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Virtual Meetup

Our team had a further collaboration with BIT.Both of our teams aimed at the early detection of CRC.Though BIT aims to detect cancer polyps through the content of mRNA while we detect by DNA methylation, as our projects are both related with CRC detection, though several times virtual meetup, we decided to combine our projects to increase the accuracy rates of our project.

Figure 1. Virtual Meetup with BIT

Learning that BIT tried to create an application using bluetooth, we were honored to collaborate with BIT and combine our project with them.

Online Discussions

After several discussions through Wechat and zoom calls, we have a final plan for our partnership. BIT was going to create a mini app on Wechat, and the front page of the mini app will be both team's introduction as well as the project discription. Then BIT would use bluetooth to detect fluoresence proteins and multilple different channels' movements. Then, the data would send back to bluetooth.

However, there were some challenges we faced when we tried to combine our lab results. The main difference was that BIT used slipchips and conforcal light path to detect fluoresence. They first used blue light as a stimulation, then they sent the green fluorence back to the silicon photocell which had the electric signals. On the other hand, our project used mCherry, which is a red fluorecence.

To solve the distinction, one of the members of BIT suggested two solutions. 
1. Use a different fluorescent protein that their equipement chould detect.
2. Use a filter over our current fluorescence to change its color so that their equipment could detect our fluorescence.

Figure 2. Online discussions with BIT via Wechat throughout the season

It was an honor to have partnership with BIT, and both teams hoped that our projects could one day be applied to the public to decrease the death rate of CRC.

Hosted a Virtual workshop together

During our collaboration, we realized that not so many people had known about CRC. So, to publizie some information of CRC, we hosted a virtual workshop together and received great positive feedback from the audiences. (To learn more, visit our education website


Partnerships with another iGEM team BIT, Both of our teams aimed at the early detection of CRC.

  • Virtual Meetup
  • Online Discussions

    Online communication throughout the season to communicate the team's project progress

  • Virtual workshop

    Co-organized an online Science Communication Event
