Lab Notebook
WEEK 1 (19-25/07)
- Receiving of 3 plasmids containing the 3 s1 spike sequences and 1 plasmid containing mCherry and the transmembrane domain.
- Lab sorting
- Lab safety training
WEEK 2 (26/07-1/08)
- Golden Gate Cloning
- Start of an E.coli DH10B culture
WEEK 3 (2-8/08)
- Transformation of E.coli DH10B
- Selection of bacteria transformed with the recombined vector
- Culture of selected bacteria
WEEK 4 (9-15/08)
- Lab Closed
WEEK 5 (16-22/08)
- Lab closed
WEEK 6 (23-29/08)
- Isolation of plasmid DNA from recombined E.coili cultures
- Amplification via PCR
WEEK 7 (30/08-5/09)
- Issue at transferring plasmid DNA from pBlueScript to pICSL86922
WEEK 8 (6-12/09)
- Transformation of Agrobacteria Tumefaciens with plCSL86922
- Culture of Agrobacteria
- Gel electrophoresis of the plasmid
WEEK 9 (13-19/09)
- Selection of transformed Agrobacteria cultures
- Culture of selected bacteria
WEEK 10 (20-26/09)
- Agroinfiltration of plant leaves with transformed Agrobacteria
- Confocal microscopy of plant leaves
WEEK 11 (27/09-3/10)
- Repeat of the confocal microscopy session
- Further Agroinfiltration of plants to create a sufficient quantity of the edible vaccine