


We are USTC-Software from University of Science and Technology of China. With 13 talented students from different departments, our teams is full of variety of abilities, possibilities and sparks of thought. This year we've joined an international competition, iGEM (i.e. International Genetically Engineering Machine Competition) and Build a platform, CAT.

Team Members
Shuyuan Shen
Student Leader
I am Shuyuan Shen, a senior student from USTC majored in Computer Science. I'm the student leader and manager of USTC-Software. This year, I'm very glad to work with those talented students joining in this project, CAT. During this period, I learned a lot from my teammates and have enhance my ability in different area. Really appreciate everyone devoting themselves in to CAT and completing this project.
Haoyuan Wang
Leader of Backend Group
I am Haoyuan Wang from USTC majored in Computer Science. As the backend group leader of CAT, my responsibility is to coordinate the work of the group members and with other groups. Besides, I am also involved in the research and organize work of models and the design of backend interfaces. Overall, it is a memorable experience for me to work for CAT, from which I learned how a website works, and to cooperate with all my talented teammates, from whom I learned a lot, not just synthetic biology and computer science knowledge. By developing this project, I deepen my understanding of computer science and synthetic biology. Thank iGEM for this opportunity.
Longbang Liu
Vice Leader of Backend Group
I am Longbang Liu, junior from USTC major in organic chemistry. In the USTC-Software, I work on the framework of backend, building the infrastructure, organizing code into different modules, serving as restful api and deploying the project to server. Besides, I also take account of application part of frontend. Overall, I learned more than my expectation: The composition of docker, the implement of task manager, the configuration of nginx proxy and the experience of building an intact system. During the time of working with my excellent teammates, I also learned a lot during the process of idea exchanging, especially on the basic concept and application of Synthetic Biology. In addition, I am a two-year member in Linux User Group and a five-year TouHou fan. Thanks iGEM for the enjoyable experience.
Tianxiang Lu
Member of Backend Group
I'm Tianxiang Lu from USTC majored in Computer Science. Working on the backend, my mainly responsibility is to provide interfaces for the frontend to get data from database. It's a pleasant experience cooperating with all my teammates. Beyond my work, I also learned about other technologies. I built a mini website on my cloud server. I'm proud of it, though it's simple and crude. This is the first time I learned about how a website built and running on server. The feeling of putting my knowledge into practice is so good, especially working with my lovely teammates. Thanks iGEM for providing this platform.
Zhen Wang
Member of Backend Group
I am Zhen Wang from USTC majored in quantum computation. I built an interface between online server and local data. Local data were provided in file formats such as .txt. The contents of files were nucleotide and amino acid sequences. This interface transports files to an online server. Then the online server calculates, and offers a structure prediction of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Finally, the interface returns the result to the main program. It was an interesting experience working with teammates. Fortunately, I met these friendly and reliable partners. I will take this experience as my treasure.
Xuanchao Peng
Leader of Frontend Group
I’m Xuanchao Peng from University of science and technology of China majored in computer science. Now I'm working for USTC-Software as the front-end team leader and responsible for coding and coordinating the work of my team members. In this project, I have learned a lot about web design. It also makes me know how important the teamwork is. What’s more, I made many friends in this project. It’s precious wealth for me. I appreciate it so much.
Hanqi Lv
Member of Frontend Group
I'm Hanqi Lv from USTC majored in computer science. In this project, I am responsible for writing web pages and scripts. I have to say that this is a memorable experience. In these days of working in the front-end group, I learned a lot. I have learned about biology and the concept of page design. I have changed from a novice who has no concept of web page development to a novice who can use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop simple web pages. I am very grateful for this. Participating in this activity bring me many new friends. Thank iGEM very much for giving me this opportunity!
Siyuan Guo
Member of Frontend Group
I am Siyuan Guo from USTC, and I major in Computer Science. During the progress of the fronted part, I am mainly responsible for the code and web page of Machine Learning, which shows the theory of perceptron and the history of machine learning. I also take part in the design of Wiki. From the competition, I have gained a lot. In addition to many programming skills, I also learned how to cooperate with others in a project which contains thousands of lines of code. We work together all day long to solve all kinds of problems and make the function come true. Thanks to iGEM, it's my honor to meet so many like-minded friends.
Zheng Luo
Member of Frontend Group
I'm Zheng Luo from University of science and technology of China majored in computer science. When I first saw the promotion for the iGEM, I thought it was cool, although I wasn't sure exactly what it was. After learning something about iGEM, I became very interested in it. Through a lot of hard work, I was honored to be a part of the front-end project group of iGEM software team in USTC.
Xingyue Yang
Leader of Art Group
I am Xingyue Yang from USTC, majoring in Computer Science. As the art group leader of CAT, I mainly worked on artwork and design, designed the UI of CAT platform and team wiki interface with front-end, completed icons and animations in the pages, and created several posters, videos and presswork for promotion. Especially, I practiced the application toward various types of usage, differentiated specifically in graphic design and user language. Also, I learned and practiced UI design in terms of both design specifications and design aesthetics, experimented in various presentation formats to complete a series of graphic designs. Working with my teammates, I experienced efficient exchanges of ideas and collaborative work, and learned excellent qualities of thoughts and expertise from them. Thanks to iGEM for a fulfilling experience.
Yiwen Chen
Leader of Art Group
I'm Yiwen Chen from USTC majored in Finance. I'm in the artwork group of the team, mainly responsible for the graphical aspect. Our projects need to create images that are suitable for expression and easy to understand in the platform interface, promotional videos,logo, posters, brochures etc. especially in the educational version of the platform. I am honored to be able to use some of my art skills to work on these. At the same time, participating in such a project that combines artificial intelligence with synthetic biology, which is less related to my major, has greatly expanded my horizon. This is also my first time to participate in a project with my seniors. Creating something from scratch with my partners gave me an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Thanks to my partners.
Biology Group
Runhao Zhang
Leader of Biology Group
I am Runhao Zhang from the School of Chemistry and Materials Science, USTC. In the design of the CAT project, as the leader of the biology group, I was responsible for reading literature, collecting data, communicating with students in the biochemistry direction, and explaining various biological properties. This was actually very challenging for me - as my own research interests are in physical chemistry. Although the interdisciplinary research took a lot of effort, it was great to be able to discuss and study with my friends! In addition, the students from the School of Computer Science and the School of Information Technology also helped me to deepen my understanding of machine learning. I am very happy to be able to participate in the iGEM program, which allowed me to meet so many great students and broaden my horizons.
Jiawang Guan
Vice Leader of Biology Group
I am Jiawang Guan, a sophomore from University of Science and Technology of China. As a member of USTC-Software biology group,I supported the team with biological knowledge throughout the project selection, design, and final testingDuring the creation of CAT, I read a lot of paper related to machine learning and protein prediction, and looked up relevant datasets and tools. In short, I learned a lot about synthetic biology in this process, which made me more interested in this cross-cutting field.Thanks iGEM for this unforgettable experience of working with other team members in USTC-Software!
Contact Us


University of Science and Technology of China, No.96, JinZhai Road Baohe District, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, P.R.China