
Gold Medal

Integrated Human Practices

We hope to develop a biodetection platform for RNA biomarkers and establish a database of disease-related RNA biomarkers. For this purpose, we firstly conducted extensive research, including: background information research, questionnaire survey, and RNA biomarker information compilation. Then we interviewed stakeholders of the project, including doctors, patients, and pharmaceutical companies, to understand their needs. The interview process strictly abides by confidentiality agreements and protect the privacy of interviewees. We work closely with the wet group and the dry group, listen to and address their needs which makes the work of Human Practices a closed loop.

Improvement of an Existing Part

We improved two biobricks based on the gene circuit we designed. One biobrick is the registered BBa_K3885126, constructed by adding ssrA tag to the tet Repressor part (BBa_K337028) registered by iGEM 10_Heidelberg. The introduction of ssrA tag endows novel function to the original biobrick. The other biobrick is the registered BBa_K3885311 constructed by changing the promoters and RBS of the J23100-deGFP (BBa_K2205002), registered by iGEM17_Newcastle, which can express in the Cell-Free system. The improvments significantly increase the expression of the original biobrick.

Project Modeling

We proposed the concepts of all modules of the biosensor and further evaluated them. The detection of RNA was achieved by the established device. Furthermore, the results can be visualized via green fluorescence. For details please visit Model.

Proof of Concept

We proposed the concepts of all modules of the biosensor and further evaluated them. The detection of RNA was achieved by the established device. Furthermore, the results can be visualized via green fluorescence. For details please visit Proof of concept.


Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we mainly chose online communication for cooperaion. Our team took active part in participating several iGEM online conferences in China. In the communication and exchanges, we have successfully found several partners. Firstly, we conducted an in-depth discussion with the XJTLU-IGEM team on the experimental application of Cell-Free systems. Secondly, we learned a lot from each other with OUC-CHINA team. Problems in the experiment were solved and a long-term cooperation was established thereafter. Finally, we collaborated actively with ASTWS-China on human practices. Generally speaking, our partners made remarkble contribution to our project.

Education & Communication

Society is the cradle of science and the best medium for its dissemination. During the project, we realized many deficiencies in our professional knowledge. We also found that the public did not know much about synthetic biology. As iGEMers, we are eager to communicate with professionals from all walks of life, get their advice and improve our projects. At the same time, we are willing to build bridges between the professional and the public through scientific activities, so that more people can access the knowledge related to synthetic biology.

Excellence in Another Area

This year we also did excellent work in another area.

Silver Medal


Through intensively cooperation, we have received vast help from all sectors of the society. This allowed us to continuously improve our project.

Engineering Success

By going through iterations of the engineering design cycle, we proved the success of our gene circuit. We followed the cycle of design-construct-test-learn to improve our project and finally achieved satisfactory results.

Proposed Implementation

We thought thoroughly about how to implete our project in the real world. By expending the application of the project with freeze-drying and simplifing the results analysis with a simple device for, the 'easy-to-use’to 'ready-to-use' was achieved.

Special Prizes


Synthetic biology should not be a niche concept. In the 21st century, it is the responsibility of every synthetic biologist to acquaint more and more people with synthetic biology. Follwing the traditional Chinese concept of "teaching students according to their aptitude", we divided the educated population into four groups according to their age, and taught them acceptable synthetic biology knowledge with appropriate methods. We hope our work will contribute to the development of synthetic biology in China.

Best New Basic Part

The Best New Basic Part is σ28 (BBa_K3885124), which is a special transcriptional factor concerning the fliA. The information of usage biology, characterization, and transcription rate with Model was added to the part. For details please visit BBa_K3885124.

Best New Composite Part

The Best New Composite Part is P70a-UTR1-deGFP, which is also the improved version of J23100-deGFP (BBa_K2205002). By mutating the promoter and RBS of this composite part with modeling and fitting the experimental data for each combination, we found that this part was capable of expressing deGFP optimally in the Cell-Free system. For details please visit BBa_K3885311.

Best Part Collection

Our best collection of parts revolves around the Cell-Free system. By constructing plasmids suitable for expression in the Cell-Free system, RNA biomarkers are more easily and efficiently characterized in the sample, so as to quickly determine whether the disease has recovered. For details please visit Parts.

Best Wiki

Our wiki provides a detailed description and organization of our projects and can serve as a good example for future teams.In addition, our wiki is compatible with multiple devices, has a clean interface and is easy to navigate.