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Distribution Kit Search Tool
Excellence in Another Area
Over the course of the spring, we were hard at work trying to plan our experiments and set up our project. During this time, we used the Distribution Kit intensively. However, during this process we noticed that there were some aspects of the Distribution Kit that could be improved. To this end, we developed DiKST (Distribution Kit Search Tool). DiKST allows future iGEM teams to effortlessly navigate the Distribution Kit and easily find parts. This can prevent unnecessary effort in the planning phase of iGEM projects and streamline the experimental design of other teams, as well as facilitate optimal usage of the Distribution Kit during lab time. This will ensure that future teams can find and build upon existing knowledge while being confident that no important information is missed. We envision DiKST to be perfected and expanded in collaboration with iGEM headquarters and integrated into the iGEM registry.
Distribution Kit Search Tool (DiKST)
The iGEM Registry is an important database with amazing biobricks that can be used to build promising projects. Every year, iGEM teams around the globe contribute to this database by designing and building new constructs. In addition to this registry, iGEM provides a distribution kit to iGEM teams with ready-to-use biobricks. This is a valuable resource to iGEM teams since it can be used to resolve unforeseen problems in the lab or avoid expensive orders like synthesizing specific DNA constructs. During our project, we found it hard to search the Distribution kit for constructs we might want to use. More specifically, the parts registry has a specific section for the Distribution kit, but on this page only the part ID is shown. Although it is possible to search throughout the Registry and see if a part is in the distribution kit, we thought this process to be time-consuming and could be improved.
To tackle this problem our team encountered, we designed the Distribution Kit Search Tool (DiKST). This tool is open-source and consists of a Python program that collects all the required information for each biobrick present in the distribution kit. A website was also developed that enables users to search through this information to find a biobrick that suits their needs. You can use the 2021 Distribution Kit Search Tool here or generate your own DiKST by following the guide below.
This tool will allow future iGEM teams to streamline their project by enabling smooth interaction with the contents of the distribution kit. The search function allows for quick screening of parts to provide easier access to information on the contents of a biobrick and the whereabouts in the distribution kit. This effortless access to the distribution kit makes planning experiments with the resources available easier for teams who might want to adjust their experiments during their wet-lab phase. It is our intention that other teams will make use of this tool and extract everything they possibly can from the distribution kit to raise their project to the highest level possible