
  1. Competition Deliverables:
  2. I. We created a Wiki page to make our project available;

    II. We made a video presentation of our project;

    III. We sent out the Safety and Judging Forms.

  3. Attributions:
  4. I. We created an attribution page to thank everyone who collaborated with the project.

  5. Contribution:
  6. I. In our project we developed a structural model of γPLI, we believe that this may be useful for future teams given the advances in research involving snake venoms, you can check more here;

    II. We created two new parts that could be used by teams in the future.

  1. Engineering Success:
  2. I. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible to conduct experiments, so we put more effort into the dry-lab and applied the engineering design cycle to get an ideal model.

  3. Collaborations:
  4. I. Together we are stronger. We collaborated with different teams to understand more about their projects and realities. With this work we believe that everyone involved was able to improve their projects.

  5. Human Practices:
  6. I. We have tried to divulge as much as possible about the great problem that is the ophidian accidents, how antiophidic serum is made, first aid, and the importance of snake preservation.

  7. Proposed Implementation:
  8. I. We believe that Honorato is a step towards the totally synthetic production of anti-ophidic serums, that is, without the use of animals. For this, we consulted several professionals to develop a product that meets society's needs.

  1. Integrated Human Practices:
  2. I. Breaking down the barriers between academia and society is one of the pillars of our team. With this in mind, we try to talk to different institutes and people to understand how ophidian accidents affect the society in which we operate, and we learn many things from this.

  3. Project Modeling:
  4. I. To better understand how γPLI will work we performed kinetic modeling and structural modeling. We intend to perform experiments in the future, since the pandemic of COVID-19 did not allow us to perform them for now, and modeling will be essential for us to be able to perform them in the best way.

  5. Partnership:
  6. I. The partnership with the USP Brazil team was essential for us to achieve our goals. This partnership extended to different areas of both projects which was very beneficial for both.

  7. Education and Communication:
  8. I. We believe that science is a great way to improve the future of the world. And young people are the future. So, through science outreach and the synthetic biology tournament we aim to get young people interested in science.

  9. Excellence in another area:
  10. I. We realized several actions of scientific dissemination involving social networks and attractive arts for different audiences, demonstrating excellence beyond synthetic biology.