
Lab Notebook | IISc Bangalore

Lab Notebook

Like most synthetic biology projects, wet lab work was an integral part of our project. We worked in multiple laboratories for different parts of our projects - protein production and Bacterial Cellulose or Microcrystalline Cellulose Sheet Production - for different durations. The lab notebook provided here is a documentation of all the work we did in these laboratories.

The entire lab notebook for our project is attached below as a PDF file. We have combined the work done in the 4 different labs during the entire duration.

The first 2 pages contain the buffers and the buffers' compositions that were used during our experiments, mostly in protein production.

The order of the labs in which the work has been presented is as follows:

  1. Dr. Palani's Lab: - Protein Production and Purification
  2. Prof. Ramamurthy's Lab: - Making Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) Sheets from MCC powder
  3. Prof. Chakravortty's Lab and Dr. Pande's Lab: - Production of Bacterial Cellulose from Agrobacteriumtum faciens and Komagateibacter xylinus

We have presented all the experiments in a day-wise arrangement. The results have been shown after the corresponding experiments. We have mentioned protocols for basic molecular biology laboratory techniques and have summarised all relevant details about our results and conclusions. All relevant gel images have also been inserted appropriately. The lab work has been labelled by the date of the experiment and the lab in which it has been carried out. We believe that this extensive documentation of our wetlab work will be of importance to future iGEM teams who choose to work in this field.

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