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The iGEMers of HZAU-China are responsible for all the iGEM work this year, which includes idea, lab work, wiki and so on. Also, we communicate and collaborate with many iGEM teams this year. All the work done by our team members and the help received from others are shown below


Project was mainly designed by Yuanhui Sun, Zhenhao Han and Zhihan Zhang. Other team members also gave advices.

Team Training

Experimental education to new team members was conducted by Zhenhao Han, Yuanhui Sun, Ziyun Wu and Yue Shu.
Our special coach: Kening Chen is a former member of HZAU-China who taught us many practical techniques in molecular cloning and shared some experiences about two-component system with us.
Modeling training to new team members was conducted by Yuanhui Sun and Zaiyang Chen.
Safety education was conducted by Professor Yingchun Qi from Huazhong Agricultural University.


thsS, thsR, scGS, hepT, mntA were synthesized by GenScript.
The pBAD vector and plasmid containing the MVA pathway and Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium SL1344 was provided by Professor Jin He from Huazhong Agricultural University.
The reporter gene eGFP was provided by Kening Chen from iGEM-2017, Huazhong Agricultural University.
Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 was provided by HUST2-China from iGEM 2021, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
SnapGene® licenses were generously provided by GSL Biotech LLC.


Codes on our wiki were written by Heping Zhang, JunMing Han and Tongzhou Yu.
Art design on the wiki was fulfilled by Xin Yang and Tongzhou Yu.

Hardware & software

Hardware Box was designed and manufactured by Heping Zhang.
Software “App” was programed by Heping Zhang and Tongzhou Yu.


Zhenhao Han and Ziyun Wu took charge in Laboratory Group.
The detection module was divided as Nitrate Part, Thiosulfate Part and AND Gate Part.
Yuanhui Sun and Nuo Chen finished the Nitrate Part, together Zhenhao Han, Xue Zhang and Mingqin Yang finished the Thiosulfate Part. AND Gate part was fulfilled by Yuanhui Sun, Zhenhao Han, Nuo Chen and Junmin Han.
The Report Module was fulfilled by Zhihan Zhang and Mengyao Zheng.
The Anti-inflammatory Module was finished by Yuanhui Sun and Nuo Chen.
The Health-care Module was conducted by Zhenhao Han, Ziyun Wu, Xue Zhang and Mingqin Yang.
The Suicide Switch was finished by Ziyun Wu, Chuanhao Liu, Tong Liu and Yue Shu. Together Yuanhui Sun, Nuo Chen, Yini Xiao, Ziyun Li and Shujin She finished RiboJ Part.


Yuanhui Sun took charge in Model Group.
The Gene expression model were finished by Yini Xiao ,Yu Zhang and Jie Min.
The Molecular simulation part was finished by Zaiyang Chen and Shujin She, assisted by and others. Also, Ziyue Li participated in this work

Human Practices

Jianglai Nie took charge in HP Group and supervised all HP activities.
The Wechat tweets were written by all HP members together.
The planning of human practice activities were conducted by Lan Yi, Yuqi Ren, Huiling Lu and Jianglai Nie.
The Himalayan Radio was conducted by Lan Yi.
The interview was designed by Yuqi Ren and Huiling Lu.

Daily Management

Zhenghao Han, Yuanhui Shun and Jianglai Nie took responsibility of purchasing experimental materials and reagents.
Zhenghao Han and Jianglai Nie took responsibility of the financial affairs on experiment equipments and reagents.
Daily cleaning of our laboratory was assigned to all team members.

Last but not least, thanks to all members in iGEM 2021 HZAU-China who striked for the wet and dry lab work, wish you all the best and find your iGEM in the future life after iGEM 2021!