


Team MTU_Cork introduced improved forms of 2018 team Exeter’s parts into the iGEM registry. Both teams strived to create perchlorate reductase parts that were to be transferred via plasmid into an appropriate Escherichia coli bacterium. Parts BBa_K4051004, BBa_K4051005 and BBa_K4051006 – PCRB, PCRC and PCRD respectively.

These parts were created by severing Exeter’s part PCRBCD (BBa_K2695011) into its subunits. In addition to the aforementioned, MTU_Cork also provided the registry with a novel - part PCRABCD (BBa_K4051020). Detailed annotations were also a priority of team MTU_Cork as it was noticed that some parts in the iGEM registry were often confusing due to their lack of adequate labeling.

Troubleshooting Parts

Many of the parts were not available or very difficult to find. Exeter’s parts were not always clear and were not separated as mentioned above. The GenBank and the PDB bank had to be searched and drawn from in order to find the correct sequences and proteins. These can be seen in Biology Design under the Design section of our wiki. Our parts are easy to find the sources to and are clearly labeled.


General Literature was combed through and background information on perchlorate as a toxin and its effect on the environment. The use of perchlorate-reducing bacteria in genetic engineering within the last 6 years was examined. Additionally, biosafety in an outer-space environment was researched. Laws surrounding space and biological safety were reviewed along with any newer additional rules created by countries with space exploration programs. These literature reviews can be found under the sections Overview and Safety respectively.