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According to WHO statistics, a person suffers from cardiovascular disease (CVDs) every 16 seconds, and a person dies from thrombus every 37 seconds. Also, the overall mortality rate of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is 37% one year after being diagnosed. There is no doubt that CVDs, thrombosis, and DVT affect human health so severely that the consequences mustn’t be ignored. Therefore, by building an effective prevention method for DVT, we aim to positively impact the health of the general public.
Throughout all our human practices events, we have conducted integrated HP events by consulting stakeholders and experts from various fields, and modified our project consequently. For our collaborations, we’ve hold the 2021 iGEM International Optogenetics Conference and enjoyed a lively discussion on the optogenetics designs with Team KUAS_Korea; we’ve also collaborated with Team TAS_Taipei on wet lab confirmative experiments, and invited them to NYCU laboratory; finally, as an active member of the Taiwan iGEM community, we have joined the 2021 iGEM Taiwan Meetup and learned a lot from our excellent peers. As for education & communication, we have visited Taipei First School High School and Yi-Ching Yuan Elderly Long-Term Care Center; we have also conducted public survey in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
On the social aspect, we believe that our project can potentially improve public health by lowering thrombosis risks with our Nattokinase E. coli and our detection device; and raise public awareness on CVDs, thrombosis and DVT through our public engagements - including a physical lecture for the TFG Biology Club, a public survey on the knowledge of Nattokinase and the preference of drug delivery form (e.g. capsule or powder), scientific educations through social media platforms, and the health education leaflets we designed and gave out to local elderly care institutions.
On the scientific aspect, we believe that the remote control system that we designed has the potential of bringing changes to the medical field, transforming long-term medication into just one take of capsule, where patients can be given precise amounts of medicine with manipulation from outside the body. Secondly, we designed a kill switch system requiring fewer components than previous iGEM team designs, in other words, an efficient plasmid construction for a kill switch system, which is potentially useful for other biosafety designs in synthetic biology.
Thirdly, with our dry lab, we proposed a software model aiming to predict the cleavage site recognized by the serine protease, Nattokinase, by integrating machine learning algorithms and feature selection based on sequences data of the S8 family. Since Nattokinase cuts not only fibrin but also other substrates, it brings about health benefits other than breaking down thrombosis. We therefore hope to implement our software on not only the prediction of thrombolysis by Nattokinase, but also studying other health effects of it through finding out potential substrates of the protein, by bringing in other protein databases of the human body.
Throughout all our human practices events, we have conducted integrated HP events by consulting stakeholders and experts from various fields, and modified our project consequently. For our collaborations, we’ve hold the 2021 iGEM International Optogenetics Conference and enjoyed a lively discussion on the optogenetics designs with Team KUAS_Korea; we’ve also collaborated with Team TAS_Taipei on wet lab confirmative experiments, and invited them to NYCU laboratory; finally, as an active member of the Taiwan iGEM community, we have joined the 2021 iGEM Taiwan Meetup and learned a lot from our excellent peers. As for education & communication, we have visited Taipei First School High School and Yi-Ching Yuan Elderly Long-Term Care Center; we have also conducted public survey in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
On the social aspect, we believe that our project can potentially improve public health by lowering thrombosis risks with our Nattokinase E. coli and our detection device; and raise public awareness on CVDs, thrombosis and DVT through our public engagements - including a physical lecture for the TFG Biology Club, a public survey on the knowledge of Nattokinase and the preference of drug delivery form (e.g. capsule or powder), scientific educations through social media platforms, and the health education leaflets we designed and gave out to local elderly care institutions.
On the scientific aspect, we believe that the remote control system that we designed has the potential of bringing changes to the medical field, transforming long-term medication into just one take of capsule, where patients can be given precise amounts of medicine with manipulation from outside the body. Secondly, we designed a kill switch system requiring fewer components than previous iGEM team designs, in other words, an efficient plasmid construction for a kill switch system, which is potentially useful for other biosafety designs in synthetic biology.
Thirdly, with our dry lab, we proposed a software model aiming to predict the cleavage site recognized by the serine protease, Nattokinase, by integrating machine learning algorithms and feature selection based on sequences data of the S8 family. Since Nattokinase cuts not only fibrin but also other substrates, it brings about health benefits other than breaking down thrombosis. We therefore hope to implement our software on not only the prediction of thrombolysis by Nattokinase, but also studying other health effects of it through finding out potential substrates of the protein, by bringing in other protein databases of the human body.