

Mathematical Modeling of platform-responsiveness "Math never lies"

Mathematical modelling is a powerful tool for verifying and evaluating synthetic biology solutions…….. In this mathematical model, we will consider the effect of the introduction of TMP, Riboswitch, and Toehold Switch into the system. We believe this model was able to Increase the expression and effectiveness of the vaccine, provide an auto-regulatory function to the platform and provide methods for the termination of the vaccine.

Our Circuit design

TMP ToeHoldOn Antibody ChimVac
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0

The truth tables briefly illustrates the logic gates used in our design that’s diagramed using logisim tool software. It represents the decision made in the whole system which consists of 2 AND gates and finally, OR gates.

Parameter Symbol Unit Description Estimation
syn_mRNA1 Co molL-1min-1 Synthesis rate of the DD-MS2 7.58e-06
syn_mRNA2 C1 molL-1min-1 Synthesis rate of Toeholdon 7.20e-06
syn_mRNA3 C2 molL-1min-1 Synthesis rate of VLPvac 8.76e-06
syn_Pep C3 min-1 Synthesis rate of the protein 2.07e-05
deg_Pep d1 min-1 Degradation rate of the protein 5.38e-3
Pep1max µo molL-1 Maximal protein concentration factor 4.87e-10
Pep2max µ1 molL-1 Maximal protein concentration factor 1.11e-05
Kleak Ko molL-1min-1 Basal leakiness transcription rate 8.96e-06
Kleak1 K1 molL-1min-1 Basal leakiness transcription rate 2.08e-06
deg_mRNA do min-1 Degradation rate of the mRNA 0.1386
state1 Lo dimensionless The state of the input 0 or 1
state2 L1 dimensionless The state of the input 0 or 1
Source: Balleza, E., Kim, J. M., and Cluzel, P. Systematic characterization of maturation time of fluorescent proteins in living cells. (2018). Nat. Methods 15, 47

Equations of AND gate

(Co) represents the synthesis rate of the DD-MS2 related to the state of the input1, (do) represents the degradation rate of mRNA so, it is to acquire the safety which Riboswitch fused with destabilizing domain (DD) that is controllable by TMP administration that acts as small molecule inhibitor to inhibit transcription if the circuit is uncontrollable, (C3) represents the rate of the protein , (d1) represents the degradation rate of the protein, mRNA2 and (C1) represents the synthesis rate of Toeholdon related to the state of the input.2 which ToeholdOnmotif switch upstream to vaccine that bind miRNA indicating increased tumor growth in order to remove the inhibitory effect of Riboswitch to make more copies of transcripts to combat cancer cells, (µo, µ1) represents the maximum concentration factor of the proteins ,(C2) represents the synthesis rate of the VLPvac and the expression of the vaccine depend on absence of TMP and removing the inhibitory effect of Riboswitches or binding of miRNA to upstream Toehold switch.


Figure1: Model simulation results for the AND logic gate with four state inputs (00, 01, 10, 11) generated from The SBML and SED-ML files contained in the COMBINE archive OMEX format. Blue plot achieves the maximum concentration at 1.6 after 700 seconds which represents the presence of 2 inputs in the AND (absence of TMP and binding of miRNA to toeholdOn switch upstream to the vaccine) and the red plot represents the inhibition of the transcription in absence of one of the two inputs wither the presence of the TMP so stabilized the destabilizing domain and inhibiting the circuit or absence of binding of miRNA to ToeholdOn switch

Equations of NOT gate

(Co) represents the synthesis rate of the DD-MS2, (do) represents the degradation rate of mRNA so, it is to acquire the safety which Riboswitch fused with destabilizing domain (DD) that is controllable by TMP administration that acts as small molecule inhibitor to inhibit transcription if the circuit is uncontrollable, (C3) represents the rate of the protein , (d1) represents the degradation rate of the protein, mRNA2 and (C1) represents the synthesis rate of Toeholdon which ToeholdOnmotif switch upstream to vaccine that bind miRNA indicating increased tumor growth in order to remove the inhibitory effect of Riboswitch to make more copies of transcripts to combat cancer cells, (µo) represents the maximum concentration factor of the protein, Kmax represents the Maximal repression capacity, and the expression of the vaccine depend on absence of TMP and removing the inhibitory effect of Riboswitches or binding of miRNA to upstream Toehold switch. *The higher upper bound of 𝑃𝑒𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 is to ensure that the estimated mRNA level is settled at the same order of magnitude of the protein level.


Figure2: Model simulation results for the NOT logic gate with two state inputs (0, 1) generated from The SBML and SED-ML files contained in the COMBINE archive OMEX format. In the simulation of mass action kinetics of DD_MS2 which controlled by TMP, the blue plot represents that the steady state that is achieved after 700 seconds in the absence of TMP and the red plot represent the inhibition of the transcription through binding of MS2 to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) to terminate the transcription if the circuit is uncontrollable.

Equations of OR gate

(Co) represents the synthesis rate of the DD-MS2 related to the state of the input1, (do) represents the degradation rate of mRNA so, it is to acquire the safety which Riboswitch fused with destabilizing domain (DD) that is controllable by TMP administration that acts as small molecule inhibitor to inhibit transcription if the circuit is uncontrollable, (C3) represents the rate of the protein , (d1) represents the degradation rate of the protein, mRNA2 and (C1) represents the synthesis rate of Toeholdon related to the state of the input.2 which ToeholdOnmotif switch upstream to vaccine that bind miRNA indicating increased tumor growth in order to remove the inhibitory effect of Riboswitch to make more copies of transcripts to combat cancer cells, (µ) represents the maximum concentration factor of the proteins ,(C2) represents the synthesis rate of the VLPvac and the expression of the vaccine depend on absence of TMP and removing the inhibitory effect of Riboswitches or binding of miRNA to upstream Toehold switch.


Figure3: Model simulation results for the OR logic gate with four state inputs (00, 01, 10, 11) generated from The SBML and SED-ML files contained in the COMBINE archive OMEX format. Blue plot represent activation of both AND gates will give a high expression rate after 700 second with concentration of 1.75 and in presence of only one of the 2 AND gate will decrease the rate of the expression with concentration of 0.75 and inhibition of the circuit is achieved by presence of TMP and non-binding of miRNA as shown in red plot

Dynamics of Riboswitches

This year the team designed 2 Riboswitches:

dCas13-L7Ae fused by Gly Ser linker: that has an inhibitory effect on the transcription by binding to its kink-turn. It is cell specific design by binding to mRNA of PD-L1 which has an immune evasion role in the cancerous environment especially TLCs.

DD-MS2: which is dependent on TMP to be administered in uncontrolled cases to stabilize DD therefore, inhibiting the circuit via binding of MS2 to its small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP)

Parameter Symbol Unit Description Estimation
mRNA1on O mRNA the number of mRNA1on 1
MS2 A protein the number of MS2 1
mRNA2off B mRNA the number of mRNA2off 1
mRNA2on T mRNA the number of mRNA2on 1
PP7 R protein the number of PP7 1
mRNA3on Q mRNA the number of mRNA3on 1
mRNA3off M mRNA the number of mRNA3off 1
mRNA1off V mRNA the number of mRNA1off 1
dmRNA1on min-1 cleavage rate of dmRNA1on 0.104
dmRNA2on min-1 cleavage rate of dmRNA2on 0.1386
dmRNA3on min-1 cleavage rate of dmRNA3on 0.197
dmRNA1off min-1 cleavage rate of dmRNA1off 0.085
dmRNA2off min-1 cleavage rate of dmRNA2off 0.073
dmRNA3off min-1 cleavage rate of dmRNA3off 0.015
dMS2 peptide chain*min-1 degradation rate of MS2 1.67*10-3
dPP7 peptide chain*min-1 degradation rate of PP7 1.67*10-3
pMS2 min-1 translation rate of MS2 27.660
pPP7 min-1 translation rate of PP7 11.277
Cr1 min-1 transcription rate of mRNA1 14.400
Cr2 min-1 transcription rate of mRNA2 0.144
Cr3 min-1 transcription rate of mRNA3 2.400
k1 dimensionless constant of the second order reaction MS2 and mRNA2off 6*10-6
k2 dimensionless constant of the second order reaction MS2 and mRNA3on 7.22*10-6
k3 dimensionless constant of the second order reaction PP7 and mRNA1on 6.8*10-6
Table (1) shows Major used parameters and variables.

Equations of Riboswitch

Simulation in the level of mRNA

Figure (4) Q represents the binding state of riboswitch and M represents the inhibitory state of the circuit. M showed an accumulation of non-translated mRNA In the inhibition state that reach the steady state after 5000 time units at concentration 1.1 dimensional unit

Simulation in the level of protein

Figure (5) P2 which represents the binding state shown inhibition Throughout the time which conclude inhibition of the circuit. On the other hand, P1 which represents removing the inhibitory effect Of riboswitches showed increased transcription of the circuit Which reach the steady state after about 200 time units At concentration of 160000 dimensional units

In-silico thermodynamic modeling of Toehold switches

After designing the 2 toehold switches in our circuit to construct an environment-sensitive system, we modeled the structural stability using NUPACK that predicts secondary structures of single stranded RNA with mean free energy (MFE).

Minimal Free Energy (MFE) Difference:

The binding of the toehold switch to the trigger must be preferable to both the toehold switch and the trigger in their unbound states. A metric for quantifying the favorability and spontaneity of binding is the change in Gibbs free energy (G). Because a lower G in the bound state indicates higher favorability, it has to be lower than the total of G in the toehold and G in the trigger in the unbound state.

MFE = ΔGbound - (ΔGtoehold + ΔGtrigger)

Toehold degrader switch:

Unbound state:

Figure (1) MFE secondary structure of Toeholdegrader only.
Figure (2) MFE secondary structure of trigger only.

Bound state:

Figure (3) MFE secondary structure of Toeholdegrader bound to trigger.

MFE = ΔGbound - (ΔGtoehold + ΔGtrigger)

MFE = -51.80 - (-27.20 -4.80) = -19.8 which indicates a high stability of the bound state between toehold degrader and miRNA(trigger)

Toehold On switch:

Figure (4) MFE secondary structure of Trigger only.
Figure (5) MFE secondary structure of Toehold On only.

Unbound state:

Figure (6) MFE secondary structure of ToeholdOn bound to trigger.

MFE = ΔGbound - (ΔGtoehold + ΔGtrigger)

MFE = -45.40 - (-24.40 -1.90) = -19.1 which indicates a high stability of the bound state between toehold degrader and miRNA (trigger)

Mathematical Modeling of Apoptotic cell population

In order to simulate the dynamics of apoptotic cell population of Hbax we used a system of ODEs and fitted parameters based of previous experimental data which can initiate a cascades of activation of apoptosis proteins results in the activation of ATR and p53 proteins. As a response to the DNA damage, the proapoptosis proteins, such as Bax and Bak, will be activated, leading to the opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore. This triggers the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria into the cytosol. On the other hand, the antiapoptosis protein, such as Bcl-2, will inhibit the release of cytochrome c. Cytochrome c will bind with Apaf-1 and activate caspase 9. Activated caspase 9 will then cleave and activate downstream caspases, such as caspase 3, which is also known as the apoptosis executor protein.

K21 s−11
K41 s−11
K61 s−11
K81 s−11
K101 s−11
K131 s−11
K141 s−11
K161 s−10.5
K181 s−11
Table (1) shows Major used parameters and Reaction rate constants for biochemical kinetics used in the simulation.
Figure (1) A schematic model of the three apoptosis signaling pathways

Equation of Apoptotic cell population


Figure (2) Plotting of apoptotic cell population. As shown in the graph, B represent the concentration of Bax and AP represent the apoptosis signaling. It's concluded that, there is a directly proportional relationship between Bax and cancer cells apoptosis (apoptotic signal).


Melisa Hendrata, Janti Sudiono, "A Computational Model for Investigating Tumor Apoptosis Induced by Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Secretome", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2016, Article ID 4910603, 17 pages, 2016.

Modeling the immune response of the vaccine

Immune validation and computational simulation of the immune-specific interaction potential according to the amount of antigen introduced were performed to estimate the number of vaccine injections required along a period of 6 months.

Figure (1) shows The variations in immunoglobulins (IgM & IgG) levels among different number of vaccine injections in 6 months
Figure (2) shows the cytokine levels induced by different number of injections of the vaccine provided along a period of 6 months. This plot also elucidates the IL-2 levels using a Simpson index, in addition to a measurement of diversity (D-value) indicating the diversity of emergence of various epitope-specific dominant T-cell clones
Figure (3) illustrates the amount of generated active plasma B-cells showing the concentration of secreted antibodies. We can notice significant rise in the level of IgM isotype from (12 IgM-secreting plasma B-cells/mm3) by one dose injection up to almost (40 IgM-secreting plasma B-C/mm3) with 2 injections along 180 days and finally slightly observed increase above the previous level with 3 doses injection.
Figure (4) shows the total count of CD4-T cell population, classified into Active, Resting, Anergic and Duplicating T-helper cells
Figure (5) shows CD8 T-cytotoxic lymphocytic count per entity-state, as well as, the total memory and not memory TC-population.
Figure (6) represents the total number of dendritic and epithelial cells population sorted per-state into active, resting, internalized and presenting the antigen.

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