

This year, we've done a lot of works that make useful contribution for future iGEM teams. Most of our contributions goes around our project.

New part design

This year we completed the design of a new part based on the content of our project, a set of switches that regulate ribozyme expression through inducers. Our switch is groundbreaking in taking advantage of changes in DNA configuration, so it can detect many previously difficult inducers in vitro with greater sensitivity. The properties of our part allow it to act as a signal expression enhancer, expressing our inducer proteins by iGEMers’ own project reporter genes, and then increasing the efficiency of expression by producing ribozyme in large quantities by rolling loop transcription achieved by our part. Please refer to our Parts section for details.

Hairpin structure to help DNA single strand cyclize

In our experiment, hairpin structure was used to complete the loop formation of single strand DNA for the first time. This set a precedent for later IGEN teams. In our experiment, we designed hairpin sequences predicted by our software on both ends of the single strand DNA, so that the single strand DNA could loop itself, and then just add ligase to finish the process. We have sorted out this step and please see our Results section for details.

The optimal conditions of the experiment

During our experiment, we also explored a lot of experimental conditions related to the z-DNA and Holliday junction components we designed, and iGEM teams who need these data can go to the Results section to check on their own.

Software for fast retrieval of specific sequences

In order to find out whether App sequence --- cross sequence system exists in the body, we designed two software respectively: cross sequence searcher software and App sequence searcher software, to determine whether App sequence and cross sequence exist simultaneously in genes, and determine whether they exist in correlation by the position relationship of the two. In this case, we use JAVASRCIPT to design the relevant program, so that it can run directly in the browser, without relying on the strict compilation environment.

Future iGEM teams can use this software to predict the App sequences and cross sequences if they want to. Go for the Software.