<groupparts>iGEM21 HK_GTC</groupparts>
We created 4 basic parts and 2 composite parts.
PETase(WT)-MHETase chimera Composite part (Coding) Length: 2715 bp The coding sequence for PETase (wild type) and MHETase chimera, codon optimized for the gene expression in E. coli. It is one of our chimeric proteins created, by linking wild type PETase and MHETase using a 12 amino acid serine glycine linker.
I.s. MHETase Basic part (Coding) Length: 1809 bp The coding sequence for MHETase, codon optimized for the gene expression in E. coli. The sequence comes from the bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis. It is used in enzyme cocktail experiments.
12 amino acid serine glycine linker Basic part (Coding) Length: 36 bp The coding sequence for the 12 amino acid serine glycine linker, used to link PETase and MHETase to form chimeric proteins.
MHETase R914 Reverse primer Basic part (Primer) Length: 20 bp The MHETase R914 reverse primer, for amplification of MHETase and chimeric proteins by PCR.
MHETase F416 Forward primer Basic part (Primer) Length: 20 bp The MHETase F416 forward primer, for amplification of MHETase and chimeric proteins by PCR.