Team: Hong_Kong_HKUST
Hong Kong Region Symposium
The HKUST iGEM team approached us, and set up a symposium for all Hong Kong iGEM teams to join. In the symposium, teams were able to present their project in front of other teams, just like in the jamboree! We learned a lot from other teams, moreover, we uplift our project from the suggestions of fellow iGEMers.
The HKUST team pointed out the difficulties of doing cancer detection and helped us redirect our project to a broader target. Therefore we decided to expand the project to a universal detection kit. The HKUST team also gave us valuable comments and suggestions on improving our presentation skills, for example, how to engage the audience with more interactive gestures.
HKUST offered us modeling help
After understanding our difficulties in wet-lab experiments and modeling, the HKUST team offered to help us with modeling, so that our experimental results can be complemented with a mathematical model. We had a discussion on our issue in the mingling session in the symposium, and continued the discussion online in real-time messaging tools. We had a zoom meeting on 14th September to discuss a suggestion made by HKUST. The HKUST team help us by providing useful equations and building the frame of the model for us. So that we could do mathematical modeling to simulate the performance of our double knock-out strain in the future. To see more of our modeling work, please go to [modeling].
HKUST used our plate reader
The HKUST has technical difficulties with their own plate reader, and our school has a plate reader that fulfills their needs. So, they came to our school to use it on the 17th of September.
Team: CityU_HK
We had a meet-up with the CityU team at City University of Hong Kong on 8th September. We described our difficulty in transforming one of our plasmids in our meeting. CityU team immediately offered to help us try to transform it in their lab. The day after, we delivered our plasmid and PCR primers to the City University. The team had successfully transformed, verified the transformation via cPCR, and induced the expression.