same reason, it is also important for the company to notify its consumers that it is not recommended to drink too much yogurt, as the side effects are still unknown. Another risk factor is that since it is a yogurt product and consist of microorganism, the product's way of conservation is essential. Throughout transportation and conservation at home, we must ensure that people know that the product should be kept under refrigeration. On the package, there should also be labeled that the shelf life is short. This way, the consumers can be aware that they shouldn't consume the product if the time is too long.


Nowadays, with our advanced technology and medical treatment, most diseases can be cured. However, chronic diseases, cancer, inflammation, and tumors are still serious issues hard to eradicate. Mid-age people are exceptionally vulnerable due to their irregular work schedules and weakened immune systems by increasing their absorption of health-beneficial flavones—our solution targets to prevent chronic diseases, cancer, oxidation, inflammation, and tumors. We hope to give people a better life and let more victims be free from these health problems.



Even though flavonoids are ubiquitous, people do not know about them, so we help them understand through various ways, such as street interviews and publicity activities. And the protein we produce can help people who can't absorb or have difficulty absorbing flavonoids to absorb it better.


The first way of sponsorship we choose is Promotional Partnerships. For example, in TikTok, we seek high-profile and influential bloggers to promote our products so that the public can know about our products through their videos, then people or firm will be attracted to invest. The other way is after going public, we can finance and refinance, which has a multiplier effect on capital.


Compared to other lactic acid products, ours also AIDS in digesting flavonoids, thus achieving anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects. In other words, it has more benefits than similar products. The other thing is that while all people can absorb flavonoids, each person can do so differently. When we add it to lactic acid bacteria, the protein that we produce helps all people increase their ability to absorb them. In addition, our company does not take profit as the primary purpose. Our price is not high, and our price is not high. It is more for improving people's life quality or enabling them to have better physical conditions.

Contact information

WeChat official account: FlavoneLabRouse

Team leader WeChat ID: njl20140722

