Team:UM Macau/Collaborations



Accompanying beer snacks album

To know more about the beer culture of other countries and in the case of the Covid-19 outbreak spreading around the world, we invite other iGEM teams to share the beer culture of their countries via email. After our invitation, we received a lot of replies from our cooperation teams. Most of them introduce their accompanying beer snack to us with pictures. Then we collected some pictures which they sent to us to make a lovely accompanying beer snack poster collection.

We are here to express our sincere thanks to our cooperation teams. Cheers!

Participants: Marburg, RUBochum, Patras, Thrace, Korea_HS

click the cover to see the complete album

Postcard collection by iGEM Düsseldorf's team

We participated in a postcard collection organized by iGEM Düsseldorf's team in June 2021.

We designed a postcard about our project and sent it to the iGEM Düsseldorf team. We also received a collection of postcards from other teams. Thanks to iGEM Dusseldorf for organizing this collaboration, during which we publicized our project to all the participating teams and learned about the projects of many other teams.

Due to the distance between us and Germany, the postcards from the other school have not arrived yet, so we have attached the electronic version of all the team postcards provided by iGEM Düsseldorf's team.

Women in science photo collection by Teams iGEM Concordia, ULaval, Patras, and Thessaloniki

In August 2021, we participated in the photo collection activity hold by iGEM Patras and iGEM Thessaloniki. We sent them photos of our team’s female teammates and photos of our team’s favorite female scientist that in her own way, changed the world. Our photos were placed in chronological order upon a timeline by them showed to other participants. This is a meaningful activity that inspired us about the contribution that women have in science. Also, by participating in this event, we have also learned about many women scientists who have contributed to science.

Picture book for education

We participated in the children's picture book production activity initiated by NNU_China. The teams involved are FZU_China, LZU_China, NMU_China, NUDT_China, NWU_China, and Wordshaper-Nanjing. Each team made picture books about their projects. Our picture book aims to educate children about synthetic biology and the use of genetically modified yeast in our lives. The picture books of other teams are also beautiful in style and rich in meaning. All our picture books are gathered together and finally form this complete picture book, which is the result of the joint efforts of all teams. We hope to popularize synthetic biology and other related biological knowledge to children through this picture book and stimulate their curiosity about biology and interest in synthetic biology. Hopefully, there will be audiences of our picture books who will become iGEMer in the future!

Click the image to see the complete picture book



iGEM 2021 UM_Macau