


Parts Overview

We designed 32 parts. This amount of parts is not only great for our project, but more importantly this will be a huge advantage for all further iGEM-Teams. By sharing our part collection with the iGEM community, other teams can easily incorporate parts in their projects. The standardized overhangs of the constructs allow an exchange between every lab.

Composite part of the CREATE

In order to degrade Saccharomyces cerevisiae’s chromosomes to form CREATE, we constructed several different composite parts to regulate Cas9 protein expression. Their regulatory mechanisms and formation efficiency are different.

See their results

Name Type Description Length(bp)
BBa_K3939666 Composite Gal Cas9 4597
BBa_K3939998 Composite Cas9 with flipped promoter 4638

GFP part for characterization

In order to characterize the formation of CREATEs, we designed a fast-degrading GFP and insert the gene into S.cerevisiae chromosomes. In this situation, no new GFP was produced after the chromosomes were cleaved.

See their results

Name Type Description Length(bp)
BBa_K3939111 Composite Fast degrading GFP 1035

Parts Table

Basic Parts

Name Type Description Length(bp)
BBa_K3939000 DNA Delta sites 20
BBa_K3939001 Coding Cas9 with NLS label 4140
BBa_K3939002 DNA GFP’s left homologous arm 300
BBa_K3939004 Coding Ubiquitin 318
BBa_K3939005 Coding Ura 804
BBa_K3939006 Terminator GFP Terminator 236
BBa_K3939007 Regulatory pGal promoter 457
BBa_K3939008 Coding tetR gene expression product 624
BBa_K3939009 DNA LoxP sequence 34
BBa_K3939010 DNA GFP right homologous arm 300
BBa_K3939011 DNA tetR gene expression product binding site 19
BBa_K3939012 Regulatory Ura Promoter 221
BBa_K3939013 Terminator Ura Terminator 130
BBa_K3939015 Terminator CYC1 terminator 229
BBa_K3939016 Regulatory flipped pGal promoter 430
BBa_K3939017 Regulatory TEF1 promoter 348
BBa_K3939020 Regulatory Gai-tetO promoter 449
BBa_K3939021 Composite Fast degrading GFP with homologous arms 3563
BBa_K3939030 Regulatory ADH1 Promoter 705
BBa_K3939031 Terminator ADH1 Terminator 188
BBa_K3939032 DNA GFP’s right 415

Composite Parts

Name Type Description Length(bp)
BBa_K3939111 Composite Fast degrading GFP 1035
BBa_K3939222 Composite GFP with homologous arms 3792
BBa_K3939233 Plasmid Carotene regulated by the tetR-tetO regulatory system 16014
BBa_K3939235 Plasmid Carotene-loxp 15968
BBa_K3939666 Composite Gal Cas9 4597
BBa_K3939887 Composite Cas9 gene regulated by tetR 5790
BBa_K3939998 Composite Cas9 with flipped promoter 4638
BBa_K3939021 Composite Fast degrading GFP with homologous arms 3563
Groovin Bootstrap Template - Index

About Us

School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, 135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin