Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic and the consequential restrictions it was not allowed to be more than 4 people in one room. Therefore it took a long time until all the teammates have met each other in real life. Because we felt the need to improve our team spirit we early started with organizing online game nights.
Game nights
At first we started online game nights just for our team, so we got to know each other better. But soon we also wanted to use the opportunity of the iGEM competition to reach out to teams all over the world. On the first international game night iGEM team Aboa from Sweden. We got to play online games like scribble and Gartic phone and had lots of fun. On the second international game night iGEM Aboa and iGEM Moscow join us. We had good talks and a good connection. Also we learned a lot about their projects and their teams.
Russian Meetup
In the early phase of the iGEM competition this year the iGem Team of Russia reached out to us in order to let us participate in the Meetup and present our project. The Meetup included presentations and prepared workshops of different Teams of iGEM, as well as arranged lectures with experts. For those who did not have a presentation at that time or were not even a member of a Team participating in the iGEM, there was still the possibility given to attend the Meetup to learn about projects that can take place in the field of synthetic biology or project management in general. We were happy to present our work we had done so far and want to thank the responsible russian iGEM-Teams for this opportunity.
Baden Württemberg Meetup
Working on a project is especially fun if you are interested in the project, if you want to explain your visions and if you want to share your results you get over time. While the interest during the working time of the project is very much limited to the own one, the interest towards the end of such an intensive competition also shifts to the work of other teams to see what their project ideas were in the field of diverse biological technology. Our team, despite the sometimes-stressful final phase of the iGEM competition, was able to find two teams who were willing to participate. They met us to talk about our projects and the lessons we learned. Among the participating teams were Team Patras and Team Heidelberg. The MeetUp took place online.
Postcard project
At the end of May iGEM Duesseldorf reached out to us. To contribute to the connections between the iGEM teams in germany they were planning a postcard collection. And well, who doesn't love receiving postcards from all over the world? Friends and families send postcards to show where they are at the moment or where they have decided to spend their vacation. Most of the time, people choose the postcard that shows what they consider to be the most beautiful. A postcard should appeal to people and there are usually no limits to creativity. We therefore find the idea of the igem team darmstadt particularly good. And the results of all participating teams show why. We were pleased to see which creative minds took part in the igem competition and could only be positively amazed by the postcards.