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                 <p class="caption">Composition of samples that were tested by the Halo assay.</p>
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In this page the main findings and interpretations of the results of our project can be found. In our project we aimed to achieve four different goals. These four proof of concepts are summarized in Figure 1.

Main proof of concepts that we evidenced during our experiments in the wet and dry lab.

Ammonia as the only nitrogen source

As we plan on feeding our GMO with ammonia extracted from the MOF, an essential part of our project is that our GMO should be able to grow in the presence of ammonia as its only nitrogen source. We therefore grew 6 different Saccharomyces strains under different ammonia concentrations to see if the presence of ammonia would affect their growth. In the end we were able to identify the best performing strains. The protocol can be found in the Experiments page.

Growth under different ammonia concentrations of different wild type yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus) strains. The strains tested are a. sYB76 (NCYC3597, S. cerevisiae) b. sYB77 (NCYC3566, S. cerevisiae) c. sYB78 (NCYC3598, S. cerevisiae) d. sYB79 (NCYC3635, S. paradoxus) e. sYB83 (NCYC3647, S. paradoxus) f. sYB85 (NCYC3687, S. paradoxus)

As can be seen from Figure 2 there are 4 strains that outperformed in the experiment, those strains were chosen for further experimentation. The doubling time of the chosen strains can be seen in Table 1.

Doubling time (TD) for each strain in different ammonia concentrations in the exponential phase.

Strain TD (min)
0.05 g/L 5 g/L 7.5 g/L
ySB76 51,71 70,71 69,3
ySB77 130,75 90 60,78
ySB78 101,91 94,93 88,85
ySB85 103,43 91,18 108,28

We learned that two of the strains that we were planning to use didn’t perform well when ammonia was the only source of nitrogen. This experiment helped us to exclude them for further tests as they weren’t suitable for our purpose (see Description page). Four strains proved to grow in different concentrations of ammonia, with strain ySB76 (S. cerevisiae) being the fastest grower overall. We could not observe a clear tendency that would suggest the optimal ammonia concentration for growing the cells. This result is relevant for our project, since the concentration of this nutrient doesn't necessarily need to be kept constant, which allows for more flexibility in ammonia concentration of the cell culture and thus more flexibility in how much ammonia the MOF should be able to capture. As we wanted to test different chassis in the optimization process, after this experiment we decided to express alpha amylase in yYS76, yYB77, ySB78 and ySB85, which correspond with 3 S. cerevisiae strains and 1 S. paradoxus strain.

Engineering success

For our second proof of concept, we wanted to demonstrate that it is possible to use Golden Gate Assembly to clone heterologous genes for alpha-amylase in Saccharomyces spp. Going from the gene of interest to the cassette plasmid expressed in Saccharomyces spp. is a long process, through it there were some checkpoints that we used to confirm the success of the cloning: GFP screening; DNA concentration measurements with a Nanodrop; basic parts sequencing; and digestion of the final cassette plasmids.

GFP screening

The empty plasmid (pRS426__ConLS'-GFPdropout-ConRE'-URA3-2micron-Kan) used in the Golden Gate cassette plasmid assemblies contains a GFP drop-out. This way, when the assembled plasmid is inserted correctly, the GFP insert will drop-out and white colonies will be formed. Whenever the plasmid was not inserted correctly the GFP drop-out will still be present and colonies will appear green when examined with UV-light (Figure 3). By this simple technique we make sure that the chosen colonies have uptaken the assembled plasmid without the need of performing sequencing or digestion experiments prior to plasmid isolation. This GFP screening was used both for assembling our part plasmids and cassette plasmids.

Screening in E. coli colonies with the cassette plasmid SP034. The green fluorescent colony can be found underneath the cross, the rest appears white coloured. Only white colonies were selected for plasmid isolation.

GFP screening smoothened the process, considering the amount of samples that we needed to assemble. Generally, all the transformed E.coli with cassette plasmids (64 plates) showed a high efficiency of the Golden Gate assembly; a few countable green colonies were observed in contrast to hundreds of white colonies. One sample (SP007) didn’t show any white colonies, the sample was excluded for future experiments.

DNA concentrations

After purification of cassette plasmids amplified in E. coli, DNA concentrations were measured in order to assure a successful purification prior to Saccharomyces spp. transformations, results can be found in Table 2. These measurements were performed using a nanodrop spectrophotometer, measuring the DNA concentration at a spectrum of wavelengths.

DNA concentration and purity after E. coli transformation of cassette plasmid and plasmid isolation.

Sample number ng/ul A260/280 ratio Sample number ng/ul A260/280 ratio
SP001 22,6 1,823 SP034 80 0,001
SP002 15,6 1,803 SP035 35,5 1,529
SP003 29 1,598 SP036 15 1,523
SP004 19,7 1,662 SP037 29,4 1,699
SP005 54,3 2,027 SP038 48,5 1,960
SP006 53,5 1,508 SP039 14,6 2,021
SP008 69,5 1,853 SP040 18,3 1,649
SP009 16,1 2,414 SP041 25,1 1,668
SP010 12,1 1,898 SP042 45,1 1,488
SP011 13,3 1,430 SP043 15 2,150
SP012 58,9 1,812 SP044 29,9 1,472
SP013 19,5 2,058 SP045 78,4 1,708
SP014 29,1 1,473 SP046 33 1,451
SP015 28,3 1,461 SP047 62,3 1,489
SP016 52,3 1,458 SP048 97,6 0,002
SP017 72,1 1,553 SP049 13,4 1,949
SP018 34,7 1,627 SP050 119 0,002
SP019 79,8 1,788 SP051 21,2 1,612
SP020 15,7 1,627 SP052 56,5 1,471
SP021 17,9 1,729 SP053 6,3 2,117
SP022 71 1,514 SP054 39,2 1,798
SP023 13,2 1,688 SP055 25,7 1,490
SP024 10,6 2,078 SP056 50,7 2,069
SP025 82,7 0,002 SP057 73,3 1,806
SP026 9,5 1,602 SP058 51,7 1,987
SP027 47,2 1,512 SP059 30,6 1,363
SP028 64,2 1,544 SP060 61,6 1,936
SP029 10,5 2,297 SP061 62,4 1,848
SP030 16,6 1,892 SP062 82,4 1,741
SP031 51,3 1,507 SP063 66 1,547
SP032 45 2,067 SP064 58,8 1,718
SP033 48,7 1,617

The A260/280 ratio resembles the purity of the DNA, an ideal sample would have a value of approximately 1.8. Due to large variation in DNA concentration and A260/280 ratio, 20ul of each cassette plasmid was used in the Saccharomyces spp. transformation instead of 5ul. Overall the concentration of DNA in the samples after transformation and plasmid isolation were good and ensured the continuation with Saccharomyces spp. transformations.

DNA sequencing

To ensure that our ordered G-blocks for part 3 and part 3B we made were correct, we sequenced the basic parts (4 full alpha amylases and 4 alpha amylases without the native secretion peptide) assembled in the entry vector (more on this on the Engineering page). pYTK001 (entry vector) with Part 3 and 3b was sequenced using two primers flanking the gene, the vector is used to compose the cassettes plasmids in further experiments. All sequencing results are summarized in Table 3.

Sequencing results from all the parts.

Part Alpha amylase Gene Mutations Comments
Part 3 From A. oryzae - Good quality sequence, 100% gene coverage.
From B. amyloliquefaciens c.301C>Tp.T101I The amino acid is not in the substrate binding site of the protein. 100 % gene coverage.
From B. licheniformis c.690G>Tp.D231Y Mutations in the flanking aspartate have shown a decrease in thermostability [1]. No data about our mutation. 100% gene coverage.
From B. subtilis - Good quality sequence, 100% gene coverage.
Part 3b From A. oryzae - Good forward sequencing, 63% gene coverage.
From B. amyloliquefaciens - Good forward sequencing, 52%
From B. licheniformis - Good forward sequencing, 66% gene coverage.
From B. subtilis - Good forward sequencing, 50% gene coverage.

Generally the results were quite successful and no major mutations were observed. However, two clear missense mutations were identified in alpha amylases from B. amyloliquefaciens and B. licheniformis that may have an effect on the protein functionality. It would have been nice if we had the time to restart the cloning from the beginning, unfortunately, the cassette plasmids were already assembled and the time was very limited. In Part 3b full coverage of the gene couldn’t be achieved, repeating the sequencing was planned but sadly we didn’t have the time.

All in all, the mutations found will be taken into account for further results of those enzymes.

Constructs digestion

We used the restriction enzyme BsmBI to check for the correct ligation of the different constructs of the library. There are two sites for the enzyme BsmBI in the vector employed (pRS246) for our constructs, the sites are in part 1 and part 5, on both sides of the insert of interest (Figure 4). The use of BsmBI allows us to check for the size (Table 4) of the construct and assess the success of the assembly. The results of the digestion can be found in Figure 5.

Scheme of one of the constructs from the library, SP001, where the sites for the enzyme BsmBI are displayed.

Expected sizes of the different constructs of the library. The elements of each sample can be found in the pages of the Parts plasmids.

Sample Expected sizes A (bp) Expected sizes B (bp) Sample Expected sizes A (bp) Expected sizes B (bp)
SP001 3729 3387 SP034 3729 2983
SP002 3729 2869 SP035 3729 2970
SP005 3729 3387 SP037 3729 3387
SP006 3729 2953 SP038 3729 3387
SP008 3729 3237 SP039 3729 2982
SP009 3729 3237 SP040 3729 2970
SP010 3729 3387 SP041 3729 2802
SP011 3729 2776 SP042 3729 2982
SP012 3729 2755 SP043 3729 2953
SP013 3729 3381 SP044 3729 2886
SP014 3729 2982 SP045 3729 2982
SP015 3729 2869 SP046 3729 2866
SP016 3729 2790 SP047 3729 2755
SP017 3729 2869 SP048 3729 2970
SP018 3729 2880 SP049 3729 2749
SP019 3729 2796 SP050 3729 2970
SP020 3729 2886 SP051 3729 2970
SP021 3729 3387 SP052 3729 2982
SP022 3729 2982 SP053 3729 2755
SP023 3729 2970 SP054 3729 3291
SP024 3729 2886 SP055 3729 2982
SP025 3729 2802 SP056 3729 2796
SP026 3729 2982 SP057 3729 2970
SP027 3729 3237 SP058 3729 2755
SP028 3729 2982 SP059 3729 2886
SP029 3729 2982 SP060 3729 3237
SP030 3729 2866 SP061 3729 2970
SP031 3729 2886 SP062 3729 2976
SP032 3729 2970 SP063 3729 2982
SP033 3729 3387 SP064 3729 2869
pRS426-GFP 3729 1338
Digestion of the library of constructs with the enzyme BsmBI.

After the digestion of all the constructs it can be seen that the expected sizes of the engineered plasmids match the sizes of the bands shown in the gel. The efficiency of the Golden Gate assembly is high. There are two samples in which a band of the size of the GFP-drop out is observed, SP012 and SP058, besides the expected size. This result may be due to contamination while pipetting. Nevertheless the expected band can be observed, the samples were used in follow up experiments, consideration on alpha amylase activity will be taken into account. Additionally, some samples (SP006, SP011, SP022, SP023, SP044, SP046, SP047, SP052, SP053, SP055) show faint bands, likely evidencing that the concentration of DNA was low in the first place. The faint bands have the expected size, and considering the high efficiency in the rest of the digests we conclude that our Golden Gate assemblies and further screening was highly successful. No samples were excluded after digestion.

Alpha amylase production

For our third proof of concept, we wanted to show that our GMO does indeed show alpha-amylase activity after taking up our construct. We aimed to measure the Alpha amylase production of 64 samples listed at our Engineering page. This was tested with two main experiments. The principal one being an alpha amylase kit assay used to perform high throughput experiments and obtain quantitative data, needed for our model (see Model page). Additionally, a qualitative assay was employed to confirm the production of alpha amylase in some of the samples. To understand more how this assay works, see the Experiments page.

Alpha-amylase starch breakdown

Functionality of alpha amylase can qualitatively be proved by observing the breaking down of starch. The ability to break down starch is only available when amylase is produced, which in the case of S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus doesn’t happen natively (Figure 6e). However, the assembled constructs should be able to break down starch. In order to confirm this, selective media plates without uracil (specific for the assembled constructs) were created with the addition of 1% starch. Several samples were cultured ON and treated before being plated on the starch plates, as described in the notebook (wk 39), after which pictures were taken (Figure 6) of the with/without iodine treated starch plates. Samples tested with this assay can be found in Table 5.

Composition of samples that were tested by the Halo assay.

Sample Yeast Strain Promoter Gene Terminator
SP001 ySB77 pPGK1 αMF + BS  tTDH1
SP010 ySB77 pHHF1 αMF + BS
SP021 ySB77 pPGK1 αMFΔ + BA
SP026 ySB76 pHHF1 αMF + BL
SP027 ySB76 pRNR1 BS
SP034 ySB76 pTEF1 αMF + BL
SP035 ySB76 pPAB1 αMF_no_EAEA + BL
SP051 ySB76 pRNR1 αMF_no_EAEA + BL
SP063 ySB76 pRNR2 αMF + BL

Improving alpha amylase production
