
Attribution Page

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Dr. Ayman Shawky

  • Essential role in building up the team and assigning the best instructors.
  • His presence was crucial in assisting us in evaluating the viability of our early ideas and then tailoring our final one into our project.
  • He always had our backs,providing us with constant support and encouragement
  • He also assisted us greatly with the financial aspects of our project.
  • Facilitated us during locating specialists who might assist us with lab tests and provided us with important information
  • He made it run so smooth regarding all the paperwork and legalization
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Prof Wagida A. Anwar

  • Working as a public health professor, helped the team regarding Breast cancer statistics worldwide especially in Egypt.
  • Revised the medical aspect of the project.
  • Reaching out with administrations of the institutions that we visited throughout the season including field visits and labs.
  • Monitored team AFCM recruitment and the registration process.
  • Continuously paved the way for the team by creating chances to stand out like meeting up with different professionals and provision of technical support.
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Mohamed Tarek

  • Instructed the scientific committee including Directed Evolution, vaccine design,and vector design.
  • Conducted the parts modification, characterization, and modification.
  • Supervised the designing of the logic gate system and modularity of the circuit.
  • Supervised vaccine engineering, modularity, and logic gates.
  • Bossed implementing, and running the math models in Colab
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Yasser Ayman

  • Participated in the qualifying and recruitment process of this year’s team.
  • Instructed and reviewed team members' monthly reports, making sure everyone does his job description.
  • Instructed the media team to manage iGEM media projects.
  • Introducing ideas for video scenarios and wiki ideas.
  • Directed, filmed and edited Team Promotion Video and Main Presentation Video.
  • Organizing team's events (Baheya, Ghamra Military Hospital and Synfair 2021).
  • Providing support and help to the team members.
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Muhammad Rashwan

  • Participated in the qualifying and recruitment process of this year’s team
  • Introduced the new team to the human practices work and this year’s project
  • Observed and assessed the newbies
  • Instructed and reviewed the work of the human practices team
  • Provided support for the team concerning judging issues
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Howida Samir

  • Made it possible for the AFCM team to join the 2021 competition by handling the registration process.
  • Major role in recruitment of the AFCM iGEM team.
  • Piloted all of the legal obligations required for our field visits and guided formal team meetings.
  • Planned and prepared the 2021 AFCM synfair and delivered the content to the student attendees then followed up their projects.
  • Instructed and monitored the team technically inside and outside the labs.
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Dr. Muhammad Ezzat El-Fakharany

  • He was constantly available and engaging in our different events, and he gave us advice on our presentation.
  • Dr. Muhammad handled all communication with potential sponsors, other iGEM teams, and the press with which we cooperated
  • He offered suggestions for our brainstorming session and project.
  • He gave helpful advice on how to organize a team, gather data, and deal with both external and internal communication.
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Mahmoud Abdel Gawad

  • He was our go-to guy for all things HP, coordinating Hp and collaborations and assisting our HP team with the formation of the Hp agenda.
  • Stayed on top of each team's work throughout the project's duration.
  • He also aided us. And played a key role in the role allocation, strategic planning and orchestration of the Hp team.
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Mohamed Osama

  • Carried out different design used in the wiki
  • Monitoring poster designs made by students in the synfair.
  • Helps in organizing the human practices activity.
  • Designed AFCM iGEM uniforms (T-shirts and sweatshirts).
  • Created the poster & the Logo of the AFCM team.
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Ahmed Adel Rezk

  • Directed Evolution
  • Engineering of the genetic circuit for our vaccine.
  • Collaborating with the Kenyan iGEM team.
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Ahmed Elshewikhy

  • Instruct and observe all the tasks in the scientific committee including Directed Evolution, vaccine design,and vector design.
  • Participated in the engineering of the genetic circuit for our vaccine.
  • Reviewing the documentation of the scientific parts.
  • Participated in the 2021 Synfair and helped to conduct knowledge about scientific research to students from different school ages.
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Ahmed Wael Mansour

  • Engineering of the vector
  • Designing the logic gate system and modularity of the circuit
  • Directed Evolution & Validity
  • Parts Characterization and description
  • Helped in organizing the synfair and human practice collaborations
  • Worked on vaccine engineering and modeling.
  • Documentation of the scientific parts and implementation of idea
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Saif Wahba

  • Development of the costommune startup requirements including problem and solution definitions, market analysis, stakeholder analysis, costs analysis,regulation description, funding for the product through reaching out for local and international related grants as well as addressing contract development and manufacturing companies in the region.
  • Conducting human practices approaches.
  • Development of the team AFCM framework which guided our path over the course of the season.
  • Reaching out for professionals (under the title of integrated human practices) when our team was facing technical issues and needed consultancy.
  • Monitored team to team outreaching that took place in the form of collaborations and our constant meeting in the partnership with team Kenya.
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Ahmed Gamal Mattar

  • Mathematical modeling of the vaccine parts and efficiency.
  • Vaccine engineering and logic gates.
  • Directed evolution and results validity.
  • Parts assembly and characterizations.
  • Participated in organizing the synfair.
  • Participated in the survey taking in ghamra hospital.
  • Collaborating with the Kenyan team about mathematical modeling and drawing circuits using software tools.
  • Documentation of the scientific parts.
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Eyad Haider

  • Created and designed the structure and questions of the vector vaccine survey and documented the results.
  • Assisted in the conduct of the questionnaires in Ghamra hospital as well
  • Got enrolled in interviewing the role model astrophysicist Sarafina Nance (under the title of integrated human practices)
  • Attended the AFCM Synfair In a highly interactive learning atmosphere, as a school student usher for primary, preparatory and high school students where students showcased their projects and work.
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Moetaz Radwan

  • Was in charge of conducting a survey about the familiarity of medical students and professors about the topics of Synthetic-biology and genetic engineering.
  • Conducted human practices approaches.
  • Helped in conducting the result analysis process and their documentation.
  • Documentation of all of our field visits.
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Ahmed Tarek El-gamily

  • Wiki Design
  • Wki Development
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Ahmed Eid

  • Promotion and main video taking and editing
  • Organiser at the synfair 2021
  • Helped document team’s attributions and acknowledgements.
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Omar Abdullah

  • Writing scripts for the main presentation
  • Directed evolution
  • Organised the 2021 synfair
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Abdelrahman Khalifa

  • Vaccine design
  • Directed evolution
  • parts modification
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Mohamed Eldoliel

  • Translating activities as needed including, a short story called" war on germs" for team CCU_Taiwan, promotion video, and surveys.
  • Reached out for a sign language interpreter who gave us the help to offer our promotion video in sign language.
  • Shared in conducting human practices approaches
  • Shared in fixing the meetings with religious representatives locally to clarify the local religious point of view regarding gene editing.
  • Created the rapport with Ain Shams medical students who made a campaign called FAC "Fekra Awareness Campaign" who organised our visit to Ain Shams University.
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Mahmoud Sayed Fawzy

  • Implementing, and running the math models in Colab
  • Graphic designer who assisted us in editing the presentational video and played a key role in the creation of our videos in a variety of ways
  • Artwork for the WiKi and poster
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Mahmoud Abd-Elmonem:

  • Part of the scientific committee of the team, specialized in directed evolution.
  • Helped document the scientific aspect of the project.
  • Worked on optimizing the Non-Structural Proteins (NSPs) used in our alpha-viral vector.
  • Took part in Improving on last year’s multi-epitope vaccine by incorporating them with the Hepatitis B core antigen to produce various Virus-Like Particles (VLPs).
  • Has an experience with Colab notebooks and how to use their codes to predict and produce information that is beneficial to our vaccine model.
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Mohamed Hasouna

  • Part of the scientific committee of the team, specialized in aptamers evolution and vector design.
  • Directed evolution.
  • Parts characterization and documentation.
  • Modularity and logic gates.
  • Organizer at the 2021 synfair.
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Omar Fouad

  • Modularity of circuits
  • Illustrations in our papers
  • vaccine design
  • Participated in the synfair , survey of ghamra hospital , the team's visits to Baheya
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Ahmed Gehad

  • Conducting teams' field visits and health events.
  • Write a formal email which we fixed as an introduction to our team for facilitating outreach mechanisms.
  • Translate the script of the promotion video to French and German as well as recording the German version of the video (voice over).
  • Attended the AFCM synfair as an invigilator. Later supervising high school students' team projects.
  • Updated the Wikipedia forum by uploading a word article made up of 1600 words explaining synbio and genetic engineering approaches in the Arabic language.


Prof. Azza El Adawy (Head of Parasitology Department at AFCM)
Dr. Abdelbari Prince (Molecular biologist)
Astrophysicist. Sarafina Nance

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