

Throughout the progress of our project, we have received support from universities and the community at large. This page is dedicated to thanking all the people, organisations and companies who have helped and supported our project.

Our team of professors and supervisors have been instrumental in optimising the overall design of our project, structuring it as a multidisciplinary project that takes into account both the environment and energy. In addition, the experts, companies and other relevant practitioners we invited helped us to further define the objectives of our project and to ensure that our desired outcomes are in line with current industry needs and are beneficial to the environment.

Furthermore,sincere thanks to our sponsors, without whose financial support this project would not have been possible. We would also like to thank the members of the community who suggested changes to our project through the questionnaires we published, without their excellent suggestions there would have been many potential holes in our project. Finally, we appreciate the trust you have placed in our team!

Team contribution

We have divided the team into 9 sub-teams comprising:

Wet lab, Dry lab, Graphic Design, Human Practices, Video, Wiki design, PR, Safety, Presentation.

Only the core team member sub-team assignments are shown below:

We would like to give special thanks to

Principal Investigators

Dr. Huiying Zhang
Dr. Jian Liu

Secondary Principal Investigators

Dr. Ying Miao
Dr. Yuan Qin
Dr. Rensen Zeng
Dr. Jian Zhang
Dr. Yuexu Lin

General support

The Centre for Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, School of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University provides a biosafety level 1 laboratory as a platform for team experiments.

Financial support

The team is supported by the following funds: Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Distinguished Young Research Talent Programme Project Fund, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University School of Life Sciences Academic Competition Fund, China National University Student Innovation Training Project Fund.

Wet lab

Dr. Dawei Li(JNU)
Provide us with the coding sequence for the microalgal GFP fluorescent tag, and the corresponding transformation method.
Dr. Hongye Li(JNU)
Provide us with microalgal transformation vectors, and the corresponding transformation methods.
Zeying Lin(FAFU)
Provide us with the yeast transformation vector, and the yeast GFP fluorescent tag coding sequence.

Thanks to the sponsors:

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