Team:NUDT CHINA/Parts Overview


Parts Overview


This year, we handed in 44 high-quality, well documented bio-brick parts, including all those we used in our project this year, and several brilliantly designed others forming a inspired by our iGEM project within these three years.

Favorite Part

2.1 Basic Part: αCHelix of truncated CDK4 (BBa_K4016009)

This part is a basic part, the αCHelix domain of CDK4. CDK4 is known as endogenous binding parter of Cyclin D1. Reports have shown that CDK4 binds Cyclin D1 via its C terminus α Helix domain1. Therefore, we removed other protein domains of cyclin D1 to only obtain the binding afinity. In addition, to improve binding affinity, our part contains two copies of CDK4 αCHelix linked with 5xGS Linker.

Figure 1. Schematic of the cyclin D1 Cdk4 binding.

2.2 Composite Part: 2x CDK4 αCHelix-CIB1 (BBa_K4016027)

This part is a composite part containing tendom repeats of CDK4 αCHelix(BBa_K4016009) linked with CIB1(BBa_K2980002) designed for the usage of degrading cyclinD1 and then the regulation of the cell cycle under blue light. By keeping the C-terminal helix of CDK4, we can get the part that only targets cyclinD1. Meanwhile, with the “CIB1” part, we can achieve the degradation of protein controlled by the blue light by working with composite part “Trim21-Cry2” (BBa_K4016035).

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the CDK4 αCHelix’s function on targeting cyclinD.

Parts list

01 BBa_K4016000 PixE 02 BBa_K4016001 PixD 03 BBa_K4016002 Bcl-xl
04 BBa_K4016003 LD3 05 BBa_K4016004 asLOV2 06 BBa_K4016005 Zdk
07 BBa_K4016006 VH_cyclinE1 08 BBa_K4016007 VK_cyclinE1 09 BBa_K4016008 ScFv_cyclinE1
10 BBa_K4016009 2×CDK4 αCHelix 11 BBa_K4016010 2×Rb αChelix 12 BBa_K4016011 TCE
13 BBa_K4016012 VH_CyclinE1-Coh2 14 BBa_K4016013 VK_CyclinE1-Trim21-DocS 15 BBa_K4016014 ScFv_CyclinE1-Coh2
16 BBa_K4016015 Coh2-ScFv_CyclinE1 17 BBa_K4016016 Coh2-VH_CyclinE1 18 BBa_K4016017 Trim21-DocS-VK_CyclinE1
19 BBa_K4016018 VK_CyclinE1-Docs-Trim21 20 BBa_K4016019 HA-Trim21-PixE 21 BBa_K4016020 GFPnano-PixD
22 BBa_K4016021 HA-Trim21-PixD 23 BBa_K4016022 GFPnano-PixE 24 BBa_K4016023 HA-Trim21-LD3
25 BBa_K4016024 GFPnano-Bcl-xl 26 BBa_K4016025 HA-Trim21-asLOV2 27 BBa_K4016026 Zdk-GFPnano
28 BBa_K4016027 2×CDK4 αCHelix-CIB1 29 BBa_K4016028 2×CDK4 αCHelix-Coh2 30 BBa_K4016029 VH_CyclinE1-CIB1
31 BBa_K4016030 VK_CyclinE1-Trim21-Cry2 32 BBa_K4016031 2×Rb CHelix-CIB1 33 BBa_K4016032 2×Rb CHelix-Coh2
34 BBa_K4016033 CIB1-VH_CyclinE1 35 BBa_K4016034 Trim21-Cry2-VK_CyclinE1 36 BBa_K4016035 Trim21-CRY2
37 BBa_K4016036 GFPnano-CIB1 38 BBa_K4016037 ScFv_CyclinE1-CIB1 39 BBa_K4016038 3×GSlinker
40 BBa_K4016039 5×GSlinker 41 BBa_K4016040 Trim21-3×GS linker-CRY2 42 BBa_K4016041 GFPnano-3×GS linker-CIB1
43 BBa_K4016042 Trim21-5×GS linker-CRY2 44 BBa_K4016043 GFPnano-5×GS linker-CIB1