Team:IISER Bhopal/Excellence

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iGEM 2021 Excellence in Other Areas


The ‘excellence in other areas’ concept allowed us to influence the world in new and creative ways. We made a comic and developed entrepreneurial aspects of your project to connect better with the community and spread awareness about the disease we are fighting against.


The ‘Can-verse’ comic comprises stories of 3 different patients suffering from different types of cancer, how they handle the situation and how they fight against it. The main motive behind making this comic was to educate the masses about the disease and about the advances in the medical sciences to treat the disease. The comic provides more pictorial presentation which makes it more interesting and easier to read.



Our product Trasmax to be administered as IV injection is a pharmaceutical product and our end-users are cancer patients. Our target group mainly includes early stage and pre- metastasis stage cancer patients.

This novel treatment therapy can be used to treat cancer patients at a much cheaper cost with minimal side-effects. Though we do not have accurate wet-lab data to support this claim, as per our understanding from previous literature reviews, B.longum elicited minimal immune response when tested on Guinea pigs.

We have completed a thorough analysis of the market (how we intend to reach and diversify our market), competitors, customer needs, requirements (the assistance we can give to the diabetes patients), patient demographics etc. These are just some of the various aspects we have clearly identified and explained in the entrepreneurship section of Implementation.

Our safety policies are extremely stringent which will not only ensure the safety of the patient but also that of the environment. We have rigorously tested for biosafety issues and tried to eliminate them in the design stages.

Click here to know more about the market, consumer understanding, safety aspects, challenges and other considerations that we’ve made.