To decide to connect the N-terminal or C-terminal of AD to Cas Φ, we repeated the two steps
mentioned above, structural modeling and protein docking, to explore the effect of the
linker junction site on AD recruitment of RNA polymerase. It is worth noting that in
structural modeling, SWISS-MODEL is unable to model the structure of Linker because of the
lack of homologous templates. Therefore, we re-established the protein structure of the
N-terminal and C-terminal linked Linker in the N-terminal domain of Vibrionatriegens α
subunit by using the alphafold2 server and docked it with RNA polymerase β subunit according
to the first and second steps. The following are the results.
Results of Linker modeling
score of
modeling results
Vn α-Linker |
Linker- Vn α |
Model 1 |
84.08 |
82.71 |
Model 2 |
83.40 |
81.44 |
Model 3 |
83.19 |
81.02 |
Table 5. Scores of three models of two kinds of AD obtained by modeling with alphafold2.
2. Sequence prediction map. The higher the value is, the more reliable the position is.
Fig 11. The IDDT value of Vn α-Linker model predicted by alphafold2
Fig 12. The IDDT value of Linker- Vn α model predicted by alphafold2
3. Preview of the final model structure
Fig 13. The modeling results of protein structure obtained by alphafold2.From top to bottom, they are:E.c αNTD-Linker To 4LK1D and Linker-E.c α NTD To 4LK1D.
Rdock results
AD and linker |
PoseName |
Zdock Score |
Density |
ZRank Score |
E_vdw1 |
E_elec1 |
E_vdw2 |
E_elec2 |
E_sol |
E_RDock |
Linker-V.n α To 4LK1D |
Pose1134 |
17.8 |
3 |
39.326 |
-148.982 |
0.914272 |
-152.111 |
13.715 |
40.4 |
52.7435 |
V.n α-Linker To 4LK1D |
Pose789 |
23.6 |
3 |
14.574 |
679.918 |
-6.7492 |
-135.066 |
15.4786 |
8.5 |
22.4308 |
Table 6. The highest score of Rdock after docking two kinds of AD carrying linker with RNA
polymerase α subunit.In the above table:
E_elec1 and E_elec2: electrostatic potential energy of protein complexes after the first and
second rounds of CHARMm Energy Optimization
E_vdw1 and E_vdw 2: van der Waals non-Bond interaction Energy of protein complexes after the
first and second rounds of CHARMm Energy Optimization
E_sol: desolvation energy of protein complexes calculated by the ACE method
E_RDock:The definition of RDOCK score is: E_elec2 + beta × E_sol
From the results
above, we leaned that both the N-terminal and C-terminal linker of the α subunit would impact the
docking effect, as expected. We also find that the docking effect of the C-terminal Linker is
significantly better than that of the N-terminal Linker. That is, casφ-linker-AD is a more ideal
This aroused our interest, and we further explored the original. At first, we planned to
compare the differences between the two structures and the original V.n α structure, but
then we found that the RMSD values of the three structures were all less than 2, indicating
their high similarity. However, when we compare the whole structure after Rdock, we find the
reason for the difference.
Fig 14. Docking structure between AD and RNA polymerase β subunit after Rdock. AD from top
to bottom
is V.n α-Linker, Linker- V.n αand V.n α. The red part is RNA polymerase β subunit, and the
blue part is AD.
It can be found that V.n α is closely associated with RNA polymerase β subunit, followed by
Linker- Vn α. On the contrary, Vn α-Linker and RNA polymerase β subunit are basically not
docked correctly, but more like AD is attached to RNA polymerase β we chose the
configuration of the Cas Φ-linker-AD for further research.