
FlexStart Bootstrap Template - Index


Being a two-phase project comes with a lot of changes along the way, one of which being the hardware side of the project. Last year we tackled the problem by dividing our design into individual parts and analyzing their behavior and purpose within our device. This year we built upon the knowledge of our last year’s attempts and approached the problem holistically. We tried to fit everything correctly into the capsule to make a prototype whilst testing new approaches in order to improve our design.


At the beginning of this year, we chose to take a different approach in relation to the one we followed during the first phase of our project. We set our goals to make our project more broad and more holistic, concluding on manufacturing a medical kit. So now our project was divided in three. One of the thirds is the capsule.
The reason we decided to design the capsule in the first year was because we saw a gap in the market for such a capsule- but we will talk about that in the next section- and we also saw a gap in the gut microbiome research. Now the reason we wanted this year to redesign the capsule, was to, firstly, create a more holistic design and secondly to improve the -pun intended- capsule and to correct our mistakes from last year and make many more this year through the design, build, test, learn cycle.


At the beginning of the team formation and whilst the dry lab sub team was getting informed on last year's project, we got debriefed on last year's design and how the dry lab sub team worked. Their approach was to analyze each part to a good degree, but independently from the whole system. That approach obviously has some advantages, like not having to worry about compatibility with the rest of the system or about the time that it will take or the complexity. However, that approach lacks the holistic approach that systems need to be completed and work how they are supposed to. Therefore, after we got up to speed with everything concerning the project’s progress and after we decided as a team our goal for the project, we started. Our initial goal was to take the components from last year’s project and make them work in a harmonious way.
Figure 1: The design of the capsule from the first phase of the project
As you can see from the above image there are a lot of parts in this tiny capsule. Although they seem like they are working together nicely, they are not in reality unfortunately. So, our job throughout 2021 was to make them work.

Last year’s part list



Battery (silver oxide button battery)

PDMS (silicone-based coating)

RF transceiver

Kill switch

Parylene-C membrane


Semipermeable membrane

In the process of experimenting with the old parts of the system we struggled to make them work as we wanted them to. Some parts were undefined, some parts did not fit properly, and some parts were outright not in line with the new goals of the projects. Thus, we began part by part replacing them, based on the various criteria we had set, in order for the capsule to work properly. After many iterations and mistakes, we had our first abstract design of the capsule.

Figure 2: This year’s abstract capsule design, showcasing the initial spatial arrangement
This year’s part list

SOC DA14531

3 Batteries (silver oxide button battery)

PDMS (silicone-based coating)

Kill switch (tank with L-arabinose)

Parylene-C membrane

3 tiny electrodes

Semipermeable membrane

This year we shrunk down our part list and changed a few of them, so they can be in-line with our new requirements. Let’s analyze our design choices, starting by the processor.

Last year we designed the antenna and processor to be independent from each other, while this year we fused them into one. Our choice for the central processing unit of our system is the Cortex M0+ microprocessor that is part of the DA14531 SOC. This System-On-a-Chip (SOC) not only is incredibly small and versatile, but it also solves the need for an independent antenna, since it provides it on board.

Another reason we chose the Smartbond SOC is because of the antenna that it provides, which transmits in the bandwidth of 2.4 GHz, which coalesces with the Bluetooth protocol. We will utilize these Bluetooth capabilities, as we have designed a mobile phone application to communicate with the capsule.

Moving on, the next component to consider is the batteries. We chose three batteries instead of two in our initial design, because there was extra space in our new capsule design, which we will utilize to improve its battery life. The battery we will use is the same from last year’s design, but a model smaller in size, the MAXELL 371 SR920SW.

For the next component, we have the outer cell of the capsule, which is made from Polydimethylsiloxane or PDMS. PDMS belongs to a group of polymeric organosilicon compounds that are commonly referred to as silicones. These types of compounds are commonly used in medical applications, such as contact lenses and most importantly they are used in capsules (Mimee et al., 2018). Thus, our choice for the outer layer of our capsule was both backed by research and existing products (Min et al., 2020).

Continuing down the parts list, we have the mechanical kill switch. The purpose of the mechanical kill switch is to neutralize the live bacteria in the case of the capsule breaking under a certain amount of pressure. We use this mechanical kill switch as an additional failsafe to our biological auxotrophy kill switch.
A Parylene-C membrane will be used in our system here, its main purpose being the insulation of the electronic circuit from moisture and chemicals found in the gut.

Our next component is one of utter importance, the electrochemical sensor. This sensor registers the signal produced by our whole-cell biosensor, thus the SCFA levels, and transmits the data to the processor. Our design has 3 electrodes, a gold standard electrode, a platinum as the counter electrode and a silver chloride electrode as the reference electrode

Our last component is the semipermeable membrane, which is theoretical, as we found out through Integrated Human Practices interviews with professors specializing in this field. The reason they gave is, firstly such membrane does not exist in the market and secondly the reason it does not exist is because of how specialized it is. It is characterized as specialized because SCFA molecules are intricate and significantly smaller than Tyrosinase, which we also want to block from entering the system.

Capsule design

In terms of spatial arrangement of the capsule’s components, we took inspiration from papers concerning capsule endoscopy (Zhao et al., 2015) and tried to implement it into our needs.

We began our design process with the bottom-up philosophy in mind. The first step in the process was to gather all the dimensions of the selected parts and then create rough sketches of how they would fit in our capsule, which already had some constraints regarding dimensions, based on other capsule dimensions (Zhao et al., 2015) we have found in scientific articles. The dimensions are the following: 22 mm x 11mm x 11mm.

These dimensions were decided based on safety, as the smaller the capsule, the less likely is the capsule will get stuck inside the alimentary canal (Zhuang et al., 2011). Keeping that in mind, we tried to fit everything and make them work properly. Thankfully for us we found exactly what we were looking for, that being one of the smallest SoC in the world, small batteries, and small sensing electrodes. Our design mimics the design of endoscopy capsules, as we put everything parallel to the shape of the capsule to try to maximize the space available to us.

Figure 3: Draft 3d models of the capsule and its components
In Figure 3 we can see the first designs with the original dimensions and besides them we can see some of the components of the capsule. As we researched more and experimented with the dimensions and the parts, we came to the realization that with the original dimensions of 22 mm x 11mm x 11mm we had more space than we needed.

Figure 4: Capsule bisected in half to show the components.

As we can see in Figure 4, with the original capsule size, there was plenty of space to spare, which led us to the addition of the third battery and then consequently reduce the capsule size down to 15mm of length

Figure 5: Capsule bisected in half to illustrate the space available and the number of batteries

Finally, we added the mechanical kill switch to the capsule model. Essentially, the kill switch is a reservoir that holds L-arabinose inside it.

Figure 6: Front view of the capsule, highlighting the L-arabinose reservoir or “kill switch”

In Figure 6 we can see the placement and the design of the mechanical kill switch. The system works with pressure as its activator. We carefully designed the reservoir with the funnel facing downwards in order to direct the fluid directly to the bacteria and not let them flop around first. More specifically, the membrane that keeps the fluid in the reservoir will break above a certain Pa value and release all the fluid and deactivate or “kill” the bacteria as to not inflict any damage to the human or animal gut. That value represents the breaking point of the capsule or at least close to it so that we can be certain it will break under the correct conditions and be in line with our safety protocols. However, this value needs to be experimentally determined.

Figure 7: Pictured here is the final outer cell of our capsule

In Figure 7, we can see the final design of the capsule, with original dimensions. We used this model in 3D-printer to bring the capsule into life and really understand the scale and detect any mistakes.

Figure 8: Our 3D printed capsule

Mechatronic Design

Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering which focuses both on mechanical and electronic engineering systems. Following these principles, we designed our capsule and chose our components. To achieve our goal of being able to detect the SCFA’s or to be more precise the lack thereof, we first needed to finalize on our idea, implement it on the computer and then proceed on building a prototype.

We covered our design process in the previous chapter, what we did not cover in the previous chapter is a detailed analysis of our parts, after running through all the details and features we will present our prototype that we implemented with the help of the very trusted Arduino.

Part analysis
Silver oxide button batteries

A silver-oxide battery is a primary cell using silver oxide as the cathode material and zinc for the anode. These cells maintain a nearly constant nominal voltage during discharge until fully depleted. They are available in small sizes as button cells, where the amount of silver used is minimal and not a significant contributor to the product cost. We made the choice to use the Maxell SR920SW 371 45mAh 1.55V, the choice was made after researching for batteries used in similar applications such as capsule endoscopy. In our initial design we put in the capsule only two batteries. We made the choice of two batteries initially because with two batteries we have reached the requirements of the voltage input that our SoC needed, and we decided not to put in another one on the premises of safety, cost, space, and weight.

After realizing though we had plenty of space, that we needed the extra amperage to make it last longer and that the batteries are mercury free (Maxell, 2018) We redesigned our system to accept a third battery. Even though the capsule in the above designs showcases all batteries being in parallel the third is in series to increase our Amperage capacity and not affect our voltage value.

SmartBond™ DA14531 BLE SoC

SmartBond TINY™, is the world’s smallest and lowest power Bluetooth 5.1 System-on-Chip equipped with the 32-bit arm Cortex M0+ with integrated memories and a complete set of analog and digital peripherals. We made the decision to equip our capsule with this SoC in particular, for its size and capabilities. The size of the processor is one of its most valuable attributes as it was one of the keys that solved our capsule size problem that we were dealing with. Its dimensions of 1.7 mm x 2 mm x 0.5mm are so small that allowed us to think in a completely different way about the spatial arrangement of the capsule. Through that breakthrough we were able to design the capsule and change the orientation of the processor and place it in the way we did. Another benefit of the Smartbond is the low cost which is important for us as one of our goals is to make an affordable tool and break the barrier so that more people can get better. The third reason we chose this SoC is that it is a system on a chip! What does that mean? It means that this tiny thing integrates many computer components and the one that we are the most interested in, is the Bluetooth 5.1 antenna. Having Bluetooth capabilities opened the door for us to develop our application to accommodate the capsule. Another advantage of Bluetooth and in the 5.1 version is Bluetooth low energy, that already existed but was now better. This version is the same as normal Bluetooth but consumes considerably less energy and for our application it was the perfect choice to make as we have checked both the great connectivity box and the energy conservation box. The final reason we went with Bluetooth and not just with a simple radio transmitter, was the encryption that exists natively in the Bluetooth protocol (Kitsos2003, n.d.) This SoC uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and more specifically it uses the AES/CCM. Cipher block chaining - message authentication code (CCM) mode is an authenticated encryption algorithm designed to provide both authentication and confidentiality during data transfer. CCM combines counter mode encryption and CBC-MAC authentication. The CCM block generates an encrypted keystream that is applied to input data using the XOR operation and generates the 4-byte MIC field in one operation. The CCM and radio can be configured to work synchronously.

The CCM will encrypt in time for transmission and decrypt after receiving bytes into memory from the Radio. All operations can complete within the packet RX or TX time. To sum up, AES is a block cipher that was invented by NIST in 2001 and is now one of the safest symmetric key encryption algorithms and is also approved in terms of safety by the NSA. It is widely known by now that personal data are very important and sensitive to all kinds of attacks. Realizing that we are dealing with extremely sensitive-medical data- we had another reason to select Bluetooth with its encryption, as it is important to have an all-around complete and working product. Finally, it was a problem that seemingly no one else had tackled or even considered in the field of capsule endoscopy that we researched. So, we set out to create a precedent for the importance of security.


Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), also known as dimethylpolysiloxane or dimethicone, belongs to a group of polymeric organosilicon compounds that are commonly referred to as silicones. PDMS is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer due to its versatility and properties leading to many applications such as contact lenses and medical devices to elastomers and endoscopy capsules. (Mimee et al., n.d.) PDMS is optically clear and, in general, inert, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is one of several types of silicone oil (polymerized siloxane).
PDMS is viscoelastic, meaning that at long flow times (or high temperatures), it acts like a viscous liquid, similar to honey. However, at short flow times (or low temperatures), it acts like an elastic solid, similar to rubber. Viscoelasticity is a form of nonlinear elasticity that is common amongst noncrystalline polymers. The loading and unloading of a stress-strain curve for PDMS do not coincide; rather, the amount of stress will vary based on the degree of strain, and the general rule is that increasing strain will result in greater stiffness. When the load itself is removed, the strain is slowly recovered (rather than instantaneously). This time-dependent elastic deformation results from the long-chains of the polymer. But the process that is described above is only relevant when cross-linking is present; when it is not, the polymer PDMS cannot shift back to the original state even when the load is removed, resulting in a permanent deformation. However, permanent deformation is rarely seen in PDMS, since it is almost always cured with a cross-linking agent.

Which led us to choose it, as these properties are in line with our safety protocols and make the capsule less prone to break. Finally, PDMS is widely used in research papers that discuss endoscopy capsules and other similar capsules such as gastrointestinal bleeding (Liu et al., 2010)

Kill switch

This year we designed a new part for our capsule, the kill switch, this “switch” is not a switch, rather it is a reservoir that holds the L-arabinose substance. We placed the tank right above the bacteria vat while we also designed a funnel to direct the fluid from one reservoir to the other. The way the whole system works is with the change of gauge pressure. The sudden change of pressure breaks the physical barrier-membrane-between the L-arabinose and the detection bacteria.

After L-arabinose and the bacteria are mixed, the first one acts as an inducer for a genetically encoded kill switch. L-arabinose stops the expression of the repression of the toxin that is encoded, thus allowing the toxin to be released and kill the bacteria from within.

Parylene-C membrane

Parylene was discovered in 1947 by Michael Szwarc as one of the thermal decomposition products of para-xylene H3C–C6H4–CH3 above 1000 °C. Szwarc identified para-xylylene as the precursor, by observing that reaction with iodine yielded para-xylylene di-iodide as the only product.
Parylene is the common name of a polymer whose backbone consists of para-benzenediyl rings –C6H4– connected by 1,2-ethanediyl bridges –CH2–CH2–. It can be obtained by polymerization of para-xylylene H2C=C6H4=CH2. The name is also used for several polymers with the same backbone, where some hydrogen atoms are replaced by other functional groups. Some of these variants are designated in commerce by letter-number codes such as “Parylene C" and “Parylene AF-4". Coatings of Parylene are often applied to electronic circuits and other equipment as electrical insulation, moisture barriers or protection against corrosion and chemical attack. They are also used to reduce friction, and in medicine to prevent adverse reactions to implanted devices. Parylene is also considered a "green" polymer because its polymerization needs no initiator or other chemicals to terminate the chain; and the coatings can be applied at or near room temperature, without any solvent.

Parylene-C may confer several desirable qualities to the coated parts. Among other properties, it is

  • Hydrophobic, chemically resistant, and mostly impermeable to gases (including water vapor) and inorganic and organic liquids (including strong acids and bases).
  • Good electrical insulator with a low dielectric constant.
  • Stable and accepted in biological tissues, having been approved by the US FDA for various medical applications.
  • Dense and pinhole free, for thickness above 1.4 nm.
  • Homogeneous and uniformly thick, even within cavities.

Parylene C and to a lesser extent AF-4, SF, HT are used for coating printed circuit boards and medical devices. There are numerous other applications as Parylene is an excellent moisture barrier.

It is the most bio-accepted coating for stents, defibrillators, capsules, pacemakers, and other devices permanently or temporarily implanted into the body. These facts above and the research that has been done before in the field of capsules(Mimee et al., 2018) are what allowed us to make the choice to coat our electronics with Parylene-C

Sensor Electrodes

In comparison to last year, we completely redesigned the electrode system.

Figure 8: A 3D model of the sensor electrodes, in the middle we have the reference electrode, on the left we have the counter and on the right we have the working.

We took a completely different approach and took inspiration from electrodes used in diabetes patches and water pollution sensors. Whilst also sticking to our bibliography on what electrodes would work for our purposes.
The choice of electrodes was the following, a gold electrode as the standard one, a silver chloride as the counter electrode and a platinum electrode as the reference one. These choices of electrodes are the exact ones that are used for the detection of SCFA’s as shown here(Vanarsdale et al., 2020). Unfortunately we did not have the resources to test them in the lab.


Our system prototype was implemented with the help of the famous Arduino board and a few other parts that will be discussed below. We concluded to work with the Arduino for the first prototype of the system as a way, to prove that our idea could be implemented and most importantly if the app that we had designed worked with our capsule design and specifications.

Prototype analysis

Our prototype worked with the use of a HC-05 Bluetooth antenna. We used the antenna to wirelessly send the data that we got from our model[d] to the application[e] we had created that was on an Android phone. We also implemented the use of two LEDs to help visualize when data was sent to e-AMALTHEA. We implemented a time pause of five seconds between each transfer, to simulate the real-world scenario we had designed mathematically.

So, when the blue light is on that means data is being transferred and when the orange light is on that means no data is being transferred. Below you can find the code we used to implement the prototype.

Prototype parts

  • Arduino uno
  • HC-05
  • Breadboard
  • 2 LEDs
  • 2 Resistors

Future Vision

Although currently still in the prototyping phase, we have investigated the future development and commercial production of our design, which can be used as any other medicine you can purchase from the pharmacy. Our main focus in this early stage is to push our product into production with the help of a pharmaceutical company capable of handling such a product. The achieved goal of a partnership with a big pharmaceutical is the cost of production of the capsule to be lessened, and subsequently the sale cost to be lower, thus making it more accessible to a broader socio-economic spectrum of patients.

Our goal is to create a holistic package that includes the capsule, the application, and the probiotic. Each part is fully functional, but combined they are more effective.


  1. Liu, H. Y., Wang, G., Wei, K., Pi, X. T., Zhu, L., Zheng, X. L., & Wen, Z. Y. (2010). An intelligent electronic capsule system for automated detection of gastrointestinal bleeding. Journal of Zhejiang University: Science B, 11(12), 937–943.

  2. Mimee, M., Nadeau, P., Hayward, A., Carim, S., Flanagan, S., Jerger, L., Collins, J., Mcdonnell, S., Swartwout, R., Citorik, R. J., Bulović, V., Langer, R., Traverso, G., Chandrakasan, A. P., & Lu, T. K. (n.d.). An ingestible bacterial-electronic system to monitor gastrointestinal health.

  3. Paraskevas Kitsos, Nicolas Sklavos, Kyriakos Papadomanolakis, and Odysseas Koufopavlou University of Patras, Greece. (2003). Hardware Implementation of Bluetooth Security.

  4. Min, J., Yang, Y., Wu, Z., & Gao, W. (2020). Robotics in the Gut. Advanced Therapeutics, 3(4).

  5. Vanarsdale, E., Hörnström, D., Sjöberg, G., Järbur, I., Pitzer, J., Payne, G. F., van Maris, A. J. A., & Bentley, W. E. (2020). A coculture based tyrosine-tyrosinase electrochemical gene circuit for connecting cellular communication with electronic networks. ACS Synthetic Biology, 9(5), 1117–1128.

  6. Zhao, K., Yan, G., Lu, L., & Xu, F. (2015). Low-Power Wireless Electronic Capsule for Long-Term Gastrointestinal Monitoring. Journal of Medical Systems, 39(2).

  7. Zhuang, Y., Hou, W., Zheng, X., Wang, Z., Zheng, J., Pi, X., Cui, J., Jiang, Y., Qian, S., & Peng, C. (2011). A MEMS-based electronic capsule for time-controlled drug delivery in the alimentary canal. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 169(1), 211–216.