Amon | Cedric | Clemens | Erik | Finn | Jessica | Jonas | Katarzyna | Laura | Michael | Nadja | Pia | Sandra | Sara | Tamina | Tristan | Yasoo | |||
Cell-Free Extracts | Cultivation | ||||||||||||||||||
Isolation | |||||||||||||||||||
Experiment Design | |||||||||||||||||||
Preparation | |||||||||||||||||||
Troubleshooting | |||||||||||||||||||
Toolbox | Construct Design | ||||||||||||||||||
Building Parts | |||||||||||||||||||
Testing Parts | |||||||||||||||||||
Measurement | |||||||||||||||||||
Transcriptomic Data Analysis | |||||||||||||||||||
In Vivo | Cloning Constructs | ||||||||||||||||||
Chloroplast Transformation | |||||||||||||||||||
Analysis | |||||||||||||||||||
Outreach | BioBits | ||||||||||||||||||
Dies Academicus | |||||||||||||||||||
Farmer Interviews | |||||||||||||||||||
Booklets | |||||||||||||||||||
KiJuPa | |||||||||||||||||||
Lord Mayor Interview | |||||||||||||||||||
Ministry of Enviroment | |||||||||||||||||||
Integrated Human Practices | Interviews | ||||||||||||||||||
Lab Implementation | |||||||||||||||||||
Collaboration | Partnership Bielefeld | ||||||||||||||||||
Partnership Bettencourt | |||||||||||||||||||
General | Sponsoring | ||||||||||||||||||
Finance | |||||||||||||||||||
Design | |||||||||||||||||||
Wiki | |||||||||||||||||||
Promotion Video | |||||||||||||||||||
Presentation Video | |||||||||||||||||||
Social Media | |||||||||||||||||||
Safety | |||||||||||||||||||
Biocontainment |
Principal Investigators
Dr. Henrike Niederholtmeyer for agreeing to be one of our primary PIs after just arriving in Marburg. We are extremely grateful for all the feedback you gave us on our project and the time you invested in our meetings. Without your input on cell-free related topics, we would have surely missed a lot of important experiments to address in our project. Whenever there were any problems during the project we were sure to receive an answer very quickly and with this could easily solve problems that arose during the project. Thank you for accepting all of our DNA orders and safely depositing them on our bench. We cannot thank you enough for all you did!
Prof. Dr. Lars Matthias Voll for the immense support you gave us throughout the whole project! From workspace and equipment to scientific and organisational help, you were always ready to help us out. We are very thankful for all the feedback and advice you provided when something was not clear in the lab and for the many hours you spent in our meetings discussing problems with us - it was crucial to the development of our project! We are also incredibly grateful for your organisational support in getting us some room to have meetings in and supporting the iGEM initiative at the very beginning of the season, when it was not clear we could even do another full year of iGEM. We cannot thank you enough for all you did!
René Inckemann for his advice and organizing our team. Without him this project would not have even started, once more he has proven to be the core, the backbone of our team. For years he has contributed to iGEM as a participant, advisor, judge and instructor. For us as a team he is a true inspiration and his feedback and dedication pushed us above and beyond what we thought was capable. You are iGEM. Sincerely, thank you!
Additional Help
Johanna Hammig for you supporting the sponsoring subgroup.
Yannik Waßmuth : Thank you for your advice throughout the project and your valuable help in Human Practice!
Ariuna Naidanova for your help in the design subgroup. We’re still sad you could not stay!
Alexander B.A. for his kind offer to help us with the phototrophs logo.
Katharina Linn for helping us out with the iGEM promotion video!
Maria Schnur for trying her hardest to help wherever she could.
Victoria Sajtovich for inspiring us to write our Code of Conduct and your helpful advice during science meetings.
Tanguy Chotel for your valuable feedback during coffee breaks and during our science meetings.
Dr. Amir Pandi for helping us with troubleshooting our extracts by providing us with PURE E. coli cell-free reactions.
Lars Bröker for always being there for us, every meeting and for always caring about our project!
Dr. François-Xavier Lehr for being there for us during scientific discussions.
Jan Lukas Krüsemann Thank you for infecting us with your exemplary work ethic and always motivating us to keep working. We really appreciate that you have always brought spirit to our team and have taken so much time for us. Also thank you for teaching us very cool dance moves.
Hinrik Plaggenborg Thank you for always being there to answer questions with patience. Your input of ideas for experiments is inspiring and has helped us a lot. Also, you made us laugh even in difficult times, which we really appreciate!
Auksė Gaižauskaitė for your valuable feedback during our science meetings and helpful tips to design our wiki pages.
Vinca Seiler for your invaluable help with design and the webpage! Thank you for caring for us during the most stressful times before the Giant Jamboree!
Special Thanks Part I
Lauren Gail Clark for your invaluable input, your protocols, your experience and all the detailed information you shared with us. This project would not have been possible without you and your incredible work. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Prof. Michael C. Jewett for your openness and allowing us to work on this incredible project with resources from your lab!
Special Thanks Part II
AG Batschauer for allowing us to use your centrifuge whenever we needed and for the space in your growth chambers.
AG Kahmann & especially Karin Münch for generously supporting us with pots for our plants!
Dr. Stephanie Ruf and Dr. Daniel Karcher for your helpful advice on the chloroplast transformation!
Dr. Katharina Höfer for your generous support with inventory!
Department of Chemistry - Philipps-University Marburg: For the ongoing financial support of the iGEM-Teams
The Working Groups of Prof. Dr. Peter Graumann, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dehnen, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Tallarek, Prof. Dr. Martin Thanbichler, Prof. Dr. Michael Bölker, Prof. Dr. Regine Kahmann, Dr. Katharina Höfer and Prof. Dr. Erhard Bremer: Thank you for supporting us with important chemicals, you kept us going!
Department of Biology - Philipps-University Marburg: for supporting us with a credit for ordering DNA oligos.
Department of Pharma - Philipps-University Marburg: for providing us with PCR and Miniprepkits.
Frank Bauerbach for handling the iGEM bank accounts.
Dr. Jan-Wolfhard Kellmann for always listening when we needed help and directly offering us solutions. Thank you for advancing the money for the registration to bypass the bureaucratic hurdle with our bank account.
Anita Battefeld for handling the iGEM bank accounts and our transfers.
Prof. Dr. Tobias J. Erb for providing us access to his gene gun for our biolistic transformation of Nicotiana tabacum.
SYNMIKRO for supporting us with their facilities and for all the organisational support we got from your workers!
Max Planck Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie
Dr. Seán Murray for allowing us to work in your offices during the final weeks of our project to prepare our wiki.
Erik Bender for offering a zoom conference at any time during this challenging Covid pandemic. And for being an exceptional wiki wizard.
Bettina Happel for helping us out during the early phase of our project and helping us whenever we needed advice.
Karin Sievers for taking care of all the packages that arrived at the Synmikro and handling our orders for us. We are incredibly thankful for your perseverance when there were some delays! You have steadily improved our days with your positive attitude.
Christiane Rohrbach (TA AG Voll) for your patience and kindness when supporting us with handling the laboratory equipment. Also, we are very grateful that even when we made mistakes, you didn't hold anything against us and you always cared about our safety in the lab.
Dr. Timo Engelsdorf (AG Voll) for being an open ear for many scientific questions and for always taking the time to explain complex working procedures to us.
Agnes Damm (TA AG Batschauer) for your support in maintaining the laboratory equipment. We are also very grateful that you always took time for us and were so willing to help us throughout the year.
Julia Seufer (AG Voll) for your patience when we had to autoclave again and when we asked you so many questions. And thank you for showing us so much respect and open-mindedness.
Imre Banlaki (AG Niederholtmeyer) for your help in the laboratory and for helping us to find our way around the lab.
Luca Schulz (AG Erb) for your invaluable advice on cell-free technology.
Human Practices
Philipps-University Marburg for hosting the Dies Academicus.
European Food and Safety Authority for their informative answer through the Ask EFSA service.
Priska Hinz (Minister) for her informative statement on the political stance towards GMOs.
Dr. Thomas Spies (Lord Mayor) for his very informative insight about the interaction between science and society in Marburg.
Ulrich Zick (Farmer) and Jens Eidam (Farmer) for taking the time to give us an interview and feedback for our farmer booklet.
The KiJuPa for engaging an open and reflected discussion, with special thanks to
Friederike Könitz for her contribution to organizing the event.
Integrated Human Practices
David Spencer (Progressive Agrarwende) for the great talk about GMOs, their regulations, and the legal mutagenesis via radioactivity. Also, your motivation to keep talking openly about science communication is infectious to us. Your insightful statements have helped us a lot in the development of our project.
William J. Gordon-Kamm (Corteva) for making time and giving so much valuable input to our project.
Dr. Jan-Wolfhard Kellmann (ZKBS) for offering his encouragement and expertise, guiding us on our success in Human Practice.
Dr. Dominik Modrzejewski (DBV) for the great insight into DBV and farmers' views on GMOs.
Dr. Klaus Schmidt (KWS) for the many project ideas and for the overview into the way of working in the European industry.
Education & Communication
MiniPCR for sponsoring their BioBits kits!
Florian Bauer (Teacher) for giving us the opportunity to bring the BioBits Kits to his students.
GASB for your amazing work and for joining forces with us to provide better SynBio education in schools. Your members' efforts in science communication are a true inspiration.
iGEM Thrace, and all team members that participated in the programme
iGEM Düsseldorf - For the organization and distribution of postcards from iGEM teams from all over the world
iGEM Madrid - for introducing the Marburg collection to students during their iGEM project.
iGEM Bonn & iGEM Kaiserslautern - For organizing the German Meetup
The iGEM Moscow teams - For organizing the Russian Meetup
… and all the other teams we collaborated with this year.
iGEM Automation
The team of iGEM Bettencourt, especially:
- Zoé Pincemaille - for planning the workflow and bringing in your expertise on E. coli growth during our collaborative lab experiment of our partnership project.
- Clément Galan - for planning the workflows and connecting with sequencing companies to put our plans to action
- Alexis Casas - For your excellent advice and the continuous motivation that pushed us to give our best
iGEM Phototrophs
The iGEM Bielefeld team, especially:
- Paul Goffing for being a great leader during the meetings and pushing us forward!
- Julia Macholl for your amazing help during the Meet-Ups organization.
- Lennart Lutz for being a great help in our collaboration and for your positive attitude that kept us laughing.
To the teams that have actively participated in writing the handbook and thereby helped future iGEM teams wishing to work with phototrophic organisms:
Thanks to everyone who helped us with the planning and organization of the meetup series, especially Malin
Eriksson from iGEM Aboa & Maxence Holtz from iGEM Toulouse.
Thanks to all the meetup speakers
for sharing their fascinating research with us and demonstrating the incredible possibilities of phototrophic
- Prof. Julie Zedler - for your inspiring talk on cyanobacteria and your advice during the breakout session during our online seminar series.
- Alejandra Schiavon Osorio - For illustrating the functionality and applicability of the CyanoGatetoolkit
- Dr. Andreas Andreou - For showing us the incredible possibilities of working with Mobius assembly
- iGEM Kaiserlautern 2019 - Dorothée Klein and Adrian Engels for their insights into the inner workings of an award-winning iGEM team.
- Prof. Ilka Axmann - for demonstrating how important phototrophic and especially cyanobacteria research is in addressing real-world problems.
- Prof. Jennifer Brophy - for your amazing talk on Plant synthetic biology during our seminar series.
To the experts who helped answer the urgent questions and issues that arose over the course of this meetup series:
- Dr. Nicolas Schmelling - for sharing the inspiring work on the standardization of cyanobacteria
- Prof. Pauli Kallio - for providing valuable support to aspiring scientists and giving us great feedback on how to improve the meetup
- Dr. Denis Jallet - For attending and helping to troubleshoot problems that cyano teams encountered
- Amandine Lucchin - for giving feedback and support to the teams that work with higherplants
- Dr. Marc-Sven Röll - for the support and the great insights into plant research
- René Inckemann - for presenting the cloning webinar and the continuous support to all iGEM teams that were in need of assistance.
And to all the iGEM teams who actively participated in the global collaboration and breathed life into this phototrophic community.