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Brainstorming for the subject choice

From January to the end of February, the iGEM team 2021 worked to define the project. Two main ideas required several weeks of argumentation to define the subject. A part of the team was presenting ideas on biofuels and the other part was thinking about mosquitoes. Finally, we decided, with the help of the advisors Jeanne, Laurie and Margot, to work on mosquitoes as the current subject.

Searching for funding and partnership

The businessmen and businesswomen were Marion I, Marion H, Aldo, Nicola, Bill and Fabian. With the knowledge of some and the negotiation skills of others, they prepared and organized all the files and presentations to recover the funds.

Motion designing

The major work on our motion design video was done by Rebecca who created the entire script with the help of Aude in collaboration with François Reimbold from Licthi Video. They chose the voice over made by Jen Lawson. When the script was finished, our polyglot team members Yassmine, Manon, Aldo and Khaoula Slimani managed to translate the video to English, Italian, Arabian, German and Spanish.

Integrated human practices


When the project was defined and started, we faced a major problem to solve: the public opinion on the invasion of the tiger mosquito. To fight this invasion, some companies use specific means to kill or keep mosquitoes away. Starting from zero, we needed to contact these companies to learn more about how to deal with insects in order to develop a more ecological control technique. The whole team started to look for such companies and to contact them for information and advice. We had a first meeting with EID (Entente Interdépartementale pour la Démoustication du littoral méditerranéen” (i.e. Interdepartmental Agreement for Mosquito control on the Mediterranean coast).

Intregative human practices:

Alizé, Margot and Clara started to do interviews with scientists to know more about the mosquito microbiota with Dr Gendrin Mathilde but also to learn about biocontainment with Dr Dorothée Murat and Dr Anne Walburger. Dr Bruno Coutard also explained to us all the information we needed on arboviral diseases and their vectors. Conferences and interviews help us to have a better understanding of the situation with the emergence of tiger mosquitoes in France (Hélène Soubelet) and the existing solutions to fight against them (Gregory L’Ambert).

Events :

The team participated in several events to promote the project at all levels. A street interview was organized by Alizé and she also presented the project at the Lumexplore festival with Marion I. Both also participated in the Biotechnology Forum with Marion H. Bill went with Aldo at a CROUS event. And finally, Nicola, Yassmine and Fabian took part in a Science Festival to talk about ARBO-BLOCK.

The logo for this year's project was created entirely by Justine Marchado, the owner of the design company Studio ÉMÉRA, under the supervision of Marion I.

Wiki design and editing

The whole team took part in the wiki redaction, but a special thanks to Laetitia Houot and Valérie Prima who had permit to finish the experiment part during the last hours. We wanted to give a big thanks to Marion I and Alizé who did the biggest part of the job for the wiki especially to Marion I for all the translations. And finally, the biggest thanks belongs to Johan Hascoët to have coded and designed all the wiki.


Video Presentation

We want to thank Alizé, Marion I, Marion H, Yassmine and Fabian who filmed, edited the video and did a great job ! Nicola and Bill with them they appear in the video. Alizé and Marion H talk about the scientific part. Marion I presents the objective of the project, Nicola describes the main features of the project and Marion H, Alizé and Nicola the biosafety part. We shot in different places, at the LISM laboratory in Marseille for the lab part, in the university and at the Mucem for the outdoor part.


  • Postcard project: Dussseldorf iGEM team
  • Project’s emoji: iGEM IISER Bhopal, iGEM Estonia TUIT, iGEM Siberia, iGEM IISerp, iGEM Aachen 2021, iGEM CCU Taiwan, Warwick Igem 2021, iGEM Aboa Finland, Nous iGEM, iGEM Bielefeld CeBiTec 2021, iGEM Duke , iGEM Biogalaxy Spain, iGEM Tec de Monterrey, MIT iGEM…
  • Meet up français: iGEM Go Paris Saclay, iGEM Paris Bettencourt, iGEM Evry, iGEM Ionis, iGEM Toulouse, iGEM Nantes, iGEM U Paris, iGEM Sorbonne
  • VPaper plane video: Aachem team
  • English picture book: iGEM Taiwan
  • Talks about tiger mosquitoes and biocontainment: Synfronteras iGEM Unila

Biological design

The entire team worked on scientific research from the start of the project as it was an important topic to focus on to understand our problematic. Nicola, Marion H, Marion D and Rebecca did the most thorough research for the application to the laboratory.


We would like to extend our appreciations for the amazing work done by everyone who supported us. We especially would like to thank our instructors: James Sturgis, Laetitia Houot and Julie Viala. They showed leadership qualities that the rest of the team look up to, we could not have done it without your help.

Our advisors gave us a lot of advice, they introduced us to the iGEM universe, and then guided us to the final stretch. We particularly want to thank Jeanne Preel who has always been by our side and thanks to all the other advisors (Laurie Jayet, Jonas Desjardins, Marie Grandjean (who was not an official advisor but an advisor-like)...) who helped us a lot, especially during the research and implementation of the project.

Thank you, Johan Hascoet for the design of our wiki, thank you for all the advice you could give us and your unfailing support!

We would also like to thank our sponsors, thanks to their generous donations, this project has become a reality and has proven to be a wonderful success. Last but not least, we would like to thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary project.

We also want to thank the people who helped us, from the professionals who gave us their time for the interviews to each citizen we met during our events.

Running social media account

Clara & Manon

Alizé & Marion I
