Team:NEYCFLS China/Collaborations

  • Activities in the Collaborations Page

  •      During iGEM 2021, our team has been actively cooperating with other teams on the iGEM Collaborations page, including participating in small meetings held by teams, and exchanging surveys with other teams.

  • Duke x DKU Mini Jamboree

  •      On the evening of September 12, 2021, our team joined the Mini Jamboree that was held by team Duke x DKU. That evening, we gave our little presentation on our entire project, also introducing a letter assigned to our team that had to both have something to do with the team topic and synthetic biology. Our letter was ‘Y’, which is the abbreviation of the amino acid tyrosine. (See how tyrosine affects our work:

  • At the end of the Mini Jamboree, we were able to document our letter and its effect on our entire project on the Duke team powerpoint.

  • Survey Exchange with Stanford