Team:IISER Kolkata

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Do you know a secret formula to boost infinite energy?

it's MILK


Milk and its derivatives are one of the primary sources of nutrition. Globally, more than 6 billion people consume milk and its products.

480,256,000 tonnes of milk has been produced globally and 198,400,000 tonnes of milk has been produced in India, in 2020.

Milk is the leading agricultural produce in India with the Dairy industry contributing 5.3% to India’s agricultural GDP.


However, there is a silent-killer affecting our dairy industry...


Due to a silent killer disease called Bovine Mastitis disease, Out of the loss incurred in milk production, 70% of it accounts to sub-clinical mastitis in India. As per NDRI, the estimated economic loss due to mastitis is INR 7165.51 crore per annum.

Absence of visible symptoms in the sub-clinical stage of the disease makes it difficult to detect the disease using available detection techniques.

The disease in chronic stage can lead to fatality of bovines.

Available treatment methods use broad-spectrum antibiotics.

2730 tonnes of antibiotics are fed into the dairy sector.


This leads to a steady development of antimicrobial resistance in mastitis-causing pathogenic bacteria.

These antibiotics can also contaminate milk that we consume, creating severe health problems in humans.

So the Need of the Hour is to...


Develop an accurate, easy-to-use, point of care, portable, cheap detection kit.
Along with An Antibiotic-free treatment system.

Hence We Propose

A 3-way breakthrough to tackle subclinical bovine mastitis

"Prevention is better than cure"

Maintaining proper hygienic methods while milking can stop the spread of this disease. Our Human Practices team has in-person spread awareness on the methods of hygienic milking among the stakeholders.



The present detection methods are expensive, not easily available, and are not precise. We propose a cheap, fast, point-of-care, portable, easy-to-use colorimetric detection kit to specifically detect the Bovine Mastitis disease in the subclinical stage and prevent the disease from progressing to chronic stages.


We propose an antibiotics-free cure for sub-clinical bovine mastitis using narrow-spectrum bacteriocins. When our GMO will be injected via intra-mammary injection into the tissues of the udder, it will specifically sense the presence of subclinical bovine mastitis causing pathogens and kill them, thus curing the cow.


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Our Sponsors...

Promega RCT IISERKolkata