Team:MIPT MSU/Collaborations



Our team has actively collaborated with a number of teams all around the world.

iGEM HQ MeetUp

In our country of origin, Russia, we have organized and held the Russian meetup with the iGEM direction. This meet was attended by all 7 Russian teams: Siberia, Moscow, Moscow_City, MEPhI, LMSU, Phystech_Moscow and MIPT_MSU. During this meet every team had an opportunity to ask questions to the iGEM direction about any iGEM related topic. This event was thoroughly organized, thus it was very beneficial for all Russian teams and each of them was satisfied.

iGEM HQ MeetUp
Russian Meetup

We also gave the presentation in the Russian Meetup organized by our fellows from Moscow and LMSU teams. In this event we talked about our project and listened to other presentations. This meetup helped many Russian and foreign teams to chat about their projects and share their experience with each other.

iGEM HQ MeetUp
iGEM Moscow City

We took part in a fluffy challenge started by iGEM Moscow City team. We have shared the photos of our little helpers and challenged other teams to join us.


iGEM SZU team were looking for help with the rules translation for game IntestiNO and have asked us for help on Instagram. This card game is based on the original Uno and tells players about intestinal flora. Since our team is interested in dissemination of knowledge about biology and share love for the original Uno, we decided to help them and provided full russian translation of the game rules.

Now we hope that they will manage to publish their game, and we will be able to play this beautiful version of Uno in our native language.

PuiChing Macau

We have found this interesting collaboration with the PuiChing Macau team on the iGEM 2021 Collaboration page. Their project deals with food waste and its conversion to biodegradable plastic. They ask teams from all over the world to measure pH of different food waste samples following their protocol. We have helped them by measuring the pH of 4 samples of Russian national food.

Because we are deeply concerned about environmental and ecological disasters that the world is facing right now, we hope that this team succeeds in their project.

Synthetic biology textbook

Our team along with other Russian teams (MEPhI, Siberia, Moscow City, Phystech_Moscow, LMSU) took part in a translation of a first in the world textbook of synthetic biology written by Ilya Klabookov. The aim of this translation is not only to introduce this book to English-speaking readers but also to ask them for help in replenishment of the book with new tasks and information. Through this book we hope to connect with other iGEM teams for many years to come and to collect fascinating synthetic biology tasks from all other the world.