Team:Sorbonne U Paris/Attributions



Team work

  • Darine Ben Elbey :As head of digital communication, she managed our social media, organised and participated in different collaborations.
  • Mathilde Bied : Head of events, education and human practices. She also worked on the promotional video and the wiki redaction.
  • Lucie Diby :She was involved in education, events and collaborations. She also helped Sophiane with the funding research and she participated in the experimentations.
  • Maïa Henry : Phytoplankton specialist, she worked in the project's design, protocol writing and experimentations during the summer. She was also involved in education, events and collaborations.
  • Maëva Lassay : As team manager, she was in charge of the smooth running of the project. She was also involved in events, education and collaborations and worked on the videos and the wiki redaction.
  • Théodore Michielin : As head of the dry lab, he managed the project design, protocol writing and experiments during the summer.
  • Paul Nollot : As team manager, he was in charge of the smooth running of the project. He also was involved in project design and protocol writing and worked on education and events.
  • Sophiane Poissonnier : As treasurer, she managed the funding research for our project. She was also involved in education, events and she worked in the wet lab.
  • Sofija Popovic : She was involved in digital communication, events and collaborations. She also worked on the project's design and protocol writing.
  • Jasper Zweistra : As Wiki programming manager he learned how to code with HTML to help Fabien. He was also involved in the project design and protocol writing.


Our instructors Frédérique Perronet, Marco Da Costa and Pierre Crozet supported us and advised us throughout the iGEM experience. Thanks to their advice we have put together a project that we are proud of. Pierre Crozet, welcomed us to the Quantitative and Computational Biology laboratory and shared his expertise on Chlamydomonas for the writing of the protocols.

Lab support

  • Alexandra Carbone, Director of the laboratory of Quantitative and Computational Biology Laboratory for welcoming us in the lab, and all the people working there for their support and good humor.
  • Nicolas Cornille (Research engineer), Félix de Carpentier (postdoc), Nicolas Boisset (PhD candidate) and Théo Le Moigne(PhD candidate) for providing us wet lab materials and assisting us in our daily experiments.
  • Christophe Piesse, for providing us with our peptide.

Special thanks

  • Christophe Lasseur>, for his advice and encouragement in our project. Thank you also for putting us in relation with Natalie Leys.
  • Adrienne Kish, for all her help and advice for our project. Thank you for allowing us to test the effect of radiation on our samples.
  • Natalie Leys, Head of the Microbiology Research Unit and Space Research Program coordinator at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, For her opinion on our project, for giving us the opportunity to send our samples, and for putting us in contact with Jana Fahrion.
  • Jana Fahrion, PhD candidate at the Belgian Nuclear Research Center in Nathalie Leys’s Microbiology Research Unit for her work, exposing our strain to cosmic radiations.

Other mentionable support


  • Tamara Babin, graphic designer, defined our graphic identity and designed our logo and icons. Thank you for the magnificent tote bag and for taking our team photos.
  • Nikita Menezes Braganca, scientific graphic designer for Obleek Design, illustrated our project and all the results. She also diagrammed the key stages of our experimentation.
  • Fabien Mourlin, our savior who helped us code our wiki. Thank you for being patient and doing the impossible for us.


  • Isabella, founder of Harnessing Sight, a blog that aims to dismantle prejudice on disability. Thanks for sharing your story, and for your intel on how to make science more accessible.

Communication and Education support

  • Amine Jawari and Cédric Lopez, Respectively in charge of campus life programming/scene manager and in charge of the Campus Life and Student Initiatives Unit within the Solidarity Fund for the Development of Student Initiatives (FSDIE) of Sorbonne University. (Pourquoi on les remercie ?)
  • Valérie Lerouyer, in charge of scientific mediation at the Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie in Paris, she invited us to participate at the Fête de la Science event at the Cité des Sciences. We are very grateful for her advice and good humor.
  • Thibault Vallette and his team accompanied us during the preparation of the science fest at Sorbonne University.
  • Yasmine Bellagha welcomed us to her class and trusted us for leading practical workshops with her students.
  • Manuel Ferreira teacher at Doudeauville School. He provided precious intel on our teaching approach and welcomed us to his class to perform our workshop.
  • Michelina Nascimbeni, our contact in La main à la pâte foundation. She guided us on our workshop project in elementary school and put us in touch with Manuel Ferreira to make it happen.
  • Sophia Richard, president of Je Science donc Je suis. She gave us the opportunity to tell our story through articles.
  • Irène Tanneur, in charge on the podcast at Je Science donc Je suis. She interviewed us and gave us the opportunity to shed light on our project and student initiative.
  • Claude Yepremian, researcher at the Museum of Natural History. We thank him for having provided us with bioluminescent algae for the school workshops.
  • Baptiste D’Urso, helped us in the genesis of our project by providing us with intel on radioresistance.


Sorbonne université

  • Polytech
  • Promega
  • Crowdfunding
  • New England BioLab
  • Geneious