HeLa cultivation
Medium: Gibco Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium + 10% FBS + 1% PenStrep.
Washing buffer: phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).
Detaching Reagent: Trypsin-EDTA.
Staining solution: Trypanblue.
All cell cultivation work was performed on a safety cabinet under aseptic conditions. Culture medium is stored in the fridge at 8 ° C, while trypsin has to be stored in the freezer at -20° C. The PBS was stored at RT. The culture media as well as the enzymes used were warmed to RT before use. The cultivation was carried out at 37 °C and 5% CO2. To cultivate the cells, cell culture flasks in 2 sizes were used (T75 and T25).
HeLa cells are adherent, as a result, the given space is limited. To ensure that the cells don’t overgrow each other, they have to split into several flasks to give them enough space.
1. Remove the medium.
2. Wash with PBS.
3. Add 2 ml Trypsin-EDTA (1x).
4. Incubate at 37 °C for 5 min (until cells are detached).
5. Transfer cells into a 10 ml falcon.
6. Centriuge at 2000 rpm for 5 min.
7. The pellet is resuspended in medium and then divided into new T75 flasks. If necessary the cells can be counted.
For the live cell imaging experiments, as well as for the correct cultivation, the determination of the cell number is necessary. To count the cells, a Neubauer chamber and Trypanblue is used.
1. Detach the cells as described before.
2. Resuspend the cell pellet in 1 ml medium.
3. Take 20 μl of the cell suspension and add 80 μl Trypanblue.
4. Transfer 20 μl to the Neubauer chamber.
5. The number of cells is counted under a microscope.
6. The total number of cells (zz) is calculated by multiplication of the dilution factor, cell number, the voulum of the sample and the factor 10^4:
zz = counted cell number * 5 * 10^4 * 1
First irradiation Experiment with intracellular Dsup in E. coli
1. Apply approximately 10 µg protein per sample, if needed dilute the sample.
2. Mix 7,5 µL of the samples with 7,5 µL 2x SDS loading buffer.
3. Boil at 95 °C for 10 min.
4. Apply 5 µL of marker and 15 µL of each sample mixed with loading buffer.
5. Run SDS-PAGE for 1,5 h at 100 V and 200 mA.
6. Stain with Coomassie for 40 min.
7. Destain with 20 % acetic acid for 60 min and subsequently with ddH2O overnight
Second irradiation experiment with E.coli
To eliminate the potential of a negative effect by the antibiotic on the cells, no ampicillin was used in the second experiment. There weren’t enough materials for a complete second experiment with triplicates for each genotype. Therefore, the same genotype with C-terminal His-Tagged Dsup as in the extracellular experiments was used, for better comparison. To minimize the variability introduced by the many dilution steps, the cells were only grown to a OD600 of 0,1. Please read the according paragraph in the troubleshooting section for further information about the difficulties of this experiment.
1. Inoculate 5 mL LB Medium with cells.
2. Add 50 µL 200 g/L Arabinose, except to the negative control.
3. A OD600 0,1 value was reached after approximately 3 h.
4. Dilute the suspension directly in 1:10 dilution steps to a total dilution of 10-5.
5. Plate 100 µL of the 10-5 diluted suspension on agar-LB-plates.
6. Incubate a 30 °C for 30 min.
7. Irradiate the cells at 100 µJ/cm2 without the cover of the agar plate.
8. Cover the plates again and place them back into the incubator.
9. Let the cells grow overnight at 30 °C.
10. Count the colonies on the next day.
Live Cell Imaging
The Zeiss Axio Observer system with an integrated incubator was used for the live cell imaging experiments. The cells were incubated under standard conditions. In most live cell imaging experiments, the structures of the cell are stained. We would like to exclude the influence of a fluorophore on the protein, therefore the experiments were carried out without fluorophores. To achieve a realistic experimental setup, the cells were irradiated with a wavelength of 380 nm. Although there are only a few dyes that are excited at this wavelength (1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid), this range already belongs to UVA radiation. UVA is the lowest-energy form of UV radiation, but it can pass through the earth's atmosphere unhindered. [1]
For the live cell imaging experiments Hela cells were used. First, a setting had to be found which shows a phototoxic effect, but which does not immediately kill the cells. Such a setting would not correspond to a real experiment and no differences would occur between positive and negative control. Under these conditions, the DNA protection potential of intracellularly Dsup should be verified. Unfortionally, the Gibson assembly for the Hela plasmid did not work. Therefore, this part could not be performed. The other part is to test the extracellular Dsup protection potential. For this part, the purified Dsup is added to the media of the Hela cells.
[1] https://www.bfs.de/DE/themen/opt/uv/einfuehrung/einfuehrung_node.html (20.10.2021)
Experimental setup
- Two times: Seed 30 000 HeLa cells to a confocal dish (20 mm)
(one positive control without any treatment)
- Transfer the dish into the incubator Axio Observer (37 °C and 5% CO2)
- Choose settings by ZEN 3.1 (blue edition)
Two blocks can be set up. The first block is identical for each test. The cells were only exposed to brightfield every 15 min for 20 h. They can recover from the transport to the microscope. The second block (approximate 52 h) determines phototoxicity. The setups for block two are shown in the following table.
For the extracellular experiment, the settings of test 3 were chosen. A quadripartite confocal dish was used to test different Dsup concentrations:
- Seed 18 000 HeLa cells per quarter
- Add different amounts of purified Dsup to the media (0 ng, 450 ng, 4500 ng, 0,1125 mg)
- Choose settings of Test 3 by ZEN 3.1
- Transfer the dish into the incubator Axio Observer (37 °C and 5% CO2)