
Team:UBrawijaya -


The teams we have collaborated with during our project

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iGEM Brawijaya x NCKU Tainan

We made a video with iGEM NCKU Tainan talking about synthetic biology and the related safety aspect and regulation with the field. We also talked about both of our projects to increase awareness on it and to give examples on synthetic biology projects.

iGEM Brawijaya x B1O

We had virtual meetups a few times, talking about both our projects. We found out that B1O has an amazing idea of making a treatment for Parkinson’s disease with synthetic biology.

iGEM Brawijaya x Bettencourt

We had a few meetups but due to the time limit, we cannot continue our partnership and instead we shared tips about lab work and what we can do to improve our lab work. We talked about both of our projects where they are almost in the similar field to each other. The Bettencourt team worked on an amazing idea where they make a pigment with minicells, we also did a few catch ups where we supported each other during the journey of our iGEM projects.

iGEM CCU Taiwan

We helped the team translate their comic book into Indonesian language.

iGEM SZU China

We helped the team translate their IntestiNO rules and description into the Indonesian language.

iGEM Düsseldorf Postcard Project

We sent our postcards with explanations and descriptions of our project to iGEM Dusseldorf where they sent it forward to other participating teams. This project increases our awareness for other teams’ projects in a fun, creative way.

iGEM KU Leuven

We joined iGEM KU Leuven’s business pitch event where we received feedback and useful insight from people involved in biotechnology startups and industries. We then use these feedbacks to improve our business model for the entrepreneurship aspect of our project.

iGEM Brawijaya x UGM Indonesia

One of our team members attended and became a speaker at team UGM’s event about the in silico aspect of synthetic biology, increasing awareness for synthetic biology.

Collaboration Planner

We collaborated with several iGEM teams for our planner book. In this planner, we will include projects from some of the 2021 iGEM teams and give future teams some idea on how to develop their project and the deadlines they need to keep in mind. We also include tips for future iGEM teams to get ahead in their projects by providing useful links from the 2021 competition. The teams that contributed to our planner are; iGEM Leiden, Friendzymes (Open Science Global), NCKU Tainan, Duke, SZU-China, CCU Taiwan, and NOUS Greece.