Our Contribution: The Phototrophs-Handbook
Our contribution to the iGEM community is the Phototrophs-Handbook that is the effort of the Phototrophs-Community that emerged from our Partnership with Marburg.
Many teams that are thinking about working with phototrophic organisms choose in the end to work on different projects with organisms which are faster and easier to manipulate. Often a possible lack of expertise also significantly influences this decision. Therefore, we created the phototrophs handbook, which will help to overcome those obstacles.
The Phototrophs-Handbook will change the way future teams approach projects using phototrophic organisms. Our handbook is a huge collection of knowledge and protocols regarding phototrophic organisms. It is not only supposed to give undecided teams the confidence and expertise to start a project with phototrophic organisms, but also to support teams already working with those organisms looking for a collection of tips in every aspect that comes to mind when working on phototrophs.