
FlexStart Bootstrap Template - Index


This year marks the 3rd consecutive year the team participated in the competition and the second year of our project Amalthea. Even though Covid-19 prohibited us from meeting in person in the first half we were finally granted permission to meet in person and continue our work hand in hand (not literally though).



-iGEM Thessaly 2021 - First Meeting, the first time the teammates are introduced to each other with the help of our wonderful advisors.


-Research on past iGEM projects and synthetic biology lectures.
-Getting to know the team members over the internet and planning our meetings and schedule


- Brainstorming sessions about ways we can improve on last years project
- First Dry lab meeting with advisors
- Our Fundraising journey just began
- The wet lab team met for the first time in person
- The whole team had a brainstorming session in Alkazar Park in Larissa.
- We presented our project to the Hellenic Medical Students' International Committee.

-We were part of the Athens Science Festival and through a video and crossword puzzle introduced our project.

-We met with the PI’s to inform them about our project progress and get some feedback


-We attended the International Forum for Medical Students and Junior Doctors to inform medical students about our project and how impactful it can be.

-We had our first integrated meeting with a company that produces probiotics and we discussed a potential partnership.

-We met with another scientific team from NTUA(National Technical University of Athens) to get an insight of how the team works to find sponsorships.


-We had our first meeting with the team that we partnered with, which is the Aalto-Helsinki team and it was lovely.
-We had an integrated meeting with Dr. Spahos that was really influential to the development of our application.
-Finished the modeling of the lac operon module, the most complex part of our in-silico design.
-Another important meeting concerning the modelling of our project with Dr. Stamatakis.
-Our first meeting with the McMaster Synbio to talk about future collaborations as we have many similarities in our projects.
-We held an event in the central square of Larissa on the topic of gut health. This was our first in person event we organized.


-We had another really important meeting about our modeling with -Dr. Klapa that left us wanting more time with her…
-We filmed our promotional video and we successfully uploaded it to iGEM video Universe!
-Panel discussion hosted by us and McMaster Synbio with the title “New frontiers in Gut Research”


-Integrated Human Practices Meeting with Dr. Klapa
-We were guests on the Aalto-Helsinki podcast.
-We had an in person integrated meeting with a fish farm and we went back and forth on the use of probiotics used in fish farming.
-We were guests to the annual Greek Meet-Up
-Dry Lab Safety and Security Workshop hosted by us and Aalto-Helsinki team with the goal of informing our team members about our concerns and goals.

-We attended the podcast of iGEM Patra


-We made a presentation to the scouts of Greece about SDG's
-We successfully completed our whole modeling (whoooo!)
-We met with the Aalto-Helsinki to plan a potential jamboree party!!
-We started writing this page! (meta)
-We hosted with the collaboration of the Aalto-Helsinki team the MicrobioCOSMOS event on the 20th of this month and it was awesome you can see the presentations from the event here (link here)

-We held an outdoor event by the name “Microbiome: Learn and Create” for children to promote our project and synthetic biology through mutual learning and outdoor activities.


-We had a meeting in which we discussed with a large pharmaceutical company about the perspectives of our project as a product
-We hosted a seminar and presented our school guides to high school teachers
-We conducted an Integrated Human Practices interview at a farm and at a veterinarian office


-We filmed our presentation video
-We hosted an event about the Mediterranean diet named “My Mediterranean diet”
-We organized a reading of our book for children to a kids’ theatrical group


-We had our online judging session on November 6th and met up with other iGem teams at Brussels.